The Birds are comming


I´ve found this over at simMarket: FS BIRDS SOUTHEAST USA

Did they have a full collision modell, so bird strike would be a thing?


The latest update indicates NorthEast USA coverage as well:


So 10 bucks a pop x4 to get birds in the US, likely 4 areas more for the EU, Africa/Asia/Oceania 3-6 slices = $110-140 to get birds worldwide. Yes, that business plan has been proven to work very well over and over again.

Edit: Oops, sorry South America and Canada, forgot you (you’re used to that, right?) :slight_smile:


…So shortly someone will write that the birds fly poorly, are too thin, the color is too bright, the feathers are few.


I see they have the Canada Goose, will liveries be available for lessers? Specklebelly? :stuck_out_tongue:

I took a peak and it is neat, curerntly only a small potion of the Eastern US is available (South and North Eastern).

It adds something to see but I don’t think there’s any dynamics built in for a strike?


I wonder if the ground birds will show at 3rd party airports? I guess not, does anyone know?

You get a price reducction if you already own any of the packages

I’ve read the blurb on their website @CasualClick linked to - apparently not. Not sure if the FS damage model allows for triggering failures this way, not to mention subtle ones, damages of the airframe/windshield or just the feel of the impact (I happen to know how a single seagull hitting a wing can make a 3 ton plane shake)…

Since you don’t usually notice birds when airborne, it looks like it#s mostly some nice-to-have stuff while on the ground, looking up against a cloud background etc.

BTW, years ago in XP:

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The question is not can bird strikes be modelled, but rather will killing of animals endanger the PEGI rating?

I am sure everyone will be ‘flocking’ to buy this when released for their region! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



Hahaha that’s the way it goes :joy:


And you forget to mention “Live Birds Traffic” will be a mess aswell.

Although bird strike would be a desirable thing for realism (obv not for the birds), I’m still far more concerned about CTD strike.

I’d be curious as to how the birds plumage will interact with seasons? Not very realistic to have a fully plumed and vibrant mallard in early spring :slight_smile:

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They gotta poop, or I’m not buying it. Just kidding!

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Has anyone had trouble seeing/finding these birds? I purchased the Southeast package over a week ago and I have yet to see the first bird. I’ve been taking nearly hour long flights specifically trying to find one.

For those of you who have this download, is there anything that I can try (time of day, location, aircraft) to help locate them?

I see them yes and also have the Southeast package.

I see pigeons around the GA parking areas, and birds flying around.

That looks awesome. How long does it take to notice them from the time you start a flight?

It’s randomized.

And species depends on location (have to buy individual locations).

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You said you have the Southeast Package as well, so which airport were you able to take those photos? That way I can give the GA parking lot a look.