The Halo spaceship DLC

Rather, gotta have a driveable Warthog to get to the spaceport to get to your Pelican.


Now I know that Msfs2020 really is a game, not a real flight simulator.

Probably good for Microsoft revenue though.

Pity they still can’t fix the AI traffic taking so long to clear the runway, causing endless go-arounds at major airports.

Maybe we should all be flying spaceships instead of aircraft?


Cant use it, its got one of the 'NUG’s on board thats against the rules ;p

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Where did you get that gun from?

Actually, It is a GAME and it was marketed as a “Flight Simulator GAME”
that is why they keep adding Game Candy and not fixing existing BUGS.


It may be ‘sim’ but it’s no longer a real ‘flight simulator’.

It’s a teenage Xbox game and brilliant scenery simulator, nothing more.

It’s certainly not what was advertised and definitely not what I paid for.

It is however a perfect example of Microsoft marketing. Brilliant but, some may believe, also dishonest.

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Sorry guys - but I like it, I shamelessly admit :slight_smile: My new guilty pleasure…

World domination - now!


I guess I will never see you in a corn field or anywhere else if I do not have that contraption in my inventory. You will probably appear as a hovering Cessna 152 !


Enjoy it. Really, I’m happy for you. My fault for falling for the Microsoft marketing.

I’m back to XP. A real flight sim.

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Beginning to wish I had not uninstalled my XP but I still have the key…smile


To be fair the airport was the private one at long acre farms right next to the maze that I saw on my New York Airport chart

I do not have any addons yet so I do not know what you may appear as in that contraption.

Can we have the Millennium Falcon next? Please… :grimacing:

Flew this new bird and am amazed at how great it is! Thanks a million…

Kind regards.

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I’m just using default scenery and I use my I phone map a lot with actual aviation charts maps I have for the US to do my US flight planning

Looking forward to XP12. I don’t begrudge others the lightweight fun they have in Msfs2020 though.

I was going to buy the Fenix A320 but after watching the latest live dev q&a, it’s clear that this will never be a true flight simulator.

In my opinion, Asobo have been stamped on by Microsoft and will never be allowed to develop Msfs2020 as a true flight simulator, despite their obvious brilliance.

Each to their own I guess but, for me, Msfs2020 will never be the flight simulator it was promised to be.

‘As real as it gets’ they said. They just weren’t talking about real flying.

Scenery, animals and spaceships on the other hand…

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Here you go :slight_smile:

Flying on Mars in X-Plane is great fun, ignore the fun police :rotating_light: . The Martian Chronicles

Anyway, back on topic - I like the Pelican, but wish it would go a bit higher and with a bit more oomph. I had aspirations of the stratosphere! In VR it looks great, like a big chunky spacious cabin.

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fun police :rofl: its flight simulator not kerby space program this kind of things does not belong in flight simulator


Free service provided by me if you consider X-Plane as a real simulator and want that image to be destroyed too :slight_smile:

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Good! These are the same crowd of folks who just couldn’t bear to see us boat lovers enjoy our 3rd party sea addons in MSFS! Glad MS Asobo showed them they too enjoy other little aspects of this sim engine.:rofl:

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Also some reminder of XP11s aircraft list which features the Space Shuttle Orbiter by default which is also a “spacecraft” :wink: