Throttle/Flaps/Mixture/Speedbrake/etc axis at 50% when exiting menu WU IV (

@Lerxst0, I saw you liked my post, but did you get it setup as I suggested? And is it working for you? And if you answered yes to both of those questions, are you gonna stick around??

Inquiring minds want to know. And I’m being nosy, and want to know if you took my advice!

I’m actually on vacation away from home this week, going home today. Can’t try it until I unpack and help my family settle back in. When I can try
your instructions I’ll be sure to come back and write.

It happens in 1.15.10 as well. Flying the BN2 Islander, I notice that the throttle, as well as prop levers retard to about half way. I also noticed that the toe brakes get held down, but not the parking brake. If I depress both toe brakes manually I can then move again.

Fixed by SU4 (

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Thanks. Marked solved.

  • Fixed resetting position peripheral input position when user exits the pause menu

Rest of patchnotes here: [RELEASE] Patch Notes ( Now Available!


For eventual stream of posts claiming this bug is not fixed, please see Throttle/Flaps/Mixture/Speedbrake/etc axis at 50% when exiting menu WU IV ( - #192 by LinerXiandra as you are probably describing a different issue.

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Maybe, but new throttle bugs have been introduced. Try the pits, move the trottle to different positions and enter / leave the menu to see what I mean …

A post was split to a new topic: COC: Harrassment and Stalking

Or, take the C152, move the throttle to anything you want, enter and leave the menu. It resets to 20%. Not sure if that’s an improvement…

If you spawn into the sim (and havn’t touched the controls yet), the ingame axis will not be synced to your controller. If you go in and out of the menu, it will sync (and as you describe, will move to a different position).

However, if you wiggle the axis in game so your controller and the game are in sync, and you go in and out of the escape menu, it will still be in sync coming back, instead of forcing a 50% position in game.

Thus, that’s this bug solved.

If you’d like the game to sync the throttle position on spawning into the sim, then I’d suggest you open up another thread/feature request for that.


Already filed and mentioned in the SU4 discussion:

I’m very excited to see that the 50% throttle/flaps/mix/etc from pause menu claims to have been fixed, even if someone above me already filed bugs indicating it hasn’t been fixed for certain planes.

Also excited to see all the supposed TBM930 fixes- hopefully in a few days we’ll have a clear picture of which improvements turned out to be actual improvements, and the overall balance of new bugs added vs old bugs fixed. MSFS might become usable again, once addons have been updated to work with it.

It would be really, really great to actually enjoy this game again for the first time in the 42 days the 50% bug existed for.

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This is not fixed. When i press escape and go back in the sim my throttle goes to idle and flaps and speedbrakes full. Very anoying.

@Eddrik84 Wow, that is really sad to read, but also sadly completely expected given many prior examples of Asobo claiming to have fixed something and it not being true. Does it happen in every plane you fly or just some/one?

I had the problem constantly and the update fixed it. I am therefore very happy. :grin:

But I realized an important thing. I have several controllers: 1 Throttle Engine (Throttle, Pitch and Mixture), 1 Thrustmaster TCA Quadant & Add-on, 1 TCA Stick, 1 Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant (not realy used, only bound on mixtures 2, 3, 4, for fun stuff).

After this update, Flaps, Speed brakes, Mixture and RPM axes have returned to the normal and expected behavior.

I just had an issue with the throttle and I think it also depends on the aircraft being used as well.

Single-engine airplanes typically have their throttle bound to the main Throttle axis (with no number). This is what I had on the SimMax TPM. On the other hand, I had bound the Throttle 1 and Throttle 2 axes on the TCA Quadrant.

When I left the escape menu, the sync could be done at the same time on the positions of the TPM (main Throttle) or on the TCA Quadrant (Throttle 1 & 2). Depending on the used device, this could be a problem.

So I re-bound the TCA Quadrant first lever to the main Throttle axis and unbound the second one. Now everything is ok for single-engine GA airplanes.

I think we have to be careful when using multiple controllers. We need to deactivate the unused/ghost axes and check the possible conflicts.

Sorry for my “French” English. I hope I was more or less clear in this feedback.

However, the workaround of switching to drone mode before going to the esc menu is still operational for those who still cannot fix the problem.

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I found out its only happening with the tca airbus throttle connected. If i disconnect it, the problem is solved.

I have a Honeycomb bravo, and so far it’s been working perfectly with everything I’ve tried since the update. That’s included the TBM, CJ-4, and, I think the A32NX. So far, it’s been a perfectly smooth ride, though I have transitioned from the ESC pause to the “real” pause (if that’s the right term), that basically is just that… It’s like the pause we’re all used to from past iterations in that your plane freezes and the rest of the world goes about it’s business, but unlike the so-called “active pause”, you’re not putting your life at risk by using it.

And it’s been there the whole time, it just was never mapped to anything by default. But I mapped it to P for on and CTRL-P for off, and it works great. Unless you need the menu for some reason, but now that’s safe to use because it doesn’t goof with your controls any more. For me anyway.

Honeycomb Bravo here. Escape key no longer sets throttle, and mixture axis to 50%. Woot Woot!


for me all works fine now


I am still having the throttle and spoilers issues, it seems it is solved for some but not for all…

I flew the Islander, Caravan, and 172 Classic, and neither exhibited this problem under SU4.