Thrustmaster TCA quadrant still not completely working

Yes, that’s exactly it. The whole range between idle and climb is the same as in-between the climb and Flex/MCT detent. In the real airbus it’s different (see picture)

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I think it has something to do with the start valve. The start valve doesn’t open correctly. With the “Set starter 1” the start valve open and closes rapidly. Instead it should open and close again at about 50% N2…
The position of the start valve you can see on the engine system page.

Is it implemented on the dev version already?

Not yet, but it’s being tested today probably. If that’s successful then it’ll be merged.

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Thanks for the info!
Great job.

I posted my curve setting here Issues setting up Thrustmaster TCA Throttle Quadrant
for A320, it works perfectly. Reverse, Idle, Clb, Flx and toga indents all line up.

I have not messed with buttons yet as I just got it but I’ll post if I figure it out.

Does the Eninge Buttons for Engine Start now working?

Kind regards

With the latest dev version of the mod yes :slight_smile: I use this mapping


I tried your settings @saschi13 but my fuel cutoff switches on/off still do not work. …

How are you trying? Vanilla A320 or A320NX? If the latter, make sure you use the latest development version from the installer.

Works for me with latest Dev :sunny:

It seems you have to press “Joystick Button 6” to get “SET ENGINE NORM MODE”, instead of putting the dial button between 7 (labeled on the physical quadrant CRANK) and 8 (labeled on physical quadrant IGN/START). Does it activate “SET ENGINE NORM MODE” if your dial points to the physical quadrant “MODE NORM” in between 7 and 8?

unfortunatly the physical quadrant “MODE NORM” postition has no switch “bit” … so the “Sim” quadrant mode will not get back to position NORM by physically turn the quadrantswitch to NORM. Thats why I use 6 to get the SIM quadrant back to NORM ( from CRANK or IGN ).

I’m kinda amazed when Asobo says they implemented support but they didn’t. How hard is it to make code check two button states? Start and Crank and if they are not On the button is on Norm.

Oh just wait until you install today’s update. They screwed up the sensitivity curves so now the detents don’t all match up. I’ve been tweaking for over an hour and absolutely cannot get the Flex/MCT detent to match when getting the Climb detent to match. Or the reverse. I can get the Flex detent to match, but not the Climb detent.

I must say, that I am not using the "fun free " vanila A320 but the flybywiresim A32X mod latest DEV … so maybe they impletemt this in future

The latest Update made the TM Quadrant implementation much more worse!
I’m not able to synchronize both throttle axis till now. The sensitivity curves looks totally different now.
Switches 3&4 are still not able to start the engines.

Read back through this post to remap buttons 3 and 4. They work fine.

The sensitivity changes in today’s update are a mess though.

I remapped as said above. No engine start.

Throttle sensitivity is just a mess now. super annoying.