Toolbar Missing and ability to change certain weather settings missing when loading a saved flight

Thanks for doing this workaround, been annoying me loosing the weather and time in the dropdown UI
when saving.
Is there a way in the save file to change height and density of cloud as well. Dont know about powershell and using a script I am doing it by manual edit .

An App would be also good, thanks again.


I don’t understand, does this script do enough to revive the toolbar for you?

I added some more comments to my previous post. Sorry if it was too technical. I hope it helps.

Unfortunately this really just fixed the weather dropdown in the UI.

Thanks! Your change indeed restores the weather button. That’s perfect!

So the problem seems to be all those other parameters for Weather in the save file. Weird!

That is correct. I filed a ticket to the service desk of FS2020. Maybe they will fix this with a later release. It seems to me some of the flight simulator features are not tested very well prior release.

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Thanks, I just tried it and was able to restore my flight where I was parked in a field, engines stopped and the toolbar + weather is available! Interestingly, being parked in a field somewhere, the FirstFlightState was “FLIGHT_CRUISE”.

So, in summary, to restore my flight in which I am parked in a field, I had to make the following changes to the .FLT file:

  • To restore the full Toolbar including Weather, replace the [Weather] section with:


  • To ensure cold start, in the [FreeFlight] section, set the FirstFlightState to PREFLIGHT_PUSHBACK:


If you want to change date or time, use the Weather menu from the toolbar and switch to a pre-set, change the date and then switch back to Live Weather.

Here’s my flight BEFORE the save:

And here’s the flight re-loaded today, showing the Toolbar:


Thanks a lot for the info. I was always wondering what that setting is really doing as it did not seem to make any difference whatever it is set to.
For me, I sometimes save my flight during the flight. So I want to keep the FirstFlightState to whatever it is when I save my flight.

Hey, just a question, I wrote a mission that is adding flight attendant announcements to commercial flights. Would you be interested to look at it and check it out. I’m looking for people testing it before I decide what I’m going to do with it. I don’t know it’s your thing, I usually fly more commercial planes.

Yeah, in flight I wouldn’t touch the Flight State. It’s a weird setting to me because I would expect the state of the aircraft itself to be saved, not some generic state. I can’t imagine how it works with an airliner. Does it remember all switches, AP, flight management?

(Don’t use airliners myself, but I’d like to test it if it’s not too complicated. Send me a message. Or post it in the SDK section?)

Flying an airliners is very different to the smaller planes. If you can’t fly them you will have a hard time to test the mission.
Also I don’t want to post the program in public as I don’t know where I want to offer the program in the future. I would send you a zip file you can unzip in your community folder.
Just let me know if you are interested.

When I load a saved flight the menu bar is still missing. If I fly the flight without the menu bar, it re-appears as soon as I shut down the aircraft.

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After loading a *.FLT file to continue a flight (situatiion is A320 at an airport gate on ground) complete in flight user interface is missing, no toolbar anymore. v1.14.5.0 all aircraft updated.

I have the same problem. Researching the Forum has not given me a solution yet. Happens most times i save a flight and load it at a later time.

Erg, very annoying
 same issue here
 submitted via zendesk.

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Very annoying, just one of several bugs found since moving over from FSX. Hopefully Zen will put it into action if enough votes.

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I usually save in flight: -

  1. just before takeoff
  2. once i get to cruz
  3. just before i begin descent
  4. and as i enter pattern altitude before getting set up for final
    When later on when i Load these flights: -
    Weather has always been locked/unavailable
    AP and navigation VOR ADF settings - - some are loaded correctly but some are not - - i have not worked out why
    sometimes weird states of cockpit occur - - like not have PFD on - - and not being able to get PFD or some other Garmin MFD up. Then if I re-load, often I have the PFD/MFD ???
    The menu bar available every time so far

Thanks so much for this! I still wish a location could be saved independently of what plane you were in at the time, but being able to access time/weather is a big step in the right direction.

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For confirmation:
Loading any flight saved as .FLT renders the toolbar inaccessible, whereas I have no problem with new flights or flights loaded from .PLN



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When loading a saved flight, the weather toolbar is greyed out. But now the toolbar doesn’t even appear!

Is there a known solution for this?