Top Mach Studios: Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

Been wanting the premium version since day one! My fave plane getting the treats it deserves :sunglasses:

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Just an FYI everyone, the high temperature spike bug above 44,000 ft is back so if the plane slows down above that it is not the plane but a sim bug. It is listed in the known issues section of the update notes.

That’s certainly some kind of regression.

It’s always been rumored that there’s finally supersonic physics? Is that so? Does it screw over the plane? Or does it require a flag set on the plane to enable them?

During beta testing of SU7 we didn’t find any significant negative affects on flight physics for the Raptor. However, we have yet to test in the official SU7 release, so there is still a possibility we will find problems. On the other hand there are some new game features / capabilities that we will take advantage of in future releases. However, the HUD is now inop and we will address that with a hotfix now that the final SU7 release version is out.

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Sure seems like going past 100% throttle gives a nice little AB push. That seems new, I could swear it didn’t do that before. --edit: Well, into the red line area, anyway.

–edit: Well, the supersonic stuff doesn’t seem automagic, because no sonic booms beyond mach 1.

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There seems to be some springiness in the roll axis when going higher speeds at higher altitudes (FL350).

There is no “afterburner” configuration in the current Raptor release. That must be configured, which we will include in our next release. The supersonic “stuff” is definitely not automatic. The sonic boom is a new capability that requires a wwise derived sound file package. We are not using custom wwise content for the current package. We will make a decision about sound files for a subsequent release. The simplest path forward will be to simply borrow the sound file package from the F/A-18 with no modification. This would enable the sonic boom and some other sound effects, but it will not be “Raptor” sounds, just whatever Asobo has incorporated into the F/A-18 sound set.

Cool plane, an outside view pilot model would certainly round it up, now that we have one (military) after SU7.

Thanks for the quick fix on the HUD issue for SU7! Really enjoying this model! Looking forward to future releases!

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Thanks for the update. In PC mode the HUD looks perfect but, unfortunately, in VR it appears to be disproportionate and oversized, so much so that the frame surrounding it almost blocks out both side bars of the HUD. I may be completely wrong but it seems to be similar to the mouse cursor problem in the F-22 when flying in VR, in that It seems to be positioned too close resulting in a double cursor. Sometimes I have to use one eye to correctly place the cursor over a button to click it. (Someone on the site mentioned it too.) Maybe the same is happening with the HUD. It might be positioned too closely in VR so it appears very disproportionate and oversized. I hope I’ve described the issue adequately as It’s difficult to detail without a VR screenshot. I wonder if anyone else has experienced the same?

I understand and can visualize what you’re saying.
I’m not aware of any VR related settings in either the model definitions or gltf generation from 3ds Max. I’m assuming the options don’t exist, but hope someone can prove me wrong and point me in the right direction.

I haven’t had a chance to test the F22 in VR after making changes to the HUD for SU7, but considering the VR left/right eyepoints aren’t exposed to gauges(let alone being able to tell which eye is being rendered), I’m sure it’s getting cut off on either side. The F-18’s HUD render area is much smaller than the glass, so if you’re not experiencing issues with that, that’s the reason. I could make the render area of our HUD smaller, but that would require a lot of rework to get the pitch ladder and FPM set back up correctly. It’d also make it harder to read with everything smaller.

I haven’t had any problems with the mouse cursor in VR, so I’m not sure how to help with that one.

TLDR; I’m aware of the issues with VR, but we’re pretty limited right now on what can be done to correct it. All I can suggest, is keep pushing Asobo/Microsoft to expose more VR functions to developers. They just brought VR controller support with SU7, and I’m sure they have more in store.


Thank you for your prompt response.

I would just like to add that I’m not experiencing any issues with the F-18’s HUD, so if you were to make the F-22’s HUD render area smaller it may well work and won’t be too small to read, because currently it appears to be disproportionately large so any reduction would be welcome. The mouse cursor misalignment and double cursor view (when looking closer) were a tolerable annoyance, but coupled with the oversized HUD the VR experience has now become somewhat compromised for me.

I do understand that all of this may require considerable work and may not be a priority for you at the moment especially given the limitations of the current SDK for VR. However, I am eagerly looking forward to your premium product and sincerely hope that the VR experience can be improved for that.

Once again, thank you and the team for this free mod.


In both vr and trackir. I’m have zero issues with hud and it’s size

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Hi there! Very impressive f-22 you got there!! I would like to see a full startup and shutdown of the f-22! I really enjoy pushing buttons and flipping switches!! Thanks for your very hard work!

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There’s several videos from different youtubers that go over everything, but we haven’t made one specifically. We do cover everything in the manual included in the zip file if you are having issues with anything. If you still have questions, you can post here, or send me a PM and I’ll try to help you out.


Is there going to be a full startup and shutdown of your f-22 eventually? Thanks!


No one really knows the actual start-up procedure. If anything, it’s probably 2-3 button presses, because any reference material has people saying the plane does almost everything automatically on its own, including things like restarting engines during flight after a compressor stall.

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Has anyone seen instances of the HUD being completely inoperative (blank) when loading into the aircraft? I’ve only recently downloaded the version on and noticed this. I’m wondering if it’s a conflict with the F-18 mod I also have installed, but I haven’t tested that yet. Thought I’d use the collective wisdom here first.

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Recommend you re-download and reinstall and make sure it’s not a problem with the installation. After that it’s trouble shooting time and making sure you don’t have mod conflicts.

Figured it out by reviewing the F/A-18 Super Warrior comments on

For that mod, you need to change a HUD setting in the panel.cfg file if you are running the current “SU7 Update” public beta.

I made the same change in the F-22 panel.cfg file and the HUD is now functional.

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