Top Mach Studios: Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

Which setting did you change?

There is a line in the panel.cfg file that starts out:
HUD = 1, …

Change the 1 to 2

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brilliant thanks

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Any update on the Premium version?

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Hud working after I moved it to the “correct” community folder

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We’re still working diligently on it. SU7 gave us a much bigger toolbox to add cool new features to the aircraft. But that also delayed us a bit. We’ll post some teaser pics here as soon as we get to a point that we’re comfortable doing it. Stay tuned!


I just now learned that they can carry external fuel tanks, as shown in this video. Are the external fuel tanks something that’s been discussed?

Why yes, they are. Thank you for asking. They will be included as a feature of the Premium version.

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I noticed on the F-16 if you start with lots of fuel and have the external fuel tanks, that once you burn through that fuel in flight, the tanks automatically disappear, where as in the F-15 Eagle, I noticed the tanks still stay on even if your fuel is very low. Will the F-22 have the external tanks visually disappear automatically once the fuel has been used? Or is that more of a “wait and see” type of thing?

We have discussed and plan to allow the tanks to be displayed or hidden by the sim pilot. How exactly that logic will work is still in the works.

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There is a new rumor that the F-15 can drop (disappear) external tanks in flight by opening the fuel menu and setting the external tanks to read “0”. Then take a look.

This was touching-

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Official announcement from Top Mach Studios

A quick update for all of our F-22A Raptor fans. Top Mach Studios is hard at work on a high quality payware version of the F-22A. It will incorporate many exciting and unique new features and capabilities. It will be a massive improvement over the freeware model. Beta release is imminent and we will start releasing work in progress media and comments within the next one to two weeks.

If you’re interested in becoming a beta tester, please contact me via PM.


Are you changing any of the flight physics in the premium version? I’m very satisfied with how it currently is fyi

Been waiting eagerly for this. I’m currently doing a VR world tour visiting every capital without skipping any legs even over water or speeding up the sim. So far I’ve completed 130 countries, all in VR and using only the F-22.

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Flight physics modeling will be improved in many respects and will permit high alpha flight performance, allowing replication of several of the Raptor’s signature air show demonstration maneuvers. There is still no support in the game to simulate true thrust vectoring, but through some programming magic we are still able to generate pitch control and controllability up to 90 degrees angle of attack. The model will be able to perform to one extent or another the high alpha pirouette or pedal turn, the Herbst maneuver, the kulbit maneuver, cobra maneuver, and tail slide.


Smells like passion in your post. I like it!

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I hope you will include something like AA radar in modded f-18 and upgraded version of your map with displayed ai aircrafts :slight_smile:

Both will be Nice for simulating qra :slight_smile:

Good luck and i will watch the news (asi your freeware Raptor is fantastic)

HUD no longer works after the beta update has gone live officially.

Quick fix for the HUD issue is correct the first HUD value in panel.cfg from 1 to 2

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