Top Mach Studios: Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

I have seperate axis for left / right rudder. Once i pressed both pedals for the sim to recognize, the rudder stays fully applied in the direction of the last pressed pedal. All Assists off. Every other aicraft works fine.

Can you confirm you are NOT using AI Piloting when this issue occurs?

Unfortunately I have already downloaded the latest update 1.1.1 and installed that.

It is happening only when I am now using AI. I am pretty sure it was happening in both AI and live when I was trying to sort it out in version 1.09, and 1.1.

On the latest version it only occurs when using AI mode.
When I go to Assistant Options, Aircraft Systems, toggle Unlimited Fuel to ON. The bug disappears. Also on top of that with the latest version the acceleration under AI and Live is very slow and I can barely reach 100 knots

If you have a link to 1.09 I will download it and try it out again.

Okay I’ve confirmed that the issue exists in AI piloting mode only. And it’s because there is a bug with AI piloting and afterburner settings in the engines config. As soon as the AI advances throttle to AB the fuel consumption goes to an impossibly high value. When I removed the afterburner configuration the problem goes away. It’s likely why the super hornet has an afterburner toggle requirement - so that the AI feature works and doesn’t deplete all the fuel.

Your issue with acceleration makes no sense, especially with the “Live” setting. I assume by “Live” you mean that the AI features are all disabled? Make sure that’s the case and you aren’t still operating with AI enabled. If you are having problems accelerating without AI turned on than the problem is more likely a throttle control settings issue and not the aircraft model itself. We’ve had no other reports of an issue like that and we were just testing it last night without incident.

I confirm that is what I am getting.

It may be a keyboard issue as using joystick the response is quicker. That inlcudes surface commands eg aileron and rudder etc. I am not getting that response issue using keyboard with other aircraft.

The model doesn’t support keyboard control. That’s in the usage notes for the mod.

Is there a way to ignite the after burners on the Raptor?

Looks like Bredok3D went after that official marketplace F22. Would this one be able to release on there too now?

Followed up on your remarks and don’t see any announcements or releases forthcoming from Bredok3d relating to an F-22 (on their web site or elsewhere) and there’s nothing showing in the in-game marketplace. Iris Simulations has announced an F-22 that they claim will be released this month, but there’s no indication whether it will be sold in the in-game marketplace or not. Where did you get your information?

Look at the bottom

Goes without saying, people, steer very, very clear from this extremely low-quality product.


Interesting. They make no mention of it on their official web site. And it hasn’t shown up in game yet, at least not that we can see. What an unfortunate looking product too. Just from that thumbnail picture alone it looks like another poorly executed product from them. Whether that would exclude our eventual release in the marketplace remains to be seen. We’ve had no end of trouble getting our marketplace application process completed. Worst case, we’ll go through a third party reseller, which we know locks out Xbox users. In the end, customers will buy the best product, which we’re quite confident will be ours, and with luck Microsoft / Asobo will extend that opportunity to Xbox users as well once we have our product on the market. But rest assured we want to make our premium product available to as wide an audience as possible.


It’s interesting how some people get their ■■■■ on the store just fine, while others are being given the run around.

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Bredok3d got into the marketplace very early on before the folks at Asobo / Microsoft got wise to the cash grab scammers that were putting ripped off / stolen IP on the marketplace (not saying Bredok3D falls into that category by any means). Once they figured out what was happening they made the process of getting approval much slower and more deliberate. Once you’re in it’s a whole lot easier to put products up there, but until that happens, it’s a royal pain. And now the prioritization of marketplace applications and approval appears to have been pushed very far down on the MSFS team’s to-do list. We’re in the process now, but we’ve had no end of technical issues and bureaucratic hassles - even doing things like changing the email address / domain in our records has taken us weeks and it’s still not resolved.

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I’ve been using your freeware and I will happily wait for your paid version. I love your plane and I have always said that this could have been pay-ware all along and people would have gladly paid for it.


It’s great to see that the base model get’s such improvements. I hope you keep upgrading they payware edition after release as more and more fance effects and more improved flight dynamics are being enabled with the SDK. And please give attention to the correct timing and fade in /out of the sounds, they are so important and easily can break the immersion. The levels for payware are rising and this looks indeed promising! :blue_heart:

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Bredok3d F22 is available in the marketplace now. I have already seen a few of them flying around RAF Lakenheath. They are named as 'F22 E"

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I’ll be buying your product. Period.