Top Mach Studios: Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

Just need to get through the work day and I’ll be getting it!


I hope so. That is where I have bought everything else. Not a dealbreaker if not but makes it easier to manage if so.

I’ve gotten a ton on JustFlight(REX products, SC/DCD planes, and a couple of others). It’s a great site/platform. You have nothing to worry about.


Yep the F-22A is now available to buy from Just Flight. There will also be a new video, produced by Top Mach Studios team, that will be added to the Product page soon.

Enjoy the Raptor!

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Happy Top Mach Studios day! Thank you guys for the hard work! Can’t wait to tear up the skies after the workday.

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Downloading now! Can’t wait to fly it. Is there any manual available to get to know all the details on how the model works? Thanks!

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Yes, manual is included.

Manual is included

Downloading and installing right now ! :grin:

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I had to give it a try. I took out the 94th FS livery out for a spin. Everything works great. I highly recommend going into the menu to set your default options for how you’d like to start similar to the 737.

Quick question: Is there a north up function for the map? The other functions are pretty intuitive and easy to learn. I couldn’t find that one anywhere.

We have a pretty good list of additional Nav / Com updates for the avionics. North up option for the SMFD screens is on it. IIRC The PFD map is North up oriented.

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Oh I am not in the least bit concerned. They are very reputable. I just like to keep everything in one place if possible. No big deal either way really for me.

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It’s just me being a weird pedantic so-and-so but I find it a tiny bit weird they specify F-22A in the product title. I know there was a two seat B variant planned but it was cancelled so the “A” in the product title is kinda superfluous IMO. Just minor inconsequential nitpicking though, pay it no mind even if I just couldn’t help myself lol.

I enjoyed the freeware F-22 a bit and this premium one does look pretty decent. Congrats on getting it released.

Sounds good. Loving it so far. Doing some testing with the AP while getting work done. So far, flawless. I see why the USA doesn’t sell these things. WOW!

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Official USAF designation is F-22A.

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And we’ve only scratched the surface since we have little information about how the avionics work in concert with its stealth abilities in tactical combat situations. Not only is it fast and maneuverable, it’s an ambush predator and evidently kills at will, without being seen, in its design mission profile.


Yeah I know but I still think it’s pretty pointless lol. Then again a lot of things about American military designations confuses and bemuses me. Guess I’ll go lodge a moan with the USAF. :wink:


For some reason I can’t get the engines in cold/dark to start, but i’m assuming because i’m on SU10 BETA?

■■■■, just got the caravan overhaul and now this gets released.

My pockets cant keep up!

Curious to know how this flies. Please updates us!

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Did you remove the ladder and stuff from SIM menu on the central MFD before cracking up the engines ?

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