Top Mach Studios: Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

Hopefully with SU12 Asobo will have fully resolved wasm issues in Xbox. It’s entirely in their hands.


I hope an update solves my problem with this amazing aircraft. I love the Top Mach F22 but for some reason mine really struggles in VR. It’s the only plane to do this. I get terrible framerates and stuttering. To enjoy it I’m only able to fly over the sea, and even then it’s not right. I have no idea what the problem could be, it doesn’t seem like it’s a common problem for anyone else but when I contacted Top Mach Studios they said they’re aware of the problem and are working on it.

It would be nice to have a changelog for the newest version, i cant find it anywhere. Thanks.

Here you go, take a look at the CL on our website.

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It is the MMD page on Secondary Multi-Function Displays (SMFDs) which causes stutters on my PC. It’s the default page on startup. Please push on the menu button and try to choose options other than MMD. All other options worked for me. No stutters at all.

Thanks for the response. I just tried changing the screens (and turning them off). It’s definitely worse (totally unusable) when MMA pages are on but I’m still getting choppy, stuttery 20 - 25 fps with this aircraft only, with the screens off. Please do let me know if you can think of anything else!

Hello there folks. How do I activate the “hidden” Garmin G3000? Sorry but I am missing something. Thanks. :slight_smile:

After the latest build you can kind of hoover at zero speed, this can’t be right?

in the top left screen where the STATUS information is, there is a button to the top of the screen. Hit that and the garmin section will appear. Click it again to close.

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To all of our fans:
Coming soon from Top Mach Studios, The Northrop Grumman B-2A Spirit. An aircraft unlike any other currently in service, and still shrouded in secrecy. More to come as we make further progress bringing this remarkable aircraft to MSFS 2020.


I am having fun with v 1.1.8:


Raptor pilots, we’ve found a new configuration variable that can be used to eliminate the twitchy crosswind behavior on the ground. Should be included in our next update.


Hello. Would be possible to have the default external camera closer (for example like the Asobo F/A-18) and not that far? In my opinion it’s good for better immersion, even if it’s an external camera. I see this happens with most military aicrafts for some reason, these are too far. Thanks!

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Hello, I own the SC Designs F-16 as well as the IFT F-35, and I am thinking of getting the F-22. I was just wondering how this plane compares with the other two in terms of systems depth and how it flys?


PC Version

There isn’t much system “depth” to the Top Mach F-22, IMO. It’s less complicated to cold start than an Asobo default C-172 - except you have to manually remove the chaulks and covers; however, all of that is done by clicking buttons on the center display. 3 clicks on the left display for each engine, and youre ready to taxi.

I will say that it’s autopilot is much more reliable than either the F-16 and even the F-35. At least in my experience, micro inputs from my controls disable the autopilots on on all of my DC Designs addons. It’s a drawback I accept for setting and keeping my sensitivity cuves without deadzones - because I fly helicopters and everything else in formation quite often.

Overall, lacking combat capability (avionics complexity for weapons employment) leaves you with an addon that has the simplicity of a GA addon, but you get a huge performance envelope to go with that simplicity.

I like high fidelity addons, but the Top Mach F-22 is an excellent touring platform within MSFS. The most important question to ask is how you intend to employ the performance envelope at your disposal and will it compliment or hinder your enjoyment as a result of the way you like to fly within the MSFS world. I don’t always fly the Top Mach F-22 … but when I do … it remains a loyal companion on that flight.

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Thank you for the review. I wasn’t expecting super in depth systems as I know most of the plane is classified I was just wondering how well they worked and felt. Also, according to Wikipedia, the service ceiling is 65,00ft does this mean you can cruise at this altitude and and if not what is the highest altitude you can cruise at with the plane?

@NuclearLaser “how it flies”, in my opinion the BEST!

Previously before the last two F-16 updates, I enjoyed it the most but the last two updates slowed it down. Previously I could reach just over mach 2(2.03), as it says in real life, but after the updates I can only get the F-16 to 1.83 and I tried various altitudes.

The F-22 is reported to fly at 2.25 cruise speed in real life, however I could only reach 1.79 in MP in the sim. HOWEVER, I was able to reach well past 2.25 in afterburner. In terms of how fast in afterburner, beyond 2.25, and that’s all I’m classified to say. F-22 owners know or can find out, and you’re welcome and encouraged to join the club :wink:

Previously the F-16 was the 4th fastest and most agile jet in the sim. With the updates, it’s now the 9th.

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PC Version

It can cruise at the “published” altitudes in MSFS, but you will be sacraficing the beauty that makes MSFS what it is - a stunning representation of the wonderous topography of the entire planet. Personally, I don’t venture above FL420, and I usually stay below 12000 ft (so I don’t have to worry about the lack of simulated oxygen). I’ve taken it to FL600, but I don’t get any enjoyment from being at that altitude. It’s the same at below 1000 ft and bush flying. I enjoy seeing the MSFS world from lower altitude below 300 kts. Howerver, that’s only my preference.

Most of the Twitch streamers I see fly the addons at the extreme altitudes (FL400+) or on the deck, and at full afterburner. One of the most flexible aspects of MSFS is that if someone harasses you about the way you like fly end enjoy the game - you can literaly disable them. It is unlawful, unethical, and immoral to do that in real life.

Your flight profile preference will change over time and experience with different aircraft (addons). It doesn’t matter where one starts or continues their exploration in the world of aviation within MSFS. Every decently modelled addon has something to teach. If you find a particular addon doesnt suit you, it is a mere matter of going to your vitual hangar and exploring the characteristics, charm, and virtues of the next aircraft.

For most people, budget is the limiting factor in their journey and choice in their next addon. I have no regrets having purchased to Top Mach F-22, and I’ve explored most of the higher fidelity addons released thus far.


Just bought this the other day (influenced by the desire to do some virtual balloon hunting). A ton of fun, no compromises in performance (other than rapid fuel consumption when doing fun things :slight_smile: ).

The climb performance is so incredible, last night I took off from Nellis, saw an airliner in cruise and decided to intercept it. Light the afterburners, point the nose up and next thing you know you’re at FL380 next to a 777.

I flew it through the Jedi transition last night, all good fun.

The one thing I haven’t figured out is after I land I can’t seem to open the canopy…I assume there’s something in the aircraft preventing this but I’m not sure what conditions are required for the canopy to open.

Maybe not the most detailed fighter I own (that title goes to the JustFlight Hawk), but certainly the most fun.

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