Top Mach Studios: Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

Thanks for this Raptor update. Very cool liveries! For me, its still the best fighter in this game… Good work!


Being able to land in Tokyo, Akihabara, or Odaiba within minutes from the nearest riverbed is an experience unlike any other in life.
There are so many things that only this aircraft can do that make all the other wonderful aircraft look faded.
By the way, this is the latest version of F22 on the Marketplace, but compared to the previous version, doesn’t it start to vibrate in crosswinds of about 10 knots?
At around 250 knots or a little above, it becomes very difficult to control.
It’s the best speed to have fun with the skyscrapers in the city center, but maybe it’s just me?

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Picked up the F-22 , it is a keeper. Needs some features added … but well worth the sale price. I found the G3000 flight planning screen, which gave me some of what I was looking for …

(to alll 3rd party aircraft)

Could you please add a volume control for the engines, once set always remembered), otherwise I have to adjust this planes engine volume to hear the ATC everytime I switch aircraft.

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Just bought this and really impressed :sunglasses:

I just have 1 issue, I lose elevator/thrust vector control with TB V1 Yoke. I have to engage and disengaged AP for control to return? I checked my control bindings and they seemed OK and the auto pilot is not active when control is lost.

With it being a new jet I may be doing something wrong!

Hi @VFRRaider, sorry you’re having problems with the throttle. Would you mind hopping over to our discord for support? We have a group of very knowledgeable individuals over there that would be able to assist you. If not, the first step would be to remove all other 3rd party addons and restart the sim to make sure there is no conflicts with other addons.

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My friend was playing with me and we are both on Xbox. I was flying the F-22 and he was seeing my plane as 737. Is there a fix to this?

Currently the only fix is for them to also buy the F-22. As it is right now, MSFS substitutes the planes the player doesn’t own with the default generic plane model.

Hello, I just downloaded the F22 and I have some issues with it. With this plane only, the yoke is so extremely sensitive, that I can not even pull it back halfway before I pull about 20 Gs + . And for example, after I have pulled the nose up, the plane won’t stop continuing pulling up unless I do a counterpull down, and vice versa. Before downloading, I’ve flown the F/A18 and JAS 39 Gripen and I did not have the same issues with them. I also tried restarting the game, so I figure it must have something to do with settings. Anyone else had the same problem?

Apparently the drop tanks don’t disappear but keep following the aircraft after being jettisoned. And the autotrim doesn’t work properly. The aircraft keeps always dropping the nose after a while (this might be a RealTurb issue, gotta check). Is anyone else having these issues?

They’re the nexgen autonomous “loyal wingman” drop tanks.
Also double as uav tictacs to freak out the opposition.