Track IR Stops Working

Thank you for informing us that this bug has been logged and pushed up to the developers.

I think there have been too many people complaining about issues not specific to TrackIR.


Please stay on-topic of the issue with TrackIR. For other issues, take them to another topic. Thank you.

I was initially really impressed when the Asobo Team kept emphasizing that Sim Update 8 would be all about bug fixes. Now I wonder if they released Sim Update 7 on schedule with known unresolved bugs because they were under pressure to get disposable income flowing in from Reno Air Races before the holidays . TrackIR is one of the most popular peripherals for serious simmers and it is hard to believe there are no internal testers using TrackIR.


I assigned a key to ā€œToggle Head Trackingā€ and it did not work. I used the \ key. Had to use the in-flight Camera in the cockpit to turn TrackIR back on.

Same here. TrackIR works for 30s only then stops. MS should test betas themselves or give our money back.

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:rage: I am having the same problem. Yes, I can solve it using the shortcut mentioned above, BUT it gets on my nerves nevertheless and should be hotfixed! Hello MSā€¦ please do this quickly.

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This is not a bug!!! :+1:

Why does nobody understand that the new integration of TrackIR is not a bug, but a very helpful function?
Admittedly, Asobo has not really communicated this as much as I have read. But maybe Iā€™ve just overlooked it?
But the fact is that I have always been very annoyed when I have taken a note or tablet during the flight and the cockpit camera has wandered somewhere.
Now I use a button with the function already described here and can read various information in peace without losing sight of the cockpit.
If I want to look around the cockpit again, press the button - done!

In my eyes, this is not a bug, just a poorly communicated but great function!!!

:v: :wink:

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No, itā€™s broken. You have always been annoyed because you donā€™t know how to use trackir pause function from the sound of it. You can achieve the same thing with fewer buttons by using the pause feature of trackIR. The entire point of being able to pause trackir in the trackir software is so that you can stop it tracking your head in a position of your choosing so you can interact with the cockpit with accuracy. If the sim decides it wants to then deactivate trackir and centre the view then the purpose of using trackir has gone. Well, half the reason for using it anyway. When bouncing about in turbulence itā€™s imperative that I can look at my switch or knob wherever it is in the cockpit and pause trackir so the view is no longer moving and adjust the switch or GPS or whatever. I can then unpause it and carry on looking around. This is now impossible because the sim then disables head tracking and adjusts the view forward where you can no longer see where you were trying to interact with. Itā€™s idiotic.

If this is not a bug then it was implemented by someone that has not a clue how trackir is used and needs to be fixed.


So, it was Jƶrgā€™s callā€¦

ah ok, of course I know and use the pause function of TrackIR, but I havenā€™t used it since the update. If, of course, the cockpit view is centred at the same time as the pause function, this is an error. Iā€™ll have to test that right away!

:v: :sunglasses:

That functionality already existed through the TrackIR app hotkeys. It does not need any key in game.


Iā€™m also concerned Asobo donā€™t fully understand the functionality of TrackIR. This is further demonstrated by their release notes ā€˜known issuesā€™ statement:
" * TrackIR may sometimes stop working properly during a flight. Press F12 to reset the position."

Of course, once TrackIR ā€˜stops working,ā€™ pressing F12 does nothing.


Check this out!

you have to bind a button for the function:
ā€œToggle Head Trackingā€
in German
ā€œKopfverfolgung umschaltenā€


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I realize that. I was referring to Asoboā€™s release notes statement being unhelpful.

As soon as you hit pause on TrackIR flight sim disables head tracking which leads to the view being reset directly forward. Try it yourself. This makes using TrackIR half useless and I canā€™t fly with it like this. I was getting furious trying to hit the little click spots in the Just Flight Warrior II as I was bouncing around the skies earlier and I will now give up using the sim until they fix this ridiculous problem.

This occurs for me every time the IR lights get blocked for a second. It turns TrackIR off. I have to open the camera options and turn it back on manually.


Has there been any word from Asobo on when they will fix TrackIR?

Iā€™ve stopped flying MSFS 2020 until TrackIR is fixed. Iā€™m not going back 20 years to my hat switch or turning TrackIR back on hundreds of times during a flight.


same problem for me. When the game starts it works for a few seconds, than connection between the game and TrackIR drops and doesnā€™t come back. my brand new TrackIR is now completely useless :frowning: I really hope they fix this


I completely agree

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