Trying to get a good head tracking result with Tobii 5

After many many years of using traditional head tracking hardware I made the switch to Tobii, only for the head tracking functionality, but am struggling to get that same 6dof movement. For example trying to look closer at a centre pedestal or up at an overhead centre panel. I have bought the facetracknoir program as people recommended that to improve head tracking but it seems if I look up it loses the tracking before my view reaches the overhead panel. It’s as if the field of view of the sensor is very small. I never had these issues with old style tracking (TrackIR and then Grass Monkey King Puck. I am using the Tobii on a tripod as my LGC3 isn’t compatible with the monitor mounted option and I’ve used the additional Tobii Display setup software to try and improve it. Has anyone got any pointers? Very close to returning the Tobii but wanting to try all options first lol

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I’m not sure anything I can say will help. I have my Tracker 5 sensor mounted to the bottom of my monitor (where it belongs) and once I use Tobii Experience to calibrate, the head tracking is perfect. If I want to see a gauge up close I have two options:

  1. Lean in.
  2. Use the keypad to load a custom camera view that I set up to look at a display close up.

I’d be happy to share my sensitivity settings with you if you want.

ETA: I also wear glasses.


I have a Tobii 4. I had trouble with the limited field of view and my desk / monitor / head location. When it worked it was quite good, so that encouraged me to get independent head tracking. I hoped Tobii 5 address that.

Perhaps you can adjust the mounting and sit a bit further back? Perhaps rely less on head position and more on head rotation.

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I have a similar setup and experience.

I’m here to offer words of encouragement. It can, and does, work really well. I wear glasses, as well.

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Not to state the obvious, but have you enabled the “roll” axis by making your own named profile and customising the “sensitivity” page for it?

Perhaps follow the settings on here:

Maybe that extra software you mentioned is muddying the waters. I don’t think you need it. Works perfect without it for me.

Does sound like you are too close to the sensor though. Or it’s in the wrong vertical position / angle relative to your face. Can you send a photo of your setup from your point of view?


hey thanks! after some fiddling I’ve gotten to a point where the forward and backward movement isn’t to bad so I can lean in. My main issue seems to be trying to look down at a centre console my head won’t move down enough and when I look up at the overheard console it seems to move up too much when I just want to tilt lol. I guess it’s just finding that sweet spot.

Sounds like your tripod is facing the sensor cameras at the wrong angle. If it’s sat on your desk at “just below monitor” level (as designed with the official mount), it should not be facing “up” towards your face at all. It’s designed that way, so I would try angling it down so it’s flat to the world, then recalibrate using the Tobii Experience menu.

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Yes roll was enabled but many thanks for those settings. They have certainly improved the situation greatly.

yes been keeping an eye on that, making sure it is level and also not tilted horiz

Many thanks! Good to know, was close to sending it back last night but after the helpful responses to my post here I think I can make it work :grinning:

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That is a very good point regarding head rotation!

Just fitted a new monitor, a curved 34 inch and Tobii is currently down as a result. Have been thinking about mounts and it strikes me that a cheap, height adjustable phone stand and a couple of button magnets if needed, might make an optimal solution here for Tobii. I use a gas arm for the screen which might affect Tobii when moved, hence the lateral thinking bit. Anyone already doing this, I wonder?

Have you seen their offical tripod mount?

I picked one up and a small tripod like you were thinking. Unfortunately, my major reconfiguration of my sim rig (I bought a Next Level Racing cockpit) doesn’t leave me a place for the tripod, but I’m going to put a threaded insert in the display stand’s cross bar and I’ll be able to attach it that way.

In the meantime, I’m using the curved display mount that has the adhesive pads that it came with.

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Thanks, I have. I mulled it over but a tripod base itself is going to be awkward on the desk. It might have worked with one of the photographers bendy leg minipods though I will grant you. Thanks for taking the time to suggest it.

To be honest, I still have the original one that I managed to remove intact from the old monitor and it was looking at that which made me think of a phone stand.

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The adhesive mount has been working pretty well for me, thus far.

It stayed stuck to the display until we had an insane heatwave (43°C/110°F) and it started to come undone.

However, I removed the Tobii and pressed the mount pads firmly against the display and left it overnight and it has managed to resume a firm purchase on the display.

You might try that mount if you don’t already have one.

I’d follow the installation directions suggestion for giving the mount 24 hours before putting on the weight of the Tobii.

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Hmmm… Still working on this one. After an afternoon of faffing around I have had zero progress. The idea of the phone mount looks to be a near miss. Because of the ergonomics of my new layout with a hulking great yoke top and centre, placement possibilities are limited amd it looks as though I am going to have to attach to the bottom of the curved monitor in order to get a reasonable field of view for the sensor. Of course, the curvature doesnt exactly help, a mock up with some Blu Tack is on the cards.

The software is having big difficulty seeing my eyes at the outset and so this is also an area to fiddle around with before committing to something more permanent. I have enough trouble calibrating with the dots but I wont bore you with the details on that one. Needless to say I got the placement and order of the dots from Tobii if anybody needs it. I wll report back when I next get a chance to experiment further.

Well the problems that I have had seem to have got worse really and your help or observations would help.

After much mucking around, Tobii now sits where it should under the middle of a 34 inch monitor, but although Tobii experience can see my eyes, I suspect that it isnt consistently doing so. I sit at an oustretched arm to fingertip length away with the sensor looking dead ahead. The old exploding dots routine gives me trouble, as I am now partially sighted and another retinal detachment last year means that I have big issues in seeing all dots at the same time. However…

I can get the central dot to explode and sometimes, the top centre as well. But none of the other dots even spin, let alone explode and the software goes back to the start point. It does this many, many times until I just have to give up and try another day.

I have reinstalled software, tried different USB ports on powered hubs (usb 2 and 3) different sockets on the PC, again, usb 2 and various flavours of usb3, with extension lead and without.

I am near the point at which i seem to be going around in circles and think that one of you might just be able to help me break that cycle and actually make some progress.

Cheers to you all,


This video gives some great suggestions for getting the tobii working better…


Thanks Ninja

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Excellent video, thanks for the link.

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