VATSIM / IVAO / LNM etc ALL need their SimConnect injected aircraft to show labels

I can’t stand this line of thinking. It stifles creativity. Nobody said anything about realism, it’s a quality of life option.

I don’t know if you noticed but it’s not exactly realistic flying an A320/747/787/CRJ/etc. with just one pilot, yet here we all are doing it.

Stifles creativity? That’s a new one. Simulator isn’t in the name for nothing. VATSIM came up on this thread as a justification for the request. VATSIM trains it’s controllers based on real word procedures. There are no labels in the real world. If you want to fly in an “as close as we can get to real world” environment you should start small and work your way up. As far as the big iron goes, I don’t fly it for just the reason you mentioned. They aren’t designed for single pilot operation. If you want to fly jets, stick to the CJ4 that is certified for single pilot operation.

What if someone wants to use the sim in a different way to you? That’s what this comes down to, in the end. The ability to see someone’s else’s point of view, and accept their opinion.

There isn’t “one” way to use MSFS.


It’s not that I’m not accepting your point of view. I realize that some people like to use MSFS as an arcade game. What I’m saying is that if you want to fly on VATSIM, that does the best it can to simulate a real world environment, having labels on aircraft defeats the purpose.

Then you turn them OFF (in Vpilot) . If you are flying causally with friends, you might want them turned on.
The point is all other sims, (FSX, XP, P3D) support MP labels … MSFS just “Forgot” to implement it.


In response to OVT0163Fabio:
Have a look at this addon, should adress your complaints about the visuals of the nameplates. GitHub - clompsy/msfs_nameplates: Nameplates mods for MSFS 2020

It is nice feature to have - but IRL you dont have labels so I’d much more prefer to have working TCAS for multiplayer airplanes.

Thatt MOd only changes what the EXISTING labels cosmetically look like. It does not alter their content to ADD the Aircraft ATC Callsign, which is what this wish is trying to address.

Ah, my comment was in reponse to OVT0163Fabio saying the labels should be redesigned. I understand the confusion though, I’ll edit my comment to more clearly reflect for who it was meant.

Be careful what you wish for !! If REAL TCAS was implemented, you would most likely be “UNHAPPY”, because it is NOT displaying EVER aircraft around you !!

Well It all depends on how you set it up - while climbing you set it to traffic above you and while descending you change it to traffic below. Only thing that could work not like IRL with TCAS is that any lags/delays/sudden changes of position due to any reason can lead to whole lot of false alarms.

Thank you so much.

SimConnect injected traffic (VATSIM, IVAO) should now be displayed in HTML/JS instruments that have traffic displays as well as on the VFR Map

Partial fix? Still downloading.

More of a fix for this issue. Still not a complete fix, as standard players are not included, but I’d say that is less important than SimConnect traffic.

Not really. There is/was a mod out there that did this already, while native is better, but it did not fix the nameplate issue to show simconnect labels.
Has there been an update on this issue yet @Jummivana ? It has been 3 months of patient waiting, and we suspect this could be a quick fix, and close this topic I hope. Also, no legal hurdles : ) Thanks.


5 Months later, and despite being brought up in the Q&A by Jane, the request seems to be ignored.

So, what is now happening this weekend … Pilot Edge’s SimVenture 2021.

Those flying in the event who are using MSFS are so disadvantaged,

NO Labels to see other aircraft

Simconnect injected planes have such a messed up LOD for injected planes, that you cannot see any planes, greater than about 1/4 mile, and then, only their lights…


All the other FS’s have labels, FSX, P3D, XP – but not the most recent MSFS…


Why has this request died … or is being totally ignored without an reason given ??

If you are interested in this subject, you might like to also read the comments in the thread

which discusses the same issue, from a slightly different point of view,

Bumping thread. This would still be a nice to have feature.


The OP needs to update this post, as now the lights are not even visible

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