VelocityOne Flight Universal Control System - Turtle Beach

Check to make sure you don’t have Rudder Assist on.

For the second point, I don’t think that’s avoidable. The V1F elevator trim is an actual axis, not simply up/down commands from something like the Logitech Multipanel, so the moment you touch it, it will revert to wherever it’s actual position is in axis travel, which may or may not correspond to to where it is in sim travel.

Imagine you moved your throttle in the cockpit via the mouse and then touched your throttle axis. Same disconnect.

Question from a potential buyer: Is the rudder trigger an analog control (you bind to an axis) or are they momentary switches?

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The sim gives you a warning if you’re binding something that’s already bound, but won’t stop you from doing it.
It could be very useful to have multiple buttons (on different controllers for example) bound to the same command. But since those simply input a button press (pulse) it doesn’t lead to problems. Binding multiple axis to the same thing can be a problem, since both those axis might be sending conflicting signals.

I have actual rudder pedals, so I don’t use them for their intended purpose (and have removed most default bindings), but I did try to bind them to a switch command and it did say XYZ Axis and they feel like the triggers on a controller. I assume they’re an axis.

If nobody confirms or denies this by the time I get home from work I’ll have a look.

You’re thinking of two entirely different things. If I had a button or axis bound to two commands, it would tell me it was already bound to something. If I bind two axes to the same command, it will not.

And your logic is flawed. Right now, both axes work perfectly with one bound to Throttle Axis and the other bound to Throttle 1 Axis. I can move from one to the other in flight without any issues. If conflicting signals were a problem, you would never be able to control anything you have bound via the mouse in the cockpit and I wouldn’t be able to switch between them because they’d be jumping about.

You’re correct on the first point, I missed that.

On the second though, it is just an educated guess. Could just be something with ‘throttle axis’ overruling the separate throttle 1 and 2 axis, and the issue only shows up when there’s two axis linked to the main one. Just trying to find a somewhat reasonable explanation to what is reported.

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The triggers work fine for rudder control. They apply rudder in proportion to how far you depress the trigger, and sustain the rudder in the desired amount until released. I will upgrade to TB pedals as soon as they are offered.


Yep checked that. The first time I had the issue this was the case. After switching it off it got resolved, but then came back in my next flight.

Good remark on the trim and thrust lever analogy. So the problem is then more the lack of a visual reference. I can see when my thrust lever is not in sync, but there is no visual clue on the yoke trim wheel.

Check the assists again (if you already haven’t), since SU7 they like to just revert back to Easy across the board with no rhyme or reason.

And yeah, it’ll take a while for me to be mindful of the trim axis, since now it also persists across flights. I crashed my beloved DC-6 on my first takeoff with the V1F since I forgot to center the axis AND would later discover that the DC-6 wants the axis reversed for some reason. I took off with like 3.6 degrees of nose down trim and no amount of elevator was going to overcome that.

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@JamesTBS6584, how wide do the clamps open? Or, another way, what is the max thickness my desk can be for the clamps to fit? Thanks

I have a questions for VF1 owners : when the throttle is in the down position, it seems that the throttle does covers a bit the 10 white buttons. Can you still easily access the buttons while the 4 throttle sticks are in down position ?

2 1/2 inches or 63.5 mm.

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Not easily no, I’ve found it fiddly to be honest.

That down position would actually be my primarily issue with it.

As far as I can tell, that reverse detente does nothing. It’s not a button. It doesn’t even really hold them in that position very well, the slightest touch and they’ll jump back out of it.

When the throttles are at 0, though, getting to the buttons isn’t a big issue.

Thanks a lot to all of you for your answers.

Hey does your yoke have a wobble ?

No,mine doesn’t.

Well I must say I kind of liking this flight yoke. From a very new simmer, flying for 4 months now I thought it time to invest.

I set this up several days ago and it feels real. It looks the part as well. But, I am unsure what and how to set up and what I want the buttons and ‘hats’ to do for me.

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Can someone help me or show me how to bind flaps for the Diamond DA32 on the velocity one turtle beach please.

Yes mine does and I reached out to customer service and they told me this is “normal”. Kinda bummed about that so hopefully it doesn’t give me problems later down the line.