Very Disappointed Series X User

What in the world happened to this game on Xbox?

I was really looking forward to this from being quite an active user on 2020 but I just cant believe this is how it tuned out on Series X.

The inconsistency in visuals is quite astounding. LOD terrain detail and object detail must be set at extremely low levels because as soon as you get above 100 feet everything turns into a blur. Objects such as planes at airports and buildings are only popping into existence when you get very close to them. Trees make the game slow to a crawl and for some reason multiplayer name plates aren’t showing as they used to so it just feels empty.

Performance has taken a gigantic hit, I was just flying over the Grand Canyon I would guess that my FPS was dropping to low teens, at one point possibly 10 fps.

Admittedly I haven’t followed the game too much before release, but I did check out some of the footage.

Am I wrong for thinking that the game was going to have much better levels of detail compared to 2020? I could have sworn that Mountains and terrain were supposed to have fine granular detailing down to small rocks and the blades of grass but I haven’t found any terrain like that in the sim so far. Even checking out the Grand Canyon and Yosemite I couldn’t find any evidence of these terrain details, just the usual low quality textures that 2020 has in many places.

Were these details exclusive to career missions or possibly just because I am on the Xbox?


I have the same impressions. The XSX version of the sim is an embarrassment for Asobo/MS and should never have been released in this state. It’s an extreme graphical downgrade compared to MSFS 2020, with poor frame rate, frequent CTD, stuttering, bad LOD and draw distance so bad it sometimes reminds me of games from the PS3/x360 era. I have uninstalled it from my SSD.


The game is terrible. Cant get any of my controllers to work on it. Cant believe i paid 129 quid for this. Totally ruined it for me, ive spent about 20 minute’s in the sky , Going to try and get my money back and just stay on flight sim 2020


And still you are lucky guys because despite having terrible level of details, frame drops etc. at least you can do flying, missions etc. in FS2024 on Xbox. Some of us can’t even start the missions, challenges or run career mode without permanent freezing after 2 minutes of activity.


Couldnt agree more it’s an absolute disaster. I don’t know if they know, there has been no acknowledgement. The ratings on Xbox store have pretty much bombed anyone on the fence about getting it. Upping the cache to 32.0GB has helped but only in the small aircraft, the 737 max feels cheap and nasty and is TLODs kryptonite. The controls keep resetting back to default career mode aircraft spawning on roof, the mouse free look not even functional. Seriously the list is endless. MSFS 2020 with the PMDG 777 is performing way better so what the point in 2024 at the moment? The list of bugs is that long it’s long term to get to where 2020 is. It’s meant to be better than 2020 from day 1. That’s what we were told and sold for, sorry for having the expectations


This makes for some sad reading :cry:


For balance career mode and free flight is working fine for me in Xbox X. The UK and Africa look ok to me visually. Way better than FS2020 was.

My biggest problem is the AI instructor on career mode seems to have a crush on me. And she stares at me during lessons.

Very inappropriate behaviour. And I think she touched my knee intentionally earlier.

Is there a button where we can report them to the CAA??? Or id prefer that Machado fella instead of this young female instructor.


Try to request a refund. The game is broken on XSX and Microsoft knows that very well. The user scores couldn’t be lower. It’s like an indie game but still in it’s alpha phase.


And the loading times after starting the program were so ridiculously long. If you have one hour free time you be very likely in the cockpit for less then 10 minutes…


I just loaded it up as not played in a 4 days, just a free flight in the Cirrus, looked awful, only flying over Portsmouth UK and pop in at close range, looks horrible. LOD is poor.
Im very disappointed.

I mean just look at what my co pilot thinks of it.


Completely unusable for me here in the UK.
No matter what i select to do it will CTD in under 1 minute.
Next to know updates about why or what is being done to fix it. Ive bought it as well which doesnt help my mood.
What are they doing to help the many like me?
My Internet etc is fine


I’m rather distracted by my instructor. Some of the things she says are shockingly bad jokes. We’ve done my PPL 15 times we’re going for dinner tonight.


I agree, it’s really disappointing. This is just one of the things that has left a real sour taste in my mouth with the xbox in general. After swearing for years I’d never buy another playstation I’m sorely tempted with the ps5 pro and the vr headset, seems to be light years ahead of where Microsoft are going with the xbox.


I agree - iIm thinking of asking for a refund - it is terrible. Nothing works. All my purchased planes have not loaded. Scenery worse than 2020. In fact the whole set up is worse than 2020.


I agree - i’m thinking of asking for a refund - it is terrible. Nothing works. All my purchased planes have not loaded. Scenery worse than 2020. In fact the whole set up is worse than 2020.

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Yeah I’ve got a pro recently, such a better experience all round.
It’s like Microsoft are driving its user base from Xbox to PS5 lately, I think flight sim is also helping the process.
I hope 2024 gets a lot better but it’s not looking promising so far.


Good luck with the refund. I requested one the day after purchasing, with 2h in game. Was denied. What the hell? So it’s ok to lie to people in order for them to buy a product that has known flaws and won’t even work as intended. I swear that is against consumer protection laws in most countries.

Baffled by this one MS.

Maybe I’m one of the few, but I’ve a very different experience playing on Series X. The difference between 2020 and 2024 is night and day. It runs smooth and scenery, lighting, and small details are very clear at all levels of altitude - in career, photo mode, and free flight.

The only issue I currently have, is that the sim crashes when starting a free flight at a major airport. Usually quickly solved when selecting a different gate to start. Luckily the sim loads fast and I’m flying in a matter of minutes.

Missions loading screen with endless rotating circle. More than 30 min. And low bandwidth warning (which is definitely not from my side of the cable). Jörg, how to say it on a polite way…: NO the servers were not going well and the problems were not solved !


I am assuming you don’t use a mouse when flying?

Problem is that if you use a mouse for free looking and controlling things in the cockpit that does not function as of right now in 2024, which makes flying very difficult. Seems like a very basic thing for the devs to fix or figure out.