Very Satisfied with MSFS 2020

I bought three 43” screens (TVs) when MSFS came out. Also three Saitek panels…& a multipanel. I had to drag the view over the three screens but the immersion was still excellent.

I then bought a reverb G2.
I only fly in VR now and everything else is obsolete :grinning:



You get used to reaching out with your hands… proprioception

The masterstroke is to having brought the Bing data in the game.

“Real world” is what was missing the most in the previous versions.

Yes, great job!


Which graphic card you use?

I just departed KLAS (with add on pac) at night Arrival > KDEN 747 absolutely stunning experience!! et al

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To each his own.

I used to use an RTX 2080TI but a few months ago I managed to get hold of an “ RTX3090 Aorus Extreme 24GB” - it works rather well :grinning:


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ever since I finally got my VR working, I find it hard to fly any other way … I am starting to fly my bush trips all over again … between those and now RENO! it’s great now and once they continue tweaking this sim …

Nothing will ever be able to compete with the world in VR and have the system to push it, and a dynamite flight control setup to sim with… Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog with Thrustmaster TPR pedals. Expensive … not when you consider the quality of flying you get for the money invested, combined with HP Reverb G2 VR headset …vs. actually buying a used Kit-built ultralight Briggs and Straton lawnmower powered rolling death trap …

Crashing in VR … you can still walk away from and reboot.:wink:

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He indeed did!

Nice to see a positive topic around here, normally it’s 20 about how horrible this sim is and how Microsoft/Asobo hates us all. I always wondered, if this sim is so bad then quit playing… pretty simple.

Anyway, I agree with positivity in here, I think the sim is a lot of fun and can be pretty amazing at times. I think the future bodes well.


The FlyTampa Vegas scenery is magical!

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Thanks for your answer. Please understand the other side of the medal too. There’s nowhere, nowhere on this forum a single topic where people just are able to exchange their liking of the sim. Always, always someone of a seemingly small group of 20 or so will hijack the topic and post something negative.

There are plenty of topics where bugs, flaws, and imperfections, sometimes very true, are discussed. And @aracines has indeed contributed greatly to these discussions and I read his posts with interest and respect him for that. But why does this group feel the need to always and everywhere repeat their wrath, blame, and cynicism? They contribute to the overall negativity on this forum.

I would like to ask the same consideration for people who just want to exchange what they like and admire about the sim. Can you understand this?

And besides: my post (which was a bit cynical too, I am sorry for that, maybe I went a tad too far in my emotion for which I apologize) got flagged within 30 seconds.


I appreciate the kind words, I truly do. I too am able to respect those who can appreciate the marvel that MSFS is in many respects.

To explain without going into too much all over again; any perceived wrath, blame, or cynicism on my part, is not that at all. It can be perceived as a voice for the continued work towards excellence (feature presentations). It is important to not be satisfied with updates that result in more problems for the end user, just because the scenery is awesome.

If nobody said anything except how wonderful the scenery is, just think of what MSFS could become: suddenly static. We may not even get any more WU’s let alone SU’s.

I truly believe that the MSFS team does sympathize with flight simmers in this matter, and I do believe that flight simmers realize the enormity of this project.

It’s very important to keep pressing on, and not be totally satisfied quite yet; it is still called a journey after all.

I would not be here if I did not appreciate and care about the MSFS team/product.


I have been an MSFS guy for like 30 years. I have to say that this has been a real treat for me personally. I don’t have a PC, but had purchased an Xbox Series X last fall. Couldn’t wait to have the very first MSFS on console. I love it! It actually runs really well. I never thought I could be a great pilot with an Xbox controller, and I’m actually pretty good at it. I guess those years as a kid using nothing but a keyboard paid off. :joy:
I’m excited to get my Thrustmaster full flight kit and really open up the experience. When I had finally got joystick as a kid on the PC’s, it was a game changer. Even if it was a totally cheap piece of junk, it made for a whole new experience. :joy:.
Yeah sure, the sim has had some bumps in the road. Last December it was rough for everybody, CTD this and METAR that. I just put it down for a week or two and did other things. Fired it up later and it works almost flawlessly, just like the other 99% of the time. I really haven’t had hardly any issues that were worth freaking out about.
There really is nothing better in the sim than lining up my TBM 930, plotting a course wherever in the world, set desired conditions or go with real time, and just go. Just go and be. Not much of an autopilot guy, more of a hands on do it all myself type, even if it is for a few hours straight.
Overall, I’m very happy with it. I don’t have a budget for a PC anytime soon, but my Xbox works great! And it really is slowly getting better by the day, as a whole. Thanks for a positive thread, and if you actually read this, thanks for reading. :sunglasses::small_airplane:


OMG, I just gave it a try! Taxing is 10,000 times easier, no exaggeration. Even though I could hardly see any instrumentation just keeping heading on takeoff, lining up on landing, feeling where the ground was for flare up, etc. were amazing. It’s also cool being able to stand up and clip through the airplane, lol.

Three issues I had were audio didn’t work, the airport’s runway I use kind of disintegrates in VR, and the big one was I had a hard time seeing basic things, especially with text. But still amazing for a first shot. My GTX 1070 handled it just fine.


These are the things that I enjoy about VR too, especially the flaring on landing bit. What headset are you using if you don’t mind me asking?

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It’s an Oculus from a few years ago. I think it will be too blurry for me to use on a regular basis. If I wasn’t already familiar with the cockpit I’d have probably been lost trying to find things.

I had a very hard time tracking airspeed, vertical, altitude and engine RPM on the NXi. I think an older cockpit might be easier in VR. But the difficulty with seeing instruments was made up by increased spatial awareness. I could maintain altitude visually, once I had an idea where I was by leaning forward to get a super close look. I suppose there are a ton of community VR mods to help with these things.

Anyway, gave me some hope I wouldn’t be as bad in a real airplane.

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I’m glad that you’re enjoying it sounds like!

Thanks Steve

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Something about flying in VR, the aircraft feels more like a real machine.
With the VR’s 6 DOF the cockpit feels like a place.
So much more situational awareness and peripheral vision of where you are on the taxiways.
All I’m missing is that force feed back rumble.

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