Warning: Your graphics device has encountered a problem


As mentioned above by someone else (can’t remember where I saw it or even on this forum or not), but I have found that by re-installing the Nvidia driver (either Game ready or Studio) BEFORE starting FS2020 each time, I get no CTD at all 'Graphics device has encountered a problem. Very odd, but this seems to do the trick. Just been flying around in Fenix for a good couple of hours with very stable performance.

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It’s on this forum, I read it too. The person also said if he try to launch another games behind an MSFS
crash, they crashed too. It’s like MSFS make something wrong to the driver. It already happened to me several times with some game in Alpha or Beta testing (I test a lot). All things launched after will crash too until reboot or drivers re-installation.

I’ve long been an opponent of HAGS as in my opinion it is for people using onboard graphics and is not needed with a dedicated graphics card and also is off be default in Windows, if it was any good they would leave it on.

However this is not a fix, as I believe there is no one fix for this catch all pop up.

I have been able to produce the error in several ways, HAGS, overclocking, cooling and even bringing the settings to a point my PC could not run the game at 900x900 LOD everything ultra yet I was also able to fly at 600x600 LOD all maxed with no errors at 2FPS. Note that some users went and did a full Windows reinstall to find it worked, again HAGS is off by default.

…enough on HAGS…

Game Mode: I think the only thing it really does is stop update checking and notifications.

…Game Mode deserves only one sentence…

This thread is the crown king of false equivalencies in that many users blame the program because they changed nothing and it worked before, it’s an understandable assumption but an angry wait for a fix standing is probably not best.

Along with driver checks and Windows Update be sure you have all of the latest C++ and DirectX installed

Also be sure any program meant to “help” is also turned off as in monitoring software, overclocking, streaming services, color correction and the like.

Many of you have probably been down this road and found no cure and for this you have my sympathies.

For other Intel 9th gen CPU users Intel has come out and said (kind of indirectly) our resizable BAR is junk and we probably should not be trying to use it. I take this from their Intel video card saying it is not compatible 9th gen because of it’s lack of resizable BAR support. I will grant you the support we did have was never native as in required a bios update but that has never stopped Intel with releasing hardware in the past stipulating the BIOS update.

Finally somewhat related, DirectX 12, many of us have no business using it (myself lacking proper BAR possibly included). The main party pieces of the current Direct-X 12 Ultimate are NOT supported by older video cards. Yes DX12 support has been slapped on boxes since 2015 but it’s changed to the point that Ultimate is part of it’s official name now … it’s 30 series and up and that will change too.

Not trying to put down anyone’s hardware but look at the DX12u feature set and ask yourself how much of this does my video card support?


I appreciate all the efforts by everyone to pinpoint a cause but I keep seeing GPU load mentioned and while I can’t rule out that generating this error in some instances, it’s definitely not exclusively the cause

The only time I get this error is running in DX11 and I do not get it while the sim is rendering, it only occurs during menus and while a flight is loading (the loading bar gets to 80% and then it crashes with the error), no 3D graphics are being rendered at this point so there is no GPU load

Hi guys! I have a very interesting observation. I used to have, especially at ORBX Prague, these errors almost every flight, making the sim unusable. However! When I limit my FPS to 40 in the Nvidia Control panel (I have around 50 FPS when uncapped), the error disappeared. My logic behind it is, that since the GPU has less things to render, it’s populating the VRAM less as well.

So if you guys suffer from this, try this step. It looks like it helped me.

I have an Nvidia RTX 3070 Ti (8GB)

After 4 or so flights without issues, I just had this crash again just as I started my Taxi on VATSIM. Come on, Asobo…

After the sim started back to the main menu, I went into Experimental (just for ■■■■■ and giggles), and I noticed that NanoVG was enabled. Why? I never enabled this. Is this something that is enabled by default in SU10??

Regardless, I turned it off.

MODERATOR EDIT: Sentence removed to comply with the Code of Conduct

Forum Search is your Friend : Search results for 'NanoVG' - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

As example

  • NanoVG is now the default rendering method (instead of GDI) for XML gauges on PC (still can be changed in devmode Options->Use NanoVG for XML Gauges)
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that’s quite coincidental. enabling an experimental feature by default, and at the same time these crashes.

I’m gonna attempt a flight in the next day or two and I’ll see how it goes.

I noticed these NanoVG as I enabled the new LowPower mode… But I thought in Beta the reports started before the .21 . And I have it at the new NanoVG=on, so far I understood give it better performance, and still never seen that error.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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Are you using DX12?

Are you using DLSS?

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I have this since updating my NVidia drivers to 522.25, seems likely it’s an issues with a graphics driver and the software or a recent windows 11 update as they are the only things that have changed since the message. I have an i7 with RTX 2080ti , 32GB Ram and SSD drives

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My system: i7-8700K , 2080TI , 522.25 , Win10 with no issue. The diff is Win11 here ( if you not have running other external tools, reshade, etc… )

On NavoVG: I find this setting to reset itself to ON with every opening/save of the settings page, there is no mention added to user config opt

Any news and fixes to this topic?

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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Are you using DX12?

Are you using DLSS?

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My sincere sympathy goes out to all the MS/Asobo MSFS developers!
This project has to be like playing a never-ending game of “Whac-A-Mole”!


I was NOT having this issue until only recently, so I am kind of not buying into that solution… I changed the settings from high to medium, and it crashed again… now I will continue to lower the quality of the game… and it reminds me of FSX all over again.

I also have the same problem and believe me I already tried everything. But it seems that MSFS doesn’t care. The truth is very stressful this simulator. What a pity. They don’t care about anything, not even a message telling us they’re investigating or anything. Very bad.
:rage: :rage:


Yes they have. Read the topic and also that this is logged. See the tag at the top of the topic.


I get what they mean - not every player uses the forums… and the forums are not easy to navigate really… unless you use them all the time, and probably not then either… they could have popped some sort of note to our email, or when we go into the game.

Another point, in the last several starting of the game processes, I see the swirling circle of “Checking for Updates,” and I do not normally see that… so it makes me a little suspicious of the graphics card issue.

And one more thing on that, if I may, my fan fires up pretty fast when this game starts up, and it has since I installed it, but when I shut down this game, the fan slows down - but I never had it crash with a graphic card warning before… unless that was part of the whole CTD scenario… which might explain some of those too… and now I have gone down the rabbit hole…

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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This began after the most recent update (SU10). There was also an NVIDIA driver update around the same time. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled and have tried running in safe mode but the program still crashes (freezes) due to the error identified in the string.

Are you using DX12?

Not that I know of

Are you using DLSS?


If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video: