What about V I S I B I L I T Y?

Many months ago, it was said that there were some fog/haze improvements in the works for the sim to make possible to better depict low visibility conditions. We are in update 5 yet not a word about all this. I’m quite tired of permanently flying in perfect visibility (clouds aside). This has been asked and discussed since day 1 and the aerosol parameter is not useful nor used by live weather so we always have perfect visibility or a “sand storm” like haze. PLEASE, can you guys at asobo get serious about this?

Example of real life vs MSFS visibility conditions:

Video real life:

Old thread about this:


Proper visibility parameters are coming in the big weather update they have planned by the end of this year. In the last q&a, they said that their rendering pipeline has a disconnect between in game weather engine and data from meteoblue. Basically the sim is not rendering the visibility data like haze, dust, aerosols etc…

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