What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

I have done several multi-leg flights, and the ATC just… goes away. I THINK I have had it work for more than one leg a few times, but yeah… the atc does drop out. I am not sure if a complete power down of the flight deck, before entering the next flight plan may have helped

Glad the Alpha Jet is still working for you! For me it scrambles up the ground textures, no other plane does that for some reason.

Where did you get the A350?

First post SU5 flight - from Boise, ID (KBOI) to my home airport John Wayne/Orange County (KSNA) in the Longitude. At 86 minutes, no CTDs (just the usual issues everyone else is reporting regarding OAT), and a decent landing. YT vid of approach and landing (including a shot of my house!):


Short flight over New York while I had a few minutes spare. Admiring the view and living seeing the sky (and bridges and ground!) full of other people.

Ahh, not just me then. I didn’t want to do a complete power down since that triggers end flight (log book pop up). I guess it’s better to remember the parking spot, power down (end flight) and create a new flight from the same spot on the world map.

@wcoesel No, it’s one of the star airports in game, Paro VQPR. I had crash damage disabled, the pole turned my plane almost 180 as I drove by. Wing stuck on the pole. In London there’s a tower (landmark POI) that doesn’t pop up until you’re right in front of it, I have flown through it twice now. No collision detection for that, yet a lamp post… :slight_smile:

I wonder how many people have gone through everything in this post. I have. Recently.
It’s actually quite amusing to read this for me especially with the recent Paro lamp post incident.
Why is the plane turning around?
Why has my radio quit?
What’s up with my map?
My map issue was a little different. It drew a half pink and half white line across my destination at a 90 degree angle to my flight path every time I loaded a flight. I had to reboot my pc to fix that one.

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Well I managed to get the A320 to Gatwick without incident, a very steep learning curve - chose to try autoland, was going okay until 50ft when it suddenly nose-dived then bounced - caught it after killing the autopilot and stopped intact.

Interesting to see all the kiddies playing at Gatwick, saw at least two full scale crashes and any number taking off from the grass, taxiways etc. Hope it calms down soon because it’s taking away some of the realism for me.

Discovered the A32NX FBW update so spent couple of hours getting liveries then setting up a flight ready to return to EGNT later tonight.


hah… was outta Gatwick too!

yes, it’s fun watching the chaos. Taxiways are apparently as good as runways as well. 2 747’s in a row “took off” from one.

but it needs to settle down soon otherwise live traffic will need to go off. Realism takes big hit, especially when you are clered for takeoff on an epty runway and then new players jsut keep spawning for takeoff… sometimes several at teh same time. The only choice is to use the non-collision feature and go through.

catching discussion over on reddit, wow… the attempt to sim are far fewer than I expected… there is a lot just wanting to run AI plane control or fly as an outright game, which I expected, but not quite so many…

I thought the people attempting to learn properly would be higher, not a tiny minority. It’s only early days though and I would be lying if I did not say I was flying VFR GTFO rules in my first few flights (after proving I could start a cold A320, having never done it before… or simmed in over a decade)

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It might be an idea to add some options to live player. Restrict who you see to only those on IFR flight plans, all that are tracked by ATC, or just everyone.

It’s chaos when landing as well, getting overtaken, planes landing next to the runway, taking off or landing from the other direction. ATC isn’t the brightest either, giving everyone take off clearance at the same time. Of course the opposite would be a long wait with people jumping the queue. I think ATC also only uses one active runway for take off? I’ve seen live traffic use multiple runways but so far ATC seems to direct all players to the same runway.

either thru laziness, knowledge or a result of EVERYONE complaining about ATC (likely), I note…almost none seem to be using it. Could have a ramp full of taxiing and departing aircraft, I am talking to ATC and am the only flight they are handling. so much for listening to atc for ituational awareness.

I didn’t want to go the VATSIM route, but it might be looking better if things don’t calm down eventually. It’s only early days though

just took a steady flight over fuerteventura
beautiful waves and lighting in the ocean


flew to FL380 i didnt think it looked to bad?


People must at least be using the taxi for departure, otherwise they wouldn’t all end up at the same runway. Vatsim players are still on the same server are they not? Or I guess there is a friends only option in multiplayer to make groups?

Anyway, the chaos livens up the place for now. Easy to spot a major airport by the abundant array of name tags hovering over a spot on the map :slight_smile:

spent the majority of the time trying not to ctd on long flights…

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Had a nice test flight from Birmingham - Edinburgh absolute stunning ! with no faults too :crossed_fingers:


Pearl Harbor. I’ve been mentioning the chaos and I guess was involved in it a little flying the king air for this tour. I do follow the rules around airports when I fly, outside of any mistakes. I decided to go back and get a float plane. Anyone know how to turn it around on water? I got stuck under a bridge as it only goes straight or slightly skews. I must be missing something.
My graphics seem to have taken a turn for the worse also. The water surface is horrible


Do you have to deploy water rudders? I noticed that there was an option to keybind in the Controls options.

Actually made 2 flights with the FBW A320NX, using a 3rd party weather addon which removed the issue of 40c at 38k. Only trouble is not using live weather.


Added some custom sounds to Airwolf for engine start, engine shutdown and prop sounds today.
And triggering the theme intro with flaps because theme music :slight_smile: Demo video here -