What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

Jup! ATC and the altitude bug are still off after SU5 for some people.

Most of the time im flying small planes at lower altitudes now and leaving the large airliners until they are fixed or updated.

But because of the mountains i flew the pipestral to 11000ft but irmt crashed down all of a sudden.


Woke up early, so watched the sunrise near Portland, Oregon :slight_smile:

Update: tuned my HDR mapping for the screenshots, I like this new version better :smiley:




Coming into KERI this morning on my usual morning flight and all I can say is TOO MANY DANG RAINBOWS:

Then launched out of CherryPoint and headed south.

Captain there be boats:

Seems the only place I can see boats, around the great lakes it should be lousy with boats and never see a single one any more (boat traffic is turned to 100%) and around Presque Isle it should have a ton of them.


Still trying to figure out the systems on the A320NX, last night’s flight was full of problems.

First on take off. For some reason the plane wouldn’t climb beyong 5,000ft initially and since the runway is already at 3,556ft. I guess just not enough to have the plane switch (or ask) to CLB mode. Result, overspeed. Clicking the altitude knob make it climb again (was on managed altitude mode)

I could not reproduce this while taking off this morning. It did stop climbing again at 12K ft (yet already in CLB mode, so no overspeeding) and I had to click the alt knob again to get it to go further up to 18K ft. Mysterious behavior.

Then ATC tried to suffocate my passengers on cruise mode

This live weather barometric bug is very annoying. Don’t go over 42K ft!

Then on landing in Salt Lake City I wondered why APR mode wasn’t picking up the glide slope and had to go missed. It was RNAV not ILS, my bad.

However then I dived into the mysterious working of the flight computer to get back on track

How do you continue to PLAGE?? While BLUPE is white in F-PLN, AP actually wants to fly all the way back to PROXI first to join the route again to BLUPE.

All the way back North is where it wants to go after a missed approach

Is there a way to get it on track? Select a waypoint to go to and continue from there? The DIR button will let you select a waypoint to go to direct, yet after the plane gets there AP just starts circling the waypoint.

Re-entering the Arrival approach, trying to get it to join the approach path resulted in all the other mess and at some point the flight plan was one big tangled messy knot around Salt Lake.

What did work was DIR to waypoint (KSLC) which creates a new empty flight plan from USER straight to KSLC. Then add the arrival runway approach again and a more sensible path turns up. I still don’t know how to join that from PLAGE, yet if you let it do its thing it will get there.

Anyway, lot of approach runs trying to get to grips with the onboard computer. My co-pilot got very confused, (started calling missed approach when everything was fine, after being silent for half an hour letting me do the ATC talk) and the VFR map crashed again. Activating APR phase on the flight computer while following a heading (to PLAGE) also made it turn around again, switching off heading mode. (Not that flying to a point in the path yourself makes AP join the route from there)

Surely there must be a way to join the route from a certain point? Flying manually is so much easier!


If your airspeed is to high, the airliners tend not to want to climb. I find that by decreasing speed to around 280knts and then climb it does. Once in awhile Ive had to actually had to click the climb button a couple of times to get it to work.

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Then the ATC should instruct that instead of providing an erroneous value to use. My point was I spent yet another day opening Zendesk instead of flying and enjoying.

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Clicking down on the altitude knob (engage selected altitude mode) instead of leaving it on (managed altitude mode) made it climb further again. I’m just trying to understand what it does and why. It’s like the altitude mode has a memory and goes to a previous setting, in this case 5,000 ft and when I left Salt Lake this morning to 12,000ft. Not going to the revised altitude, adjusted while not at the target altitude yet. (If that makes sense)

Experimenting changing approaches while mid flight (following 320simpilot) results in this

I’m just changing the arrival, why does it send my plane back? Is it a bug, or am I doing something wrong? Almost back on track, don’t touch anything! Coming from developing car navigation systems this flight plan system is baffling!

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Took a quick flight from KDLH to KASX and back. Cruised along with the low clouds on the south shore of Superior for the outward leg and then crossed the lake and came down the north shore for the return. Always a beautiful flight!


I dont know I basically do all my flight planning in my head. I only use ATC to tell them here I come and see what runway Im supposed to land on. Other then that I found ATC to be pretty useless. Gone are the days you flew to KJFK only to orbit the field for and hour waiting for a slot to open up for landing.

Most airports you can get free charts in it you find procedures Transition Altitudes Transition levels etc. etc.
USA charts https://skyvector.com
Google is your friend or Bing type airport ICAO charts.

Yes, I know all this but bottom line is that there is a bug. I’m just pointing out that instead of enjoying my flight today, I was busy reporting this bug to Zendesk.

I’ve been doing that before, fly manually or on heading mode to follow the approach path (along the waypoints) as shown on the VFR map or in little navmap. While leaving the flight plan to go to the airport (no arrival set). That works fine, ATC will give some confusing directions, yet if you just ignore (acknowledge) them it will get back on track on short final.

However, I’m trying to learn how to operate the flight computer. Either it’s bugged or I’m oblivious to how to operate the thing.

On approach to San Diego I got assigned LOC 27 approach (I had programmed in RNAV27 Y approach). The same path as I was on, yet to try to understand how things work I changed my approach to LOC 27. The results were different this time, AP starting going straight to the end?

It should go to Lyndi first but somehow it went straight to Reebo.

I declared a missed approach (that screwed up my glide path), reprogrammed the approach to LOC27 to reset it, yet now it did the opposite, AP heading back Beale

Why won’t it go to Lyndi lol.

I reset the plan by first planning a direct (DIR) route to KSAN, then entering LOC27 again

That solved the problem (refiling IFR plan and all) and it’s heading to Lyndi on a nice wide curve.

Another misunderstanding on my part I think. When I got approach clearance for runway 27 with localizer approach I pressed LOC on the dashboard. I guess that’s only for ILS?

AP got drunk and started swerving left and right to the runway. ATC gave me landing clearance and after watching AP randomly wander to the runway I turned it off, and did a quick VFR landing while I had clearance (that last loop)

I got there in the end, still no wiser about the flight computer.

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After a stressful day at work I took the Cessna 152 out from Dalaman airport as I just bought the paid version from the Xbox marketplace and flew over Marmaris and Icmeler as I used to holiday there a lot and was so nice to actually spot one of the hotels I stayed and bars I frequented which was cool and then headed out over the bay and back to Dalaman.
This is the beauty of this simulation and it can even relieve stress :+1:


Yeah I have seen alot of people fussing about using the Flight Computer. I learned with paper maps and DME myself, so I really dont have much need for the FC. I did a multi leg run this afternoon, It was pretty much a good time, started out in heavy rain headed south through 0 vis at 3000’ and watched the weather clear as I got south. Got to around Columbus Ohio and things had pretty much cleared up, started the 4 leg toward Nashville then got bored and landed on the wrong end of a small airfield, trees were kind of tall and close the end of the runway I landed on. But nice smooth landing and didnt run off the end of the runway so everybody survived … THIS TIME.

Oh yeah I forgot I almost Ditched the plane on the flight south:

Get it Ditched the plane … ditch over there to the right! …


Flying from KJFK to KDCA. Had several near misses. In one case the jet was only a few hundred feet below me, head on.


Yes, I have them in sight. I can see what they’re drinking!


Hey all, still a noob here, really enjoying myself in the sim.

Everyone in the MSFS discord convinced me to do Lukla.

All I can say is rip :rofl:

Having a blast.



Tried to figure out why half the buttons in my WT CJ4 have stopped working. I’ve tried:

  • Removing all CJ4 liveries from community folder - STILL BROKEN
  • Removing all add-ons except for the WT CJ4 - STILL BROKEN
  • Regenerated the community folder and added in the CJ4 - STILL BROKEN
  • Reset to LEGACY mode - STILL BROKEN
  • Reset Mouse Profile - STILL BROKEN
  • Installed previous version of CJ4 - MORE BROKEN
  • Redownloaded the latest version of WT CJ4 - STILL BROKEN
  • Restarted multiple times - STILL BROKEN
  • Ran a repair of FS2020 - STILL BROKEN
  • Opened a ticket with WT…they said that if a couple of the fixes mentioned above don’t work, then my sim is broken - STILL BROKEN

Pretty much given up at this point and no solutions that I’ve seen on here (or anywhere have worked). Other people have the same update and it works fine or was fixed by the mouse profile or switching back to Legacy fix. If 0.12.7 doesn’t fix my issues, I’m going to be crushed. The plane was working fine before SU5 for me. No idea what else to do… :cry: :cry:

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I flew a 5-hr flight from Vancouver to Montreal in real time, since I’m in a virtual airline and need to complete the flight to get credit. When I was about 50 feet above the runway at Montreal, I got a CTD. Pretty much a waste of a half a day.

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I took off out of KCLE in a 35 knt cross wind, just as I became airborne the wind gusted to 40 and I was plowing up the runway. Tried again got into the air and flew at a 45 degree angle to the runway till I gained enough speed.

Actually started to get Air Sick a bit the ride was so bumpy HEY EARL Muahahahaha ;p

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