What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

yeah, I personally think the way they work is more unrealistic than the amount there are… seriously hate how funny they look when they always seem to be there the entire flight and a circle under the plane. its funny, but unrealistic.

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Bruh Today was awful, i tried installing mods. I put it in my community folder. It showed up in the content manger but then it would pop up when i went to go select the liveries. I just gave up. lol

If anyone can help pls let me know plssss.

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Today I decided to axe all freeware, scenery, livery, plane, from flightsim.to not renewed since or published before August 3. Had a CTD yesterday using a Brighton add-on. Deleted it and all was well. If an add-on works after SU5, I’ll consider using it, but ONLY if I need it. No more world-building when I don’t even go there. The sim works and looks fine on its own. Come on, my favorite add-on developers!

BTW, always check your graphics drivers.

That said, I flew from Solent to Manston and back; flawless and gorgeous.

What happened to the dude’s other guide torch?


My c152 tour continues flew Marathon to Sault Ste Marie’s Canadian side (in case you confused it with Sault Ste Marie US Side) I was thinking the whole time I wish I had auto pilot but my odds of finding a mountain with it are 1:1 (because I hit a third mountain in a row with auto pilot)

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Sunset flight from KPVG around the Chesapeake Bay Area


Flight from ENZV to EGSS in the EasyJet A320NX Neo. Landed at Liiiam’s awesome Stansted airport scenery. I’ve managed to make several flights in the A320NX without any CTDs. I’m a happy sim-pilot again.


UPDATE: Upgrading to 0.12.7 and still have the same issues with the buttons in the WT CJ4. Even reinstalled FS2020 in steam and that didn’t fix it. Officially no clue what’s going on now…empty community folder except for the CJ4, and the half the buttons still don’t work.

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Finally caught that Canadian sub thats been sneaking into the country:


I had a lovely flight from San Francisco to Las Vegas in the sunset, everything went as planned.

Then a little sight seeing on departure this morning


Nothing because the sim is so broken its not fun anymore. You never know if you’re going to CTD they’re are so many bugs now it’s ridiculous. ATC is complete garbage. If I were to sum up this sim in one word it would be unpredictable.


Dear diary,

today I created a new livery for the JPLogistics C152 and took it for a spin over Sylt.


I made a new discord community to help teach instruments to aspiring IFR pilots l, as well as to challenge experienced IFR pilots to push their skills to the next level! It’s a community called MSFS Instrument FBO and I can’t wait help people discover the IFR world! Find me or the community on discord if you’re interested!


Dear @microsoftpeteco,
How did you manage to enable the top pilots software?
I have an error message when I try to log, refer to the attached screenshot.
The Safetyn support doesn’t provide some solution.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,

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Recently bought the Aviat Husky on Xbox and struggled a bit in the beginning flying it as I’m still a beginner but just did a short VFR trip from Frankfurt to Cologne to Düsseldorf and managed a perfectly good flight and landing so feeling happy this evening :+1: Now just waiting for the marketplace to update and feel like a kid in a sweet shop :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Helsinki-Vaasa Gate to Gate.
First full flight without any assistance settings on, landing was smooth :slightly_smiling_face:

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Tested out a local airport scenery mod which I was having trouble with before; confirmed that I still see missing hangars which the mod author is unable to reproduce. :frowning: Did a little digging in the dev mode and found some errors in the console, which hopefully will help point the developer in the right direction. :slight_smile: It’s also still possible I’ve failed to properly install a dependency that provides the object models used, though I think I’ve correctly followed the directions. :frowning:

I think I’ll keep it even with the missing hangars, as it corrects things like the terrain level on and around the runway, and adds scenery around the office, fuel and parking area! But hopefully it can be worked out. :slight_smile:

Stark’s Twin Oaks (7S3) is a small privately-owned airport, open to the public, in the farm country outside Portland, Oregon. IRL it’s a local hub for flight instruction, the Portland area EAA chapter, and other aviation enthusiast stuff; I had the good fortune to take a ride in a very nice 1975 Piper Cherokee at an EAA event a few months ago and it’s a lot of fun to fly in and out of there in the sim. :slight_smile:

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IFR approach into KMHT


Took a classic out for a spin around the peninsula and east bay after departing KSFO.


This week, i want to explore the West oft the usa. Today i’ve flown from Aspen CO to Great Junction CO with the Cessna Citation. Real weather, smoith flight…25 minutes of wonderfull changing landscapes…picture - arrival in Great junction