What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

Flew the FBW A320 from Kcle to Ksav by way of Keri…
The best part of it was the end of the flight as I taxi’d to parking postion:

I was pulling into where that other 320 is except it wasnt there and right before I started to make my left turn into the shack there all of a sudden about 10’ away the other A320 just appeared where its sitting now. Had to slam on the parking brake so as not to hit it.

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I’ll tell you what I did today. NOTHING. I did nothing because the sim didn’t get passed the first screen before a CTD. This is absolutely ridiculous! No other game I have ever played has been this half assed. I hope you are proud of all you’re rave xbox reviews 9/10 , 10/10 blah blah blah. How about addressing the fact that you ruined this for pc users when you sent it to Xbox? No? Crickets? I have payware aircraft that I can’t fly because I can’t even load the game. This is a joke.


We crash landed into an island (cove island Canada) unplanned during my Cessna 152 Great Lakes trip because I was not aware of ice building on my prop trying to beat a storm we were trying to make it to the airfield just passed Tobermory Canada trying to use the wind to get to Toronto saw what would have looked like a good grass runway but it was not on it (Great Lakes Canada needs more fly in communities so it’s flyable for people that like to push the limits of their aircraft)

So, was checking out ORBX’ mid-England scenery. Not bad for one who’s not from the UK. Glad Cranwell’s school building was added. Disappointed that Castle Howard was not addressed. Otherwise, they have modeled a few places I’ve removed the 3rd party, pre-SU5, scenery for keeping it interesting for me.

No noticeable frame impact at ultra.


Today I threw an imaginary dart at the Skyvector page and came up with Crater Lake in California. I know nothing about the area but I saw Lake Tahoe wasn’t too far away so I just charted out a quick route down there through the Sacramento Valley.

Take off into the late afternoon and it’s a nice view, so I made a slow orbit around the area before heading south. Though I couldn’t pick up my first VOR due to distance and terrain, I had a very obvious landmark to use. Mount Shasta.

It was fairly bumpy in the hills, but once past the mountain and dropping into the valley it smoothed out nicely. It didn’t take too long before the VOR started spitting out morse code, and found myself pleasantly surprised that I wasn’t too far off course. I just trimmed her out and kicked back to watch the world go by.

Once I turned east before getting to Sacramento, we’re back climbing into the hills…and the bumps, not nearly as bad as the start of the flight, but having to keep an eye on my VSI.

Caught a quick glimpse of an interesting hill-top community and a bridge over a ravine…nothing too special, it just hit me right.

Another 10 minutes or so, I finally see Lake Tahoe sitting amongst the surrounding mountains.

Was able to pick out the airfield off to my right as I crested the mountains, and with no other traffic visable and nobody on common, I just made a couple orbits out over the water to bleed off a bit of altitude and speed. One more check for traffic and took a straight in approach.

Yeah, it felt a a bit gusty and I was getting some slight oscillations…and yep, I definitely scooped it, but everything is intact.

After a rough day, it was a great way to wind down for a couple hours. :+1:


Finally got a decent deal on a proper graphics card, a GTX 1650! (I was using the onboard Radeon graphics on my Ryzen 4650g before) It was already dark on the US west coast by the time I was able to install it, so I picked London for my first test to tune the settings to my liking, and I’m happy to say I’ve finally graduated from the 20 fps club to the 30 fps club! :slight_smile: After London I went ultralighting around Isafjordur, and then took a hop in the EMB-110 Bandeirante from Gibraltar to Malaga.


Quite simply I’m on the fourth leg of my VFR flight around the world in an xcub. Flying from flinders island the the mainland of Australia. Not much to see, but water for an hour or so. Thank goodness for AP.


Have you removed you payware aircraft and tried to run the sim. Uncompatible un updated addon will cause CTD’s. Eventually your payware aircraft will be updated by their authors but until then you need to get rid of the stuff in you community folder to ensure that the game loads and runs correctly…

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After a few weeks of absence due to my vacation I finally started my new VFR Bonanza G36 World Trip attempt! Started in Kalamata at the southern tip of Greece and flew up the Peloponnes West Coast. Uneventful but pretty!


Just saw this. He’s one angry puppy isn’t he!

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Community folder is empty :frowning:

C152 over Philadelphia… even with normal Ultra it has very nice photogrammetry !


Approaching Hannover

Screenshot (22)


Didn’t have much time to do flying last night, but managed to sneak in a short flight up the Columbia River from Desert Aire, WA to Wenatchee, WA. I’m going to have to fly more of the river valley in the future - beautiful area.


Beautiful pics! I fly the Columbia a lot from the Portland area east to The Dalles or as far out as Walla Walla, but haven’t yet followed the river once it turns up north. Looks like I should start! :smiley:


I’ll definitely be planning a whole length flight to check it out. Great views!


Sounds like an excellent trip.

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Just a quick morning sortie with my co-pilot! <3


The Vertigo (“My Precious”) is restored to SU5 by GotGravel (thank you!). Just a quick island hop in Hawaii. Yes, I’m busting speed restrictions under 10K.


Smooth Landing Knuckles

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