What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

This morning I flew down the coast of Fla. to Cuba from Savanna Ga. on the way I say my 1st ever land yacht:

Well dam the yacht didnt show up on the screenies, well the yacht proceed to sail left to right in front of me and proceeded to cross the land to get to the bay on the other side wait heres a pic.:

Hard to see in these pics but yeah there on the right…

Then I landed in a field in Cuba to find some Cigars:


Pulled off my most challenging A320 landing yet, Chagual SPGL

It’s down there in the valley along a river

Down into the valley

To a narrow runway. Not that short, but very hard to approach at low enough speed to land

It took quite a few runs to nail the final turn. A straighter approach comes from too high

(already turned around there for departure, landed from the NE)

One brake got a little warm, otherwise stopped in time

Note, star airport does not mean, good for big airplanes!

Ready for take off, flaps 3, TOGA

Actually I set flaps to full before actual take off, it only got up to 110 knots before the end of the runway, just enough get climbing with full flaps

And immediately turn right not to hit the hill

Then it’s just a matter of climbing out the valley

On to the next challenge!



After watching it back, it doesn’t look nearly as bad as it felt at the time. :slight_smile:

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The icing should be a little bit stronger as visual effect, but otherwise it was a superb flight.


You know on a short runway like that if you lock your parking brakes, full flap, increase throttle and let it even out, and then release the brakes, you can get off of an even shorter runway…

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Seriously… today i went from SLUY to SPGL. I landed from the opposite side scraping the mountainsides. Went in completely unprepared except for flightplan on autopilot just for sight seeing.

Sight seeing:

Getting scared, and ATC testing my nerves.

Scraping mountain sides

and some fresh air


Flying some cargo around the Caribbean, from TBPB - TTPP

From the weather the approach into TTPP is going to be a bumpy one.


Aaaha. Thanks for that number and route 7893D, you’ll be busted soon. I’ve sent a patrol.



Descends immediately to 1000ft, you’ll never get me copper!


1000 Ft ? what’s the issue… :sunglasses: just around the corner, waiting for you


This evening I set off from Leeds /Bradford.
Cesna citation.
Set the autopilot to 1000 foot, altitude hold.
Set my throttle to around 280.
Proper low and fast.
Flew over Leeds, headed east by changing and setting the heading to on.
Then to Hull, over the Humber and down the east coast.
Past Skegness, great Yarmouth.
Over the wash.
Over Norfolk, over London.
Then headed towards and over the isle of Wight.
Over Portland.
Then turned North.
Over the Bristol Channel.
All this time maintain 1000 foot.
Then I stayed on a course to fly over South Wales.
I set the altitude to 4000 foot.
Then the pc crashed to desktop.
I was going to head up the whole of Wales.
Then at the river mersey!
Head towards and land back at EGNM.
It took around 1.5 hours to get to the river Severn.
Before ctd.
Absolute gorgeous low flying.
Very impressed.

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Departing KBID under leaden skies.


Yep I know, full power on parking brakes. I didn’t extend the last stage of flaps until nearing the end of the runway to have less drag while accelerating. Every bit counts. Or just reduce the payload. I left it at default an hadn’t used all that much fuel yet from where I started.

With reduced payload the A320 can take off from St Barthelemy without issues, with default payload better turn or hit the mountain opposite the bay! Much easier to land there since you can get in low over the beach. This one was tricky since it’s an angle down to the runway and the A320NX has far less drag than the stock A320.

I tried to fly under crazy up resolution conditions … and a few times it locked up while loading but when I got that thing going it was brilliant.


Racing off into the sunset over Eastern Washington


Flew from CNR4 Canada to CYVV Canada in the Cessna 152 we are almost to my Toronto city goal for the Great Lakes flight trying to visit them all and return to the same airport (Kingston Canada)


Flew the A32NX from Tokyo RJTT to Fukuoka RJFF, riding the (accurately) bad weather.


Today i find out about a career mode in MSFS. I thought about it before and fantasize how it would be great to have a career. But there is already an app called NeoFly, which transform the way of flying from one ICAO to another. The level of elaboration is even higher than i imagine. Now i buy planes, buy fuel, accomplishing missions for money, and even repairing my fleet. If asobo will do the career mode ingame it won’t be so good.


Flew the F15 from Mildenhall to Paris and then returned to land at Gatwick. Also flew the DC6 for the first time in a little trip from Heathrow to Manchester. Fantastic :grinning:

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