What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

I learnt how to fly the A32nx, started in cold and dark with following the checklist and eventually took off from KJFK towards Ohio. Learnt a lot like controlling the heading. Got to the Illinois-Iowa boarder when the auto pilot and throttle disconnected and wouldn’t reconnect so I ended up quitting but other than that I enjoyed it, nice clear skies, well up until I got nearer Chicago then it was going really cloudy but still good views

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Getting myself mentally ready and in the perfect Airbus-mindset for the Fenix release…

And overhauling the textures for the PMDG 737 thrust lever.

In none of all 737 cockpit pictures I have seen the thrust lever was so dirty that´s why I considered overhauling it in my cockpit overhaul. :slight_smile:
Of course some realistic wear and tear is kept because maybe this is a 737 from the year 1995 or so and some aging will be visible in even the most well-kept cockpits.


Fun 5h20m flight from Easter Island (SCIP) to Tahiti (NTAA) in the Longitude. Took off from (a very windy) SCIP on runway 10, then headed northwest for the 2376nm flight to NTAA, where we shot the ILS 04-Z approach in perfect weather, with some stunning visuals of the island on approach. Welcome to Tahiti! YT links to takeoff and landing:


Out Skerries.

Lovely little islands, I just island hopped from closest airport but landing here was tricky, in fact for my skill set impossible, does anyone have any tips, I was in the Cessna 172 so perhaps the wrong aircraft for such a short runway, also wasn’t sure if I should have used full flaps.



Yeah get the p42 kitfox. Better views for your scenery, can land it on small patches of grass, and it comes with a tent.

If you want the ultimate in views and short takeoff landing before we get helis then the Asobo Top Rudder does it. But that thing is slow, has no instruments, and no trim so is not fun to fly for too long. But you can land it on buildings.

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Thanks, I’m on Xbox, so unsure what’s available to me.

Alas, with Spain all fancied up by Asobo, there is a vacuum of working airports and liveries. I had to grin and bear using a livery from Catalunya to cruise around SE Spain. Still, the views were gorgeous from Sevilla, via Gibraltar, to Malaga - with some unexpectedly nice hand-made scenery along the way. Power to the creators…


Checking the cockpit textures of the Cessna Chancellor to enhance her interior a little bit.

This interior is already very VERY good, I have changed the EFB to a black one and changed the front seats (which had strange middle-grey that does not fit to the rest of this interior colour scheme) to the original white ones. Now a new window and some changes of the furniture must be made…


Nothing really, been waiting for a patch or an announcement to drop.


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And this is why I love the Vertigo - being able to fly a jetliner SID using a single-engine turboprop - and make my calculated TOC early while watching my fuel burn on the climbout.

Departing Oslo on the VIPA1 SID:


At the end of a flight from KTPA to Nashville, an ILS landing on Runway 02R at KBNA. I had a full Autoland in progress down to <100 feet when I kicked off the AP and touched down manually. I didn’t flare enough - still trying get that down in this plane after many months lately flying warbirds and flying boats - but still rewarding.


I’m on xbox too, those add-ons are available.

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Flew OMAA to OOMS in the Junkers JU52

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did a deadstick in the F/A 18 after about a 2 hour fligh. Was actually running good, 1st go this am before the update it was terrible?:


Took some VIPs out for some light fishing this weekend.

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