What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

why not going to the Corfu ?

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Practice run, L52 - KWVI. With the chatter about the last H-145 update, I did not update. Will see later. Tried the fire variant. Still have to learn how to get the fire scenario going. Flying along the central California coast is gorgeous. Oh, the two freeware airports are made by a local flyer here in So Cal. He’s been posting some fine work.


Back on my around the world flight in the BAE 146 300 I started in Bermuda and after flying a lot west just did the leg Kodiak Island Alaska to Juneau Alaska

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The latest travels on my Cross Canada and around the US journey sees legs from Oshkosh WI (KOSH) to Duluth MN (KDLH) to Winnipeg MN (CYWG) to Regina SK (CYQR).

Take aways

  • XBOX behaved itself over these legs…mostly
  • ILS RWY 31 NAV frequency wasn’t working at CYQR Regina.
  • After leaving the crowded KOSH airspace there were still a few aviators to fly with through to Regina
  • the middle sections of North America are FLAT!!

Some pix

Leaving KOSH

Nasty weather approaching Duluth (KDLH)

Depart for Winnipeg (CYWG)

Landing CYWG

Heading out over Lake Manitoba

Approaching Regina (CYQR)

Next legs are Kindersley SK (CYKY), Edmonton AB (CYEG) and Hinton-Jasper (CEC4)

Happy Flying! :sunglasses:


10 images please.

Oops, sorry…

I’ll fix that right away…

Relax. next one on. Cheers

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Early morning leaving Thailand.



Flew YSSY-YBBN-YSSY with BBJ-737

Then jumped across to YPPH and started YPPH-YSSY with the BBJ-737. I couldn’t finish that because it’s a bit too late - but I had 625kts GS - a huge tailwind.

I could do with a fast 747-400 for that flight…


Still having trouble with the altitude constraints in the MCDU and the approach phase.
And after all these weeks I still don´t know what exactly the APPR and the LOC button on the Airbus autopilot panel do (because both buttons seem to do the same, catch the glideslope and begin to follow the ILS glideslope…somehow…)

It´s a shame what a bad bad pilot I am!
I deserve one week in Oshkosh to whitnes how REAL PROFESSIONALS fly… :smiley:

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Quick tour of Buenos Aries, then down to Punta Arenas. Pretty close to running out of South America as I pick my way down the Atlantic coast before I head north up the Pacific coast. May have to check out the Falklands and South Pole while I’m down here.


Sylt. Missed first approach, had to create a holding point and a secondary flight plan to create a second approach.

One of the best flights ever!


su10 flew from Sedona to lax and at the 55 min mark into the flight got the old fps slow down, recovered on approach until I touched down then back in the toilet:

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What did I do? I had fun! I found a weather theme and some NVidia filter settings that look great on my monitor. I hope they look good to you too.

DD’s Renton runs fine on my system. I was surprised but glad.


Went around the Yosemite Valley and viewed some spectacular scenery…

Did a rare cargo flight with the PMDG 737 with a fictional FedEx livery from O’hare KORD to New York JFK KJFK . Still getting used to flying the 737 after spending countless hours on the default A320 and Flybywire’s A32NX


Is that an add-on? I visited the site months ago and the statues weren’t really there.

You can find the addon at flightsim.to Search for Ahu Tongariki.