What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)


When I started to get reacquainted flightsim on the XBOX I dug out my old FS2000 manual - I still like thumbing through the pages on that book.

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I had that, too… nyeeeyaaaooooooo… vrooooom vroooom!

VFR Hazards near KHTO


There is a plane in this picture. Maybe even 2 planes.

Island hopping with the BN2 Islander in Greece.

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Did you do this on/have you tried PilotEdge? They simulate ATC for this area and adds a whole new level of realism (and stress lol) to this.


No, but that sounds fun! One of these days. :smiley:

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Been having a lot of fun with the LearAvia Lear Fan.

It’s taken over as my #1, knocking out the TBM 930.

Flew her from KSAN to KLAX. Very smooth ride. The “Candy Cockpit” has grown on me.

As of this writing, having another go at the stock A320 and hopping from Las Vegas to San Francisco, flying 4Simmers’ Delta Airlines Livery.

I’m finally on the last stretch of my 50 hours for the Achievement. (“Rookie numbers, kid!”) Should hit after this flight.

Touched down…aaaaand the Achievement is bugged. :rage: 50 hours 52 minutes logged according to Logbook. No go for me.


All I had time for was a leg of the Iberian bush trip, which is thanks to the DA62 is really really easy


Flew to Alta Norway and made a complete hash of the landing.

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Fiddled around with the Carenado C182T (Cessna Turbo Skylane) climbing over the mountains out of the Los Angeles basin – compared to the vanilla 172 (Skyhawk) at altitude it’s like a rocket. :wink:

For some reason Carenado modeled it with G1000 but with the Bendix/King autopilot instead of the Garmin one; this is a little funky but works ok. Also had to program in the ref speeds for the G1000’s speed tape, since they didn’t seem to be pre-populated for the 182.

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First flight in New Zealand. Southern Waipounamu, Queenstown to Tekapo. Saw some intriguing sites along the way, even picked up an elderly man from the first one.


Enjoyed an (almost) full moon sunrise near Auckland last saturday.


Flew the FBW A230neo from Scotland to the Faroe Islands, completing the flight with a “challenging” landing!


I hope you got the right one. :wink:

Wouldn’t be a saga if we did that… huh?

Maybe a dumb question, but do you have some sort of middle earth mod?

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Old mod from flightsim.to As old as Middle Earth…

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I wish I had a screenshot, but I was using AMD Adrenalin to capture a video and it appears to affect the throttle once the recording start wit Ctrl-Shift-E(same key sequence for stopping the engine). Flying the A5, I do a short bush adventure in Phoenix, AZ. Mcgill Ultralight field was closed down at the turn of the 20th century, but still active according to MSFS. I need to max the throttle before releasing the parking brake to get the A5 airborne before the trees or mountains(depending on which end of the runway. I raise the landing gear and use Adobe dam(no water-just flash flood control) 35th Avenue, Pinnacle Peak Road and the mountain pass in Thunderbird park (ignore the boulders in the middle of the road). Going low and as slow as possible, I take a left after the mountain pass and line up with the body of water at the foot of the mountain. I attempt an amphibious landing on the source to all the water features in Arrowhead Ranch. Phoenix gets seven inches of rain per year at most, so having water in your back yard is the draw for this development. Landing a plane on it would definitely raise some eyebrows.
If this is too unreal for you, try this as a reminder of the first MSFS on the Apple 2 with only Meigs field to take off and land on. Make a flight plan from McGill Ultralight(2AZ7) runway 8 to Deer Valley(KDVT). It is close enough that they will vector you in a straight approach to 7L or 7R. Turn on landing guidance and stay in the boxes for a short take off and landing, just like MSFS 1 or 2 (getting up there so I can’t remember).


Bought the Las Vegas Scenery Pack from FlyTampa. Includes (KLAS) Harry Reid Int’l (Formerly McCarran International).

Unfortunately, I can’t have the Airport installed due it causing CTD.

Otherwise, Vegas is beautiful.

Still wouldn’t want to live there, though. :laughing:

The Airport I can’t use :pensive::


Did a non-stop endurance flight with the mighty C-208 from South Africa (FACT) to California (KSFO)
I used unlimited fuel assistance for testing only.

Total Time: 50:32:40
Distance: 8907 nm
Cruise: 20,000 ft

No CTD and no internet disconnect.
This is using SU10-4.