What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

Tonight she puts the cat in Kathmandu.


Nice approach. And always take care for the ground crew :sunglasses:.

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Brest Guipavas (LFRB) to Caen Carpiquet (LFRK) using VOR

It was a really nice flight with lots of low clouds from around 1500 to 4000 feets

This is where I was sent as GA parking. The grass must be quite tall, it’s up to the knees of that poor guy :smile:


@CooganBear Did I read that correctly??? FACT to KSFO, in a Caravan???
I have just “ferried” a Caravan from Sydney Australia to Noumea New Caledonia via YLHI Lord Howe Island and YSNF Norfolk Island… and I thought THAT was slow and tedious

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A beautiful bush flight from Springfield to Glentanner, New Zealand.


Yes. lol I had the extra time, so figured why not.

sorry for posting this here, I just sign in here yesteday and I can’t see a button in order to publish a new post. Could anyone please help me? I only know how to reply :slight_smile:

new post is on the main forums, this is a string in the general discussion and community forums. To post here, just click on reply on topic. Limit is 10 images, but loading limit is 5 at a time. Welcome.

Finally another picture of this cute cat!

A less demanding flight than the previous one, St. Petersburg to Cedar Key, Florida.

Sun West Harbortowne

Cedar Key Airport


Looks like March ARB to me.

Flew by the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. I have seen it a few times IRL while rounding the cape on a sailboat but first time flying by it in FS2020


Did another Darkstar Run (with finally being able to get it into Stratospheric Flight after having forgotten how-to previously) departing KLAX and wound up somewhere in Oregon, I guess?

Didn’t really plan out the flight, just wanted to see if I could get her back “up there”.

But, the landing? My god, I don’t think I’ve ever been that stressed out before.

I was literally in the middle of nowhere and ATC’d some hole-in-the-ground runway surrounded by complete darkness. There weren’t even any runway lights.

Literally one of those “pucker up, pray to your god and hope for the best” moments. :laughing:

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Took a flight over a misty Laos.


Today I had one of my most satisfying flights since I started simming two years ago.

I took the DC-6 from Heraklion to Skiathos using only Skyvector, VOR:s and ADF:s.

Skiathos has an interesting approach where you have to home in on both a VOR and an ADF, which made it perfect for my vintage DC-6.

It’s so difficult to fly the DC-6 but when everything is going as planned it’s the best feeling you can have in front of a computer.



EDDH to Saint Tropez, not a good idea to land there at night because of the high trees in front of the runway and no centerline lights. :v:

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Back in the groove.


just did some random flight test arround heavy airports, with 787XE, 748 Salty, and HDW A339, after i read a thread saying that uninstalling GEForce Experience, was going to transform miracusly those kind of flights, smooooth. AND IT DID !!! almost to no stutters AT ALL. I tried those ladies at EGLL,EGKK,Hong Kong Kai Tak, KJFK, and KORD :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :partying_face:

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If you want the shaders without GF Exp. check out re-shade, tons of shaders and settings and no fps loss…