What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

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As a NOOB to MSFS, I’m still learning my way around and learning the specific personality of the IndiaFoxtEcho LongEZ. Yesterday I learned how to record a flight, so regardless of marginal weather, it was time to go fly with the video camera rolling!

I chose to fly from KLNA Lantana Florida USA north to 64FA Naked Lady Ranch, which is an aero community with one hard surface runway and one long grass strip. The weather required I plan to put the LongEZ down on the grass strip, which are not particularly friendly to the retractable nose wheel of the homebuilt LongEZ.

The video has the last 9 minutes of the half hour flight narrated with how I fly the LongEZ -


Redid a flightplan to see what airports looked better w/o add-ons, after WU13. Only two airports, so I guess I’ll keep the other 8 or so for future flights, including Fa’a’a, though Papeete has a few landmarks now. When I get a good yoke/throttle, I’ll try the ATR, but, for now, it’s stick craft like the 145. Seems Asobo bought the payware add-on I already had for Bora Bora, so I’ll just use the Asobo one.


Spent about a half hour flying around Aitutaki this morning trying to find the well known island from the old Windows XP wallpaper. Couldn’t find it. Thought maybe it’d be an easter egg. Its such a small island maybe the sim doesn’t even pick it up, or maybe the island doesn’t even exist anymore. Still a fun flight.


After landing at ESSB in VATSIM I entertained myself by listening to and observing other landing traffic. Surprisingly relaxing actually, especially when the controllers in VATSIM don’t hate their lives like on Pilotedge.


Did a Hawaiian Island hop. Many addons at play. Really liking some of the details added with the WU improved DEM. Hope you enjoy!!!



Today, I stopped over at Pearl Harbour


Thursday flight: Lufthansa Regional ATR 72-600 from Toulouse-Blagnac (LFBO) to Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden (EDSB)


Hello @MrTonySM,
If we could get you to keep 10 images per post this would help long load times for those on slower internet and mobile devices.

You are welcome to upload more than 10 by creating a new post. :+1:t3:


No probs, and thanks



Tried flying the 747 under the Golden Gate Bridge. That was fun. :sunglasses:
It was something a real 747 pilot told me about they sometimes do when they have simulator time remaining :sweat_smile:


Test Hop No. 15 (or is it 16)? Still working out the kinks on my Tornado Alley Turbo-Normalized STC for the SR22.

Performed step climbs to FL250, stopped climb at key altitudes to test optimum cruise power settings and Fuel Flows. Nice view of Catalina and Santa Monica when I looked up and out. The world passes by fast(er) at 220 ktas.

For more information on the real-world Turbo-normalized modification to the SR22, visit: https://taturbo.com/cirrusfeatures.html


Took the SH-2 from A1R Design Bureau up for a spin from Moffett Field to San Francisco. The SH-2 is ready for adventure! Textures and detail are superb, engine sounds are amazing, and the flight model is excellent. I love the boat-like design of the hull. Water landings feel really nice, and those big wheels mean you roll up on beaches in style. The SH-2 was a perfect pairing with the city, the photogrammetry in SF is truly phenomenal.


Started my day with few hops in phillipines before the sunset

later tried the robin 400 (first flight in), after I saw someone streaming a flight in, its cockpit is very cute
did a little vfr near Neuquen (argentina) ending with a landing without engine


Since I fly the 737, I enjoy flying on routes that exist in real life. Today’s choice was FlyDubai airline and the route from Krakow (EPKK) to Dubai (OMDB).

More than five hours in the air. Route Distance 2,403 nm.


Got inspired to try the CRJ again. Janet Flight.


Did a very different type of flight and it such a nice moment.

A friend and I, which who I often do Vatsim commercial flight, decided to hop on a GA plane and do some VFR in California.

It felt great and refreshing.


Before staring at the starting screen I took the better PC-6 for a spin at Papua- New Guinea