What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

So today I flew to Torino (LIMF)

On my way I saw something weird…

Also there was this eerie green building on the apron

Does it mean Torino is haunted? :crazy_face:


Friday flight: Austrian Airlines A320 from Newcastle (EGNT) to Graz (LOWG)


First flight with the new GPU :slight_smile: after switching from 1050 Ti I am in heavy shock :exploding_head:


Nice flight from Mexico City to Cancún.

Started out ok, flight was uneventful, until landing. Another plane dropped directly in front of me as I was making my approach on final. ■■■■!!!


It is very rare to see any ATC online in Japan, but today was an exception so I made good use of that:

Osaka (RJOO) to Tokyo Haneda (RJTT) in the HondaJet

Tokyo Tower!

Sadly I really butchered the landing. The Volanta statistics does not show it, but… I also couldn’t find a suitable parking spot, I got taxi directions from ATC and followed them, but everywhere around were gates and the HondaJet is GA, so I gave up and I just powered down in that circle.

Video later here:


Fengnin (RCFN) to Roah (ROAH) on the round-the-world tour:

Over Miyakojima Island:

The final approach to Naha:


I sat there staring at the world map for a couple of minutes. Limitless options what should I do?

Then I spotted a huge storm in the Bay of Bengal and I found a spot with 150kph winds. I still had the Cabri selected from my previous flight and the combination suddenly just made sense. What’s it like to fly a small heli in weather like that?

Well it turns out, quite fun and an interesting challenge. I jumped in and immediately appreciated the very angry sea, looking much worse when it’s moving than with static photos of course. I flew around for a while, making hardly any progress upwind but flying like a jet downwind.

I then decided to do a ground level stationary hover, with 80kt IAS! I held this for as long as I could, popping up and down over the huge waves, trying not to touch. Lots of fun.

At the point when I inevitably splashed down the altimeter which was at default std pressure was still reading over 800ft!



Saturday trip from the Polish city of Kraków to the Italian city of Turin in Ryanair airline.

Distance flown: 654 NM
Travel time: 1 h 49 m



Kirkwall-Edinburgh on this buggy prop (but I believe it will be great in the future)


Picture…of a picture


Did some exploring through the Amazon with the cool little canoe addon.


A little Hawai’ian hop to train on the H500, see if my old Honolulu add-on conflicts with WU13 (it doesn’t; also prefer using the trusty, rusty Pearl Harbor add-on) and try out the add-ons that make Daniel Inouye look more like itself (work, but some issues on the tarmac at Hickam). Still nostalgic for FSDT’s Hawai’ian airports…


Saturday flight: EasyJet A320 from Graz (LOWG) to Göteborg (ESGG)


I was creating a new livery for Got Friends Vertigo since yesterday, and finally finished it. Then I had some fun over Santiago (Chile), departing and arriving at Aeroporto Eulógio Sánchez (SCTB), and flying on two valleys after having a good sight from above the live weather clouds. There was a replica of my plane there. :smile:

EDIT: I forgot to post the replica side-by-side with my airplane. There it is:


For the first time I crossed a continent in a glider, from ocean to ocean. It was also the first time I did this without visual cues, only going from one cloud to the other – I tended to be on the edge of the thermals, though, but managed to cross Panama easily. Even soared almost at the destination airport, only to practice. Used Floyd’s Epic Clouds
Glider (Easy) settings.

Near Panama City (almost over MPTO)

Seeing the Atlantic at far.

Soaring less then 12Km from MPEJ (I should be able to fly up to 62Km from this height).

Panama Canal locks at Colón, on the Atlantic end.

A rainbow (Arco Iris) at the base leg.


For some reason, I’m not able to export the flight from Sky Dolly. :cry:

It was a good flight with DG1001e, but I think I’ll go back to AS-33, which has a better MFD.


I took off from NTTM in French Polynesia in my Cabri. I then toured the full coast of Moorea-Maiao and Tahiti landing at the islands’ capital Papeete NTAA.


I bought the TFFJ scenery, so decided to have a short flight there from TNCM.


This chap enhanced RSP’s already well done ‘Jurassic Park’ scenery, on Kaua’i. It was a cloudy day so dinos blended in with the terrain. I was more focused on continuing my training in the H125.


Took the HondaJet from London City (EGLC) to Paris Charles de Gaulle (LFPG):

I really enjoyed this flight, there was much radio traffic going on, especially around London. As luck would have it… or more honestly due to my error I wasn’t able to catch the glidepath in time to be able capture the glideslope in time, so I did a manual final approach similar to the one I did at London City a few flights ago. Still, managed to touch down quite gently, but as usual pretty much not on the centerline.

Oh and is it me, or does part of taxiway D missing ingame? Or is it wrong on the Navigraph charts? According to the charts D went all the way to F, but ingame I was offroad. I had Q on my left, B on my right, but D just ended abruptly a while before F. You can check it later in the video:


Did the first leg of the New Caledonia bush trip:

That paintjob… Let’s just say I prefer the blue one