What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Flying the WB C172 around the San Diego area, from KMYF to KOKB and back.

Trim into a nice cruise and look for the photogrammetry borders.

Final at KMYF for a touch and go on 28R.

I found a doppelganger!


Dusk flight NJ to the Vineyard in the venerable 35B. VFR into IMC.


Took a twilight/moonlight flight from VNY - SJC


Fly the same how the plane took of in real life, more difficult than I expected :sweat_smile:

MSFS keeps surprising me with its details.



SoFly Weather Preset: Typical English Day.

“Um, preset checks out.”


I enjoyed what I was seeing so much yesterday that I completely drained the tanks of the Pipistrel Virus and then another 10% or so on top off that. i don’t know if it was the weather or some settings I found – probably a combo. I was running with FS’s HDR off but XBoxes Auto HDR On. Lighting at night with DX12 and HDR is incredible.

If you’ve seen the HDR with this sim at night, you know these shots don’t really do it justice. but its close.


Biggin Hill to Toussus - Precip up to FL200, Icing at 5,000 or higher, Rain, Wind. Not a fun ride, but a good IFR hour earned. Cut the corner for RWY 07L because the icing was just getting worse by the mile.


Flew the Fokker 28 4000 from Abu Dhabi To VABB (I’m not gonna attempt the spelling of that long airport name)

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I spent the day trying out FlyingIron’s P-38L. I downloaded Jan Kees Blom’s excellent skin representing P-38L-1-LO 44-23852 of the 96th FS, 82nd FG stationed in central Italy during WW2 and started a flight at Camarillo, California (KCMA). Having read the official manual now, I experimented with reduced takeoff power settings. Takeoff with the full rated 54" and 3000 RPM is like being shot out of a canon or riding an out-of-control stallion. 35" and 3000 RPM is much smoother, yet still provides a short takeoff distance of about 2,600 feet.

I made a quick run over the Burbank where 44-23852 was built and after a low pass down Runway 8, headed northeast toward Lancaster, my first stop.

After lunch, I departed Lancaster toward one of my favorite low level routes: northbound along the western edge of the Indian Wells Valley to Lone Pine, then eastward over the Inyo Mountains toward Death Valley.

Low level over US Highway 395 in the Indian Wells Valley. There’s a huge array of power lines along the western edge of the valley. Pilots beware!

Once over the mountains, I turned back south toward the entrance to Rainbow (“Star Wars”) Canyon near Panamint Springs. I used to fly this route in FSX with the Restauravia Mirage III. Boy, it’s been a while! At over 300 MPH true, the P-38 is no slouch down low.

Approaching the canyon. It’s the dark spot above my P-38’s nose. You’ll need to square your turn into the canyon by widening out to the right, unless you really want to load up the G’s when diving in!

Hang on, R2!

After an uneventful flight back to Lancaster for a break, I departed again, this time heading west toward Santa Barbara and home. I went to the opposite extreme this time, taking the P-38 to high altitude. It took about 15 minutes to reach FL300, a very respectable time for any airplane, and one that I’d be pretty happy with in a heavily loaded 737-800.

With METO power set, I turned her with the wind and let her run, and reached 360 MPH (310 knots) true with a 440 MPH (378 knot) ground speed over the Channel Islands. For reference, that’s Mach 0.52 true, and Mach 0.64 across the ground. Not bad for cross country flying!

That’s it. I only finished about twenty minutes ago, and now there’s four baskets of laundry upstairs awaiting my attention before bedtime. Good night, all! :love_you_gesture:


Luxurious trip in the Carenado PC-12 from Keswick Island to Lindeman Island, Australia.

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Another in my ‘Sim-plane-I’ve-not-yet-flown-since-I-started-three-years-ago’ series, of course, this is a recent addition to the sim. To be sure I could handle a flight, I did a quick trainer from the old Hanger 1, at KLAX, and landing at KLGB. A very nice flyer, but I’m glad I didn’t have to challenge the fuel management system, though I did try to keep it balanced out of habit.

Lindbergh did a round-the-nation victory lap, for near 900k bucks in today’s money, visiting many major cities. I practiced for an hour-long leg from LA to San Diego, home of the Ryan Air Line manufacturing facility that built the plane. If I had the patience or endurance, I’d try that across-nation flight, San Diego to NY, or the actually NY to Paris flight. Wonder if someone has made a 30+ hour flight on YouTube, and do I have the patience to even watch that?

So, my trainer-leg


I’d forgotten about the Spirit in MSFS. Maybe I’ll go try her out tomorrow, just for a change of pace!

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Disabled OBS, and didn’t notice my flight plan was suspended for 20 minutes.


Perfect real weather for sightseeing over Edinburgh today

Looking for a spot for landing (pink line)

View over the city


A320ceo NZAA Auckland to NZWN Wellington.

I decided to fly the VOR approach into Wellington 16 rather than the ILS which didn’t turn out to be a fantastic decision. As I descended I was in thick cloud and at MDA the runway was nowhere to be seen.

Go around #1

Obviously now I needed a precision approach so I set up for ILSZ16. ATC sort of vectored me back but it left me trying to capture the ILS from above. I didn’t have time to play around so I flicked off the automatics and switched to a raw data ILS approach hand flown. I got down onto the path and it was looking good, the runway coming into view.

The wind was 25kt and gusting and the plane floated a bit too much in the flare, the runway was barely long enough on medium autobrake so I certainly couldn’t afford to land long.

Go around #2

Vectored back for the same ILS this time making sure to capture it from below. Now I’m low on fuel, probably too late to divert so I better get it down. I let the AP fly down to minimums, the ECAM telling me to LAND ASAP. The master caution for low fuel goes off on short final, piling the pressure on!

3rd time lucky and finally a safe landing to much relief from the crew.

Wellington is known for bad weather, next time I’ll check the minimums on the ATIS more carefully before committing to fly a non precision approach.

Pilot workload on a go around having to reprogram the FMS when the copilot cat isn’t helping at all is certainly challenging.


At first I bought Sting S4. So I spent lot of time reading POH and making checklists and some flying circuits.

And then I reached Chile in my tour around Pacific in DC-3 in real weather: SPQU :airplane: SCDA
This time I didn’t have to climb much, because I was already starting at 8000ft. Another nice thing was that weather at destination got better, until I arrived. So the full flight was VFR. Also it was interesting flying along the coast that raise from sea-level to 1000 meters.

Chile is the last country on the route. And yet it is still about 10 legs to go.


Ventura C22-J from KVNY to KSAN, by way of KMYF, and overspeeding all around the vicinity.

Preflight at KMYF.

This plane loves to climb, and is very easy to overspeed!

Pretty easy to dial in a cruise, just keep your eye on the altimeter before you make your way all the way up to outer space.

Finally landed at KSAN. Where to next?


Out for some much-needed landing practice in the Shrike MD 530F in the hills north of Glasgow:

I flew from Glasgow Airport (EGPF), transformed by a Black Friday purchase of Pyreegue’s excellent scenery for it (and of their Edinburgh Airport (EGPH) to boot). I returned to Glasgow Heliport (EGEG) and was happily surprised to find that it had received a very welcome buff as part of the Glasgow Airport package.

The river side of the heliport in real life has some bushes on it, which MSFS of course transformed into Asobo supertrees, making access especially challenging, particularly for those of us who find that just landing a helicopter is all the challenge we want to handle.

Now they’re gone. Yipee!


Impressive push backs today at EHAM =D

  1. had a play with multi monitor for the first time (for shame)

  2. Did my first cold and dark start → parked cold and dark landing thanks to the Slovenian Bush trip. Was a lot of fun!