What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

I continued my Pacific tour in DC-3 in real weather: SPSO :airplane: SPQU
There was overcast at Pisco, so I planned IFR departure. When I got out of clouds, ATC told me to climb to 17000ft. In DC-3? Yeah, sure. So I cancelled IFR and continued VFR. Anyway, it was clear sky ahead and soon got out of VOR range. It was interesting flying over lot of canyons.
Destination airport was at 8000ft with only 1 direction runway. Unfortunately, there was 6kn tailwind, so I had to do as slow approach as possible.


Destination EDDG with the Pocket Rocket today.


Flew Maya Maya to Entebbe International late last night in the Fokker F28 4000

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Entebbe International to Bole international airport with the Fokker F28 4000

Took my Big Fat Greek Airplane to EGLL this evening :wink:


My first post using Vimeo instead of YouTube to record a flight.

The video quality is much better and there are no ads and other crap…

Just my 2 cents… Take a look and see…

After many many months of not flying anything, I did a short lap around Puget Sound from KSEA to KSEA in the PMDG 737. It was the first time I’ve flown the airplane without some sort of issue with my setup, or with the sim, or with a peripheral. It was nice. The only thing that would make it better is if the pilot gender voice actually matched that of the pilots I have selected. I’ve never found a solution to that years-old problem.


My flight is also the first one without any issues, including an AIII landing…I used Simbrief for the flight plan from KSFO to KLAS…and the AP handled everything smoothly.
The live traffic added a lot of realism…
The PMDG 737-900ER is my fav aircraft! It’s level of details including the FlyPad just amazes me!


Bole to Gode in the Fokker 28 4000

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So, I decided to have a go with all the planes I’ve never flown since I started this sim three years ago. Started with the stick aircraft. Was surprised with how well the shock ultra sea plane flew. Buzzed around Palma de Mallorca.


Did some test flights with reduced rudder sensitivity:

I’m not sure if the current settings will be the final ones, but much better now. No time for a proper flight though today


Papua New Guinea in the Black Square Caravan.

While I was doing that, this happened!

Kicking off 801st hour with a Cabri over Copenhagen.


Gode to Socotra in the Fokker 28 4000

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I got home a few days ago, but I’ve been busy with Thanksgiving (and turkey :yum:) preparations. Today was the first day I had free, and I made the most of it. I started by downloading an update for jamespejam’s awesome R4D skins that removes the P&W emblem from the engine cowlings. This is a beautiful set of skins for a wholly unsung group of aviators and maintainers. Semper Fi!

After that, I flew a training flight in R4D-5 BuNos. 39073 from Sheridan, Wyoming (which I chose solely because of the poor winter weather). Delivered to the USAAF as C-47A 42-24231, the real aircraft spent most of its life with MAG-25 in the PTO, and sadly went missing on May 18, 1944 between Torokina Airfield on Bougainville and Guadalcanal, taking 23 crew and passengers with her. Pacific Wrecks has a full write-up.

It was snowing with moderate icing aloft. The Dakota handles ice well but required continuous use of all airframe and propeller anti/deicing equipment. Departing to the north, I flew the VOR 15 to the published missed approach, made three turns holding at the Sheridan VOR, then vectored to the ILS 33. I was a little worried approaching minimums on the ILS, but we broke out right above minimums and landed successfully.

Moderate icing aloft, with the boots and prop deice holding their own.

Breaking out right above minimums (about 250 feet) with Runway 33 visible through the fog. If this hadn’t worked, I would have diverted further south and clear of the weather.

After this flight, I took advantage of some Black Friday sales. I got the SWS RV-14 from the Marketplace for $1.99, probably the best small sum purchase I’ve ever made! For you Mooney freaks, it works out to about 1.1 cents per nautical mile per hour cruise speed! (If you don’t understand, go ask someone who owns a Mooney) :rofl:

Taking my new ride for a quick spin around Duxford, before returning for the next purchase.

I also picked up the FlyingIron P-38L. I’ve always loved unconventional aircraft designs, especially sexy ones like the Lightning! I took her out from Duxford for a while, trying out her systems and performance, and I’m very pleased on both accounts. FlyingIron makes a good product!

Here’s “Charlice Jeanne,” one of the skins included in the package. 44-27121 (msn 422-8125) was the mount of Lieutenant James Watkins when he was assigned to the 9th Fighter Squadron “Flying Knights” of the 49th Fighter Group. He downed a single Japanese fighter in this aircraft, his last of twelve kills (with another probable) during World War 2. He remained with the USAF after the war and retired as a Colonel in 1970. You can read about him here and here.

Alright, enough chatting. I’m going back out in the Lightning. Good night all, and to my American friends, Happy Thanksgiving!


Next on the never flown in the three years I’ve owned the sim series: The Volocopter. It does not fly like a helo at all - control-wise, just usual ga plane settings. Slow as molasses in winter, but a good flyer if kept in one town or city. Interesting the scenery for the local airport near the Volocopter factory has been developed and is free. Would love to know what I did not push to keep the batteries from draining so much.


Did a Southwest route in the 738 at the start of the day from St. paul to Midway then a Virgin Atlantic flight from Heathrow to Tel Aviv and an American flight from Miami to DFW.

Socotra to Abu Dhabi in the Fokker 28 4000


Still waiting for the Fokker to go on sale…or Christmas!


French Alps


I finished Sicily journey in WB-Sim C172 in real weather: LIRB :airplane: LITY :airplane: LICT :airplane: LICJ
I took advantage of good weather at Sicily. It was definitely less windy, so the flight was smooth sail. I started a bit late, so I reached the destination just after sunset. But I could enjoy nice sunset.