What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Parallel landing (non-standard) into LPPT


VECC to ZPPP in the Fokker f28 4000 super late last night


Basel - Zurich - Milano

Weather was nasty looking, like it is in Europe atm. Far from my usual VFR flying.

Photo book

All aboard

Not sure this is by the book :smiley:

Heads-down in the instruments, then looked up to see we cleared the clouds

Arrived in Zurich, for the next leg to Milano

Yikes, that’s how that ended :fearful:

Not a clue what happened there … I think it was the AP set to too high climb rate while my throttle wasn’t up all the way, but then I turned it off - but lost all control already.

So that’s the first time I crash in my trip from Belgium - Mount Etna - Tenerife - Zurich in various aircraft :frowning:

Oh well! Try again next time. That’s the advantage of a simulator.

Scary stuff.


Sweet! That’s a mod I’ve never heard of. Thanks for sharing. Downloading now!

Flew the DC-3 for the first time in a long time. Pretty proud of the landing considering it was my first one in that aircraft in a couple months.

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I took the Lightning on her first long-distance outing today, flying from Kermit Weeks’ Fantasy of Flight museum (FA08, scenery by Emerald Scenery/rotornut44) to Jerry Yagen’s Military Aviation Museum at Virginia Beach (42VA, scenery by i9simulations). My plan was to experiment with the airplane’s performance and compare to real world data, so I elected to remain VFR at 17,500 feet and below.

“Wishful Thinking” waiting on the ramp outside the Fantasy of Flight’s hangars. That’s PBY-5A N96UC (formerly Navy BuNo. 48375) peaking in the left side of the frame.

Lined up and waiting for overhead traffic to clear. “Wishful Thinking’s” younger stablemate, former Lufthansa Starliner D-ALAN, watches from the sidelines. Sadly, I don’t think she’ll ever fly again, and the clean model in MSFS belies the real airplane’s steadily deteriorating condition.

Vacationers heading south for warmer climes in Florida and points south. The high-altitude airways along the United States’ east coast are always crowded, which causes massive delays when spring and summer thunderstorms create bottlenecks. Thankfully the weather today was crystal clear and smooth over most of the Eastern Seaboard. That’s an American Airbus in the lead (probably going as slow as he can), a Delta 737 (probably complaining about the ride), and a JetBlue Airbus (probably on the wrong frequency).

Passing off Tybee Island. Somewhere in the water down there is an errant nuclear bomb. Read the basics of the story here.

I planned to reach 42VA at 1546 Local and nailed it almost perfectly. With nobody in the pattern, I flew overhead to look for the windsock which, as is often the case in MSFS add-ons, indicates backwards in this otherwise flawless scenery package. I’ll maneuver to the east, then return to land to the west, but first…

…a low pass down the runway to wake everyone up! :wink:

Two hours and 230 gallons after takeoff and I’m on the ramp at Virginia Beach. That’s a Bf-109, a Spitfire, and a Mustang behind “Wishful Thinking,” with two T-6s further down the line.

This flight showed me that I needed better data for the P-38, as the only charts I could find were for the P-38H and weren’t quite accurate. So I went full nerd (I know…never go full nerd) and spent over an hour gathering cruise performance data before combining the results into a planning chart. Now there’s no wondering whether I’ll have the fuel to get somewhere!

Anyway, I’m off to clean the kitchen and walk the dog before bed. Good night! :love_you_gesture:


A foggy morning over Northern Morocco - real-weather, real-time


Touch n go’s at KBOI then a mail run


Check out the manual in the file. Some good links. Prepare to lose hours to these routes!

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Flying out east of Shimla Airport, India


Lake Thun, Switzerland


Palagruza Lighthouse, Croatia


Nice toasty -67F OAT. :smile: BGBW to BIRK


Taking a break from business jets I did another night of St Barth to Saba runs, 5 total in a non-stop cycle of landing, ‘unloading’ and taking back off again. Nailed Saba Runway 12 and Barth Runway 10 5 times each in the Islander, in spite of the MP chaos ‘scenery’ constantly in view there. I start and end at Juliana ‘home base’, which makes the last landing seem comical.


Flight in difficult wind conditions to Mount Hermon, the highest permanently manned UN position in the world, known as “Hermon Hotel”

“Hermon South”: view to Lebanon

At the summit of Mount Hermon: view to Syria

View to Israel

Border installations between Israel and Syria

On the way to Sea of Galilee

Sea of Galilee

Approach to Rosh Pina with the last drop of fuel


Not a Black Friday purchase: I’ve actually had Orbx’s LA helipad sets for a few weeks now but have just got round to putting them to use:

I can see me spending a fair amount of time in LA over the next few weeks*, till I master landing a helicopter. I may actually learn to find my way around the place.

And a strange place it is. Where else would you find a racing circuit built for the sole purpose of racing two Toyotas?

*And by ‘few weeks’ I mean ‘many months’


Pretending I didn’t have a fatal crash with 5 people yesterday, and trying again to go from Zurich ( LSZH) to Milano ( LIMC) in the TBM.

Luckily the weather is better, let’s hope this increases our survival rate :fearful:

Photo book

After half a year of incorrect taxi’ing in Zurich I made it safely up in the air, but will I make it over the Alps?!


There they are

ATC sending me up and down again, so I asked a climb myself.

Look at that

Not a BIG fan of these clouds hiding some mountains, but let’s trust the displays and ATC - flight planning and preparation? What do you MEAN?

Looking good, the 10 000 ft from ATC may have not been enough :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice winds from behind-ish


I remember when I was here, no GPS hand-flying the TK9 through the Alps, good times

“Oh, I’m still high, let’s ask a descend” - “DENIED” :frowning:

Two minutes later: 4000 ft !!!

Can you believe these people from ATC!!! Can I descend: NOOOOO, but expedite your descend!!!

Well hello there

Expedite is expedite

Zurich - Milan taxi service, with one engine hopping over the alps, why not.

And so, we live again!



Quick spin in the Stearman


Another in the ‘Sim-plane-I’ve-not-yet-flown-since-I-started-three-years-ago’ series’. This time I took the Robin DR400 around Kagoshima Bay. Left Kagoshima International doing a circuit to Kanoya and back to Kagoshima. Nice flight. Good ground handling.