What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

I decided to turn on live aircraft, was wondering why I had the option off for ages, had CTDs on loading screen after clicking fly now, during in flight, then after ending flight heading to the menu

oh well, back to live flight switched to off then



Wednesday flight: Austrian Airlines A320 from Luxemburg (ELLX) to Vienna (LOWW)


Some browsing these forums returned with the seemingly senseless solution to the stutters: Delete community folder content (nothing but Navigraph in there for me) then reinstall it. It makes aboslutely no sense to me, yet IT WORKED :flushed:

I did some test flights, even turned photogrammetry back on and the stutters were gone, so it was time to do some actual flying:

Graz (LOWG) to Zürich (LSZH) in the HA420 HondaJet:

As usual, destination ATC logged off before I got there, which was kind of a luck this time, as I made an awful landing. I recorded the flight, but even if it uploads in a few hours, watch the landing with your seat belts on :sweat:


Nice pics! Did you try deleting your rolling cache? That can help.

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Some nice sights on my flight from CYZT-CAU8, in the mighty C172 with WB-Sim. Also using the Return to Misty Moorings scenery, highly recommended! Once I arrived, I encountered a weird bug when landing, where it seemed to just “run aground” anywhere. I thought maybe I actually had run aground, so I slewed back up and tried a few touch and go’s but no luck. I dropped the wheels and then it drove in water as it does on land. So, I decided to hop into my Wilga and take a few touch and go’s. Didn’t experience the same thing, but now I’m definitely going to take Wilga on the next few hops between seaplane bases, as I zigzag my way up to Alaska.


Well, I wanted to fly, but instead I’m here waiting, waiting, waiting, and wondering why MSFS download servers can only manage 250 KB/sec download speeds. When I can always download from Steam at my full ISP speed of 4 MB/sec.

Didn’t even get the option to choose what modules to download.

See y’all next week when I might have time again to fly, or whatever.


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Flew the PMDG 737 700 as southwest from Fort Lauderdale to Orlando


Crashed the CJ4 because it is waaaay too sensitive now :unamused:

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Picked up Cowan Sim’s Bell 206. Absolutely love it. In my opinion, it’s performance is far superior to the 407.

It’s also very sensitive, but I actually like that. Plus, I can land without it spinning out. I don’t use any Assists either.


I did that too besides uninstalling and reinstalling all my mods (navigraph) in the community folder. I forgot to mention roliing cache, but deleted and re-created it too. I’m not sure how these things help, but they did, I had no performance issues in my flight from Graz to Zürich

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Took the DA62 from LHDC to LZKZ

Another hop with the Albatros from MMTG to MSSS

Also some circuit practice with the HondaJet at LHSM


Crawling back into bĺender thats what i do today
Just have to do this and really love salty’s i hope i can make this work although it will take me long time to finish.


Sunset flight from Budapest (LHBP) to Wien (LOWW) in the HondaJet

This was quite a smooth ride, I’d like to say the LHSM practice paid off, but I guess there are still quite a few bad lendings to come. Let’s not be negative, I’m okay with this one. Video later here:


Awesome, so glad to hear you got it worked out. I know my world is so much emptier when fly-fly world is broken


Every day the same thing: variety! I love how you change things up. I think it helps us to express our personalities as simpilots (maybe IRL but all that cross-type certification). Changing planes is only limited by my lack of desire to reconfigure controllers. The Albatros is pretty tight lookin plane.

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The Albatros is a long time love of mine, I first read 20+ years ago that one can own these aircraft for civilian use and ever since I dreamt of it. Of course, having it IRL would be a gazillion times more exciting, but at least flying it in MSFS does not cost about 1000USD/hour :smiley:

My only controller is a Thrustmaster T16000 FCS joystick, so not really much to reconfigure, I only have an alternate configuration for gliding, where the slider is the spoiler instead of the thrust lever.


Completed Day 3 leg 3 of NatGeo World Tour. Easter Island (SCIP) to Samoa (NSFA). ISland hopping or rather leaping considering the distance.

Uneventful midday take off.

Crossing Pitcairn Islands

Crossing French Polynesia Islands

Dar she blows…Samoa in sight.

Final approach

Not much time for the turn around so better get some rest.


I’ve been planning an Aspen to Telluride flight for some time, but tried to save it for a time when there is ATC around. Well seems like the area is hardly ever covered, so I just got into the Vison Jet, and flew it

I had to slew mode my aircraft from the original stand, as an airliner spaned on the same location too :smiley: Aspen is a popular place to fly…

I really love flying over mountains.

Just as I was landing an unannounced plane took off head on. Luckily no collision, but still… :flushed:

I’m not sure if it was scenery, or another player, but there was this big old plane


Video here, including a final approach more suited to the Albatros, than the Vision Jet and a landing not really well done:


While I was waiting for the above video to upload, I went and flew over the Himalayas, from Gonggar (ZULS) to Delhi (VIDP)

The map on the MFD looks like as if it was on fire

I realised pretty quickly that I will not be flying FL400, as there was about 110kn headwind, so I quickly descended back to FL260 to save both time and fuel struggling against it. At this level it was about 40kn

After quite awhile the endless mountains gave way to endles cities

It was such a fog at Delhi, that I saw the runway only 1-2 seconds befire reaching minimums.

And a lesson learned: The HondaJet Elite2 might have 1500+ nm of range under ideal conditions, but I had fuel for about 15-20 minutes worth by the end of this 733nm trip


Oh, and I passed the 200 hour mark today:



Some shots of my trip from Kitimat, just me and Wilga, winding through valleys, looking at lighthouses from Return to Misty Moorings. Also made use of the Wilga’s ADF, and homed whichever NDB is tucked in there (you will see if you go there). Made my way north to a base, which I can’t recall at the moment (I didn’t write anything down, I just flew!).

Upon departure, the weather seemed a bit too calm and clear, considering the location and time of year. So I clicked the menu to see if there were any METAR, and while I was doing that there was a sudden weather change! Flight Sim did that thing where it suddenly applies the correct conditions, and today it was 40 knot wind and zero visibility! I flew in these conditions for a few minutes to see if I could manage to not die. I figured that, IRL I would most certainly not venture out on a day like that, so I reset the weather to Floyd’s fluffy little clouds and dramatic rain, with 20 knot wind tossed in for fun.

Because you know I’m always chasing rainbows.

Did I mention that RTMM comes with some awesome ships and boats? I took off next to this bad boy, up close the detail is amazing. Each one looks like it fully belongs, and all of them are positioned in ways that make sense (not like the Big Boat Brawl of '21 just off the coast of Oakland CA, but we shall speak no further of that).

My final destination, welcome to Canada, eh! I am still a few miles from Alaska.

I love the oar feature that Wilga has, which allows you to approach the dock with precision, and also “sticks” you to the water, so as not to get blown about so much. Note that the chimney smoke and Canadian flag are awesome indicators of wind direction that are easily seen from the air. Most of the RTMM scenery has similar features, and lighting as well. Serious upgrade over the default. All in all an enjoyable ride!