What would make MSFS "complete" for you?

I would consider it complete with reliable weather, and ATC and AI at least on the level of fsx,
and maybe a more functional multiplayer where every player gets instructions from the same AI ATC, and a “professional” multiplayer mode were you cant spawn on the runway and would get kicked when you do serve violations of air traffic rules, kind of an inbetween of offline with default ATC and vatsim.

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Better support for Xbox.


Some of my Wishes to make this Simulation complete

  • Good AI Traffic. Realistic Animations and Movement, Real Liveries. Correct, more various and well designed Aircraft-Types

  • Realistic Airports. No Ground Vehicles on Regional Airports that don’t use them in Real-Life

  • A better Multiplayer-Mode with different Game-Types and Activities

  • ATC Improvements and better ATC Voices

Can we include some basic user-experience stuff here please?
-the ability to edit the silly 0 time entries in the log book
-correct take off and landing counting in the log book
-saving user settings
-a simple replay feature
-better update process (i.e. game updates itself, I don’t have to load/get message/shut down/go to microsoft store/download update/start xbox app/apply update/start sim


  • Wide FOV VR headset compatibility
  • Proper VR implementation
  • DLSS/FSR implementation for VR
  • Multilingual ATC with realistic voices
  • Correctly working VSI (5-15s lag as in real airplane)
  1. Autogen buildings draw distance settings slider.
  2. Updates not to be mandatory, at least for two weeks to avoid servers overload.
  3. Dynamic terrain LOD.
  4. Realistic and more flexible ATC. Speech to text recognition also.

I would add to the OP’s list:

  • sim updates don‘t feel like Russian roulette anymore
  • no terrain morphing! and more accurate coastlines
  • seasons, esp. more realistic snow: more accurate coverage, no frozen lakes in temperate climate zones, less or no snow on roads, snow not completely covering rock faces
  • interaction of the plane with rain and snow, especially wiper effects but also better effects when driving through puddles or snow or when flying through clouds
  • better night lighting. It‘s already much better now but at some point I‘d like to see no static red lights on roads anymore but dense road traffic (like in XP). Also the draw distance, orb size and the way the ground is illuminated could be slightly more realistic. And in some places the sepia mask is still too dominant.

Nice to have but not that urgent:

  • option to turn off that blurry road overlay. It’s especially annoying in areas with high quality imagery such as photogrammetry cities and Switzerland
  • more cloud variation, eg cirrus clouds, fleecy clouds and more accurately looking cumulonimbus clouds
  • avatar mode and passengers
  • trains
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I am pretty easy to make happy.
Fix the weather, fix boat traffic, fix water levels so bridges and docks are not submerged , fix AI departure, continue to work with photogrammetry optimization.
Then the rest is gravy

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Agreed with almost all OP’s points, except for ATC. It could be better, but I don’t expect it to be perfect all the way. If the basics are ok, its fine with me. ATC for me is like the aircraft, I’d happily pay for a study level ATC like I would for a plane, that is, if the basics are ok.

Furthermore, as a VFR/ GA flyer I would really to see the world more alive; Trains/ ships/ birds (people even?)

Edit: This just came to mind: The ability to walk around the aircraft and do an A2A like pre flight check.


What a brilliant Question OP.

I cannot think of a single thing at the moment . . .

Oh yes, I’ve just thought it; That Support from MS for Asobo and development of MSFS continues forever unabated. That will do me nicely.

Because it’s just getting better and better and better.

  1. Better update process – I can’t think of another game on my PC that requires me to manually update things and takes hours to do [yes, I will keep complaining about this]. This includes increasing in-house QA testing and not releasing updates by schedule, but by when features are fully tested and ready for a general user. Fix settings and controller profiles from being reset with each update. This is huge. It takes about an hour of searching, rebinding, clearing a conflicting binding, the testing to get the controls back to the way I had it.

  2. A useable ATC with IFR flying – I’m really just looking for FSX usability for IFR approaches. Vector me to the FAF without a CFIT incident. Are missed approaches even a thing? Maybe it’s better now, but I spend too much time updating to fly any realistic flights.

  3. Fix glaring problems with a/c systems – Again, I haven’t been able to really deep dive in the a/c recently, but I remember the mixture bug and the DA40’s FADEC controls just say INOP. SR22 keypad is just a pretty decoration. WT is doing God’s work on the Garmin’s, thankfully, but I’m constantly finding things that should be obvious to anyone who attempts a realistic flight. Again, this ties into my first point about updates and testing.

  4. Correct taxiway designations – self explanatory, FSX had this…

  5. Airways in the flight planner – and a flight planner that can accept/interpret a realistic flight plan string (KRNO → KOAK; FMG V392 OAK)

  6. Helicopters and gliders – FSX had these… I know they’re coming, but they’re needed to be “complete.”

  7. Random failures – Make me do pilot ■■■■ and land next to someone’s house if the engine quits. Have a flap freeze or blow off for overspeeding them. Xplane does this very well.

If I was some sort of creative director person, I would challenge the devs to find the things pilots do and put them into the game. Give us a WX brief. Let us use real world taxi diagrams and have roboATC at least work. The game is very pretty. VERY PRETTY, but I rarely get the feeling I’m preparing for a real flight in a real airplane. 90% of a successful flight is in the planning. Plan to fly, then fly the plan. I feel like I’m constantly fighting the game. Can’t get an accurate ATIS, I can’t use available taxi diagrams, it’s difficult to build/file a correct/intended flight plan, or even have the airplane behave like it should in the air. These are things I expect from a simulator.

And can we please put the AP back in the VL3? Please?


What would make MSFS “complete” for you?

Answer Tollis Airbus 320,319 and the 340…


Seriously, atm I would already be happy if we get two, three months without game breaking bugs, either introduced by an update or even server side adjustments…


For Starters:
Fix the missing Interstate 10 bridge spans that I reported 1 week after MSFS was released,
along with most of the other bridges in the photogrammetry city of Pensacola, FL (KPNS).
OH, I’m so sorry, please forgive me, the “$$Marketplace$$” is so much more important.

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seasons, no snow textures, only real time snow layers, all kind of clouds, warbirds from a2a guys, full working and control air carrier, vrs/a2a quality of ah-64, bush fly details from real world web cams, real time accidents like forest fire and city water, combat zones, where war destroyed buildings, smoke… all missions from fsx, missions from all movies like air america, 2012, true lies, the rock, and justice for all(landing bell47 on the water with al pacino with dialogue from the movie, it’s all about all missions btw), and for sure all visual effect like north lights, fireworks, light pollution above any city, real animal animation every areal with real density, real distance visibility of everything… you see, it’s never will complete for me

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Everything you said, plus:

  • RTX (for water reflections at least) & DLSS
  • Higher detail textures and geometry

Better 1st Party Aircraft
Better instrument pop-out performance.
Optional bezels with instrument pop-out
Click/Touch support for instrument pop-outs.


Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

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A career mode is a no brainer. I know you can buy various 3rd party programs for this type of thing, but for the life of me I can’t understand why MS/Asobo haven’t included something like this in the base game.
Doesn’t seem like it occurred to them for some reason. I mean you don’t make a racing car simulator or a golf game without some kind of career option so why is it acceptable in a flight sim?

Proper offline functionality. I’d like to be able to take my PC to a remote area without internet, fire up the sim and enjoy the great scenery (aerial imagery and photogrammetry) that I know are cached in my system (rolling or manual) but are rendered useless as I look at generic landclass textures. A dreadful oversight … and an easy fix I’m sure.

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