What would make MSFS "complete" for you?

  • proper wind gradients, especially getting close to the ground including turbulence caused by objects/geo features
  • coast- and river lines cleanup
  • better turbulence and athospheric movements simulation (don’t hold back what the sim is actually capable of doing, if really needed add a switch or slider to the assistance options

That’s it of the top of my head, the rest is really rather good!

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Rendering of wet surfaces, water dripping/remaining chunks of snow falling off from the wings as the plane is getting tugged or whatever…that includes water on the windshield and sidewindows…a beautiful wonderful water flowing down those windows, getting bashed from the propwash or just the sheer speed due to the accelerating aircraft…until it is no more…
Well, yeah…that would do it for me. :grin:

I’m good if the weather is accurate. I don’t need much more.

MSFS never had anything like this, except the flightschool from FS98 on and the missions in fsx. I think the sim doesn’t has something like this because simulating the whole world, aerodynamics and aircraft systems plus weather and atc etc. is a giant task on its own, any kind of gameplay would be a waste of resources, and would in my opinion miss the purpose of a flightsimulator.

You would not ask lookheed martin to introduce gameplay elements into prepar3d eighter, in case of prepar3d you aren’t even allowed to use it for entertainment purposes (only for education) if you take the license agreement seriously, although it’s shares a big part of the userbase with MSFS.

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Just to work as advertised on a consistent basis. Seems every update the team find new and exciting ways to break things. And just when it seems everything works, another update drops and breaks everything all over again.


I agree on the AI behaviour and ATC. These are the most glaring problems for me as well.

Another thing I find extremely immersion breaking is the partly spotty satellite coverage with missing tiles (replaced by generic ground textures) and changing seasons. This is especially annoying in the mountains where the generic textures look even more out of place, and where the sudden appearance of isolated winter or spring textures with snow make a summer’s flight through a valley suddenly look ridiculous.

When it comes to the weather, I don’t need 100% realistic live-weather.

Wide fov support for VR

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Just need a good airliner…

Perhaps PMDG will come soon

CRJ is in my opinion … not complete and who knows when that will happen

Issues from back when it was first released still not fixed…disappointing


Flyable and functional PMDG, inibuilds, FS Labs birds, pick one from the list. When that is accomplished then you know that you crossed the point of paying to be a beta tester and into the category of paying for an actual product.

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I appreciate this topic, but reading the answers here shows quite clearly why this forum is so negative. Everyone has their own specific gripes, I don’t think I read any two posts with the same idea what people are missing. Would all be compiled together to please everyone, the list would be so long that implementing everything would surely take longer than the planned 10 years for this sim.

This just demonstrates how impossible a task it is to please an extremely demanding player base.


There is one thing we can read several times, stop breaking functionnalities with update.
But i don’t find this topic is so negative, for the majority, there is not so many thing they ask to be totally happy.
“Everyone has their own specific gripes” ← that’s why a sim must be just a plateform with basic functionnalities and very open to 3rd party. Because it is with addons each simmer can customize the sim for his need. trying to do (or waiting for) a complete sim in one product for all would be a mistake. If you try to do for everybody, you do for nobody.


You are looking at the differences but notice which issues are common. It appears that a few (ATC, weather, CTDs, quality control) are very ‘popular’ issues.


I’m itching for gliding to be fully implemented. Then for me eyecandy becomes all important, rivers that flow, trains and (realistic) traffic. Birds, cows, sheep and horses. Rocky coasts and real waves, even wind in the treetops… Really it’s mainly improvements as we have most of these already … Oh and Asobo, bring back the missing churches to A.I. and don’t for one minute think we haven’t noticed the dumb down.

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OK here’s my two cents, I’m not as serious of a simmer as some of you, that’s OK because I’m still entertained, PERIOD! That said I’d sure love to have a tower view option like we had in FSX, even if there was a way to manipulate the current SHOWCASE VIEW which never stays where you left it and there’s no auto zoom function (that I’m aware of anyway). This is a very immersive sim IMO with tons of potential, oh ya PLEASE UPDATE CANADA as my hometown is 10 years behind in Bing Maps! :crazy_face:

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Fix the roads on the side of mountains,
Fix the bridges
Fix the water levels and the bizarre ‘humps’ in the water,
Fix the weird buildings that don’t belong
Make the cars drive ON the roads and bridges
Fix the boats and all the other strange flattened out stuff


How boring! :grin:

Map is very bad😢

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This will be a dream come true.


I believe that modeling altocumulus lenticularis wouldn’t be that hard. We already have mechanical turbulence and mountain waves.
The problem is that there’s no humidity simvar at the moment and seeing lenticularis behind every hill in the sim with even a moderate winds aloft would get tiring after a while.
I’m glad you agree with my list, I believe that the things I’ve wrote would add so much to the immersion.

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So would a $10k PC to show them on :sunglasses:

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