Where are the MSFS configuration files located?

I’m trying to locate the configuration files which - I assume - store settings selected in the sim. I’ve got a problem turning off unlimited fuel and feel editing a config file may be the only answer, if I can find it.

I’ve tried what seems the obvious places, including within myname\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator, but come up with nothing. Any ideas?

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Manually editing MSFS configutration files could possibly be a dangerous thing, especially if you are not 100% sure what you are doing (or do not make backups)

REMEMBER this image if you attempt such edits …

There are also other technical complications, like your system syncing back with the MS servers, and your edits being overwrite on your machine or a bad edit permanently stored back on the MS servers.

Just be Careful !!

Also, some of the Config files are effectively Binary, so manually editing them is near impossible – although in the next 9 year, I am sure someone will figure them out !! (like they did for FSX - ie LogBook Editor for FSX)

TMI ? :wink:


For Microsoft Store Version files located:


there is two folders:
t - empty
<long_numeric_folder> - contain multiple 32 symbol folders with you configuration and progress. Control profiles, achievments, simulator configuration and more.


Just enough information to be dangerous !!!

However, if anyone figure out those Binary files, they will get major Creds from me !!

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Thank you: it’s helpful to know where this material is located. When, following your lead, I came across “UserCfg.opt” and “FlightSimulator.CFG” in Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\ I hoped I might find what I was looking for. Sadly neither seems to store the settings for assistance options.

If you cannot change that assistance option through the menus, I think your config file is somehow corrupted or outdated. With SU7 came some changes to the structure.

I suggest you try to switch between the presets (easy, hard, or whatever they’re called) and take it from there.

One of my configuration files got corrupted (?) a few months ago.
Luckily I had backups, and restoring a backup config file fixed it - eventually.

I seem to recall lot of messing about with connecting & disconnecting the network, to get MSFS servers to sync to what was required … and I cannot recall exactly what ended up working in the end…

A formal Documented Procedure for dong this, might help a lot of people, who may or may not, unknown to them, be getting a corrupted Configuration file.

So many unknowns – so many random Guesses – Its all very “Hit & Miss”

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You are playing with fire…


Very little use to change those files.
I believe you will find they will be changed back at the next update.
Where in the sim are you changing this from, the flight onscreen, or from the main Options menu?

I’m changing (and unchanging and rechanging to try to make it stick) from the main assistance menu. Yet the fuel quantitiy remains unchanged throughout a flight in any aircraft I use; and it is impossible to change fuel quantities using the sliders from the hangar or flight setup or inflight menus.

Have you got “unlimited fuel " selected in the “Assistance Options” " Aircraft Systems” main menu?

No. Unlimited fuel has been turned off in the assistance options, and stays turned off in the assistance options when the sim is closed and restarted. Yet the sim acts as if it is turned on.

In order to “unstick” it, I’ve today been turning it on, then saving options and closing the sim, then restarting, turning it off, then saving and reclosing the sim. Then restarting… and so on. Nothing I do makes the fuel act as if it’s anything other than unlimited even though “unlimited fuel” is turned off.

Lots of questions.
Is this with any particular aircraft?
Any particular location?
Have you saved any flights?
Do you have any sim addons running?
Items in your community folder?
Does it occur with only a bare sim, nothing in the community folder, and no external addons running?

I am NOT going to suggest you do a clean install of MSFS,a s I suspect the corrupted config file is your current one on the MSFS server, so re-installing MSFS wont be the solution.

I am just making wild suggestion here, but what I might try doing is renaming the wgs folder to say wgsX, and restarting MSFS and see what happens., although doing such things may well result in the need to re-install MSFS, - so play about with this at your own risk.

Really wish there was more info from Asobo about all this, maybe in a few Technical Q&A’s with the Asobo devs …

Something to think about in 2022.

Still waiting for the next SDK Q&A session – that last one was most informative.

I think the following quote is quite appropriate to MSFS and the MSFS Forum –

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In my case, this did not help.
I renamed wgs and restarted the sim. You will go through the first “settings mode” again but don’t need to re-install msfs.

I would try to unplug the computer when I restarted the computer and according to a Youtube video, you will be asked to choose which of the files you want to use, the cloud file or the one on your computer. But again, this did not work for me, but I have a slightly different issue.

If you get it figure out, please consider posting a detailed description of the process… many will thank you for that …

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Why not just go to Settings, APPs, MS Flight Simulator and click “Uninstall”.
Save Community Folder and and Mods first.

Go to MSStore/Steam and reinstall.

Quick download of 1.xx GB and see if that helps.

Thanks, but I fear that (as MS proved in SU6 or 7) it takes me a couple of days continuously to download the whole sim with my last-century Internet connection (via an exchange-only line, apparently) so uninstall/resinstall is very much a last resort!

You might want to read what I posted here. I have successfully shared profiles with others and it uploaded to the cloud correctly.