Which Aircraft are at the top of your wishlist for third-party devs to make?

I would gladly adopt whichever religion whose deity made it possible for someone to create the Quest Kodiak.


Too funny! Well put! :joy:

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Fairly sure that’s very possible right now. What’s required is just someone who’d want to make it.

In the meanwhile, I’ll leave you with a treat


Already subbed! :slight_smile:

I asked Thranda about it, and right now they aren’t interested, and are watching from the sidelines.

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Definately gulfstream g700
E jets indeed for short flights
PMDG 737/747
Airbus a330-900neo
A220 also for short flights (I prefer this over the embraer)
A350 would be nice too:)

Number one definately the gulfstream I would pay more on that than on PMDG just because I like it sooo much


PZL-104 Wilga

OH-10 Bronco

There is already a simplified (A10-A) and a study level (A-10-C). Had some problems tracking targets, but it became easier when i did an orbit turn then launching mavericks at the targets. A10 is more like of a packed agile flying fire base that sends the enemy running, than a conventional airplane. It’s one of those planes that just wants to fly, it takes off by itself. And of course you can BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPT :smiley:

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A glider, with working tow plane in front!


The JRollon SF260 Marchetti please!

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I always had a soft spot for the baby jumbo Bae-146. :slight_smile:


I’ll just keep my wish to myself but ASOBO DO YOU SEE ALLLLL THE PEOPLE ASKING FOR A DC-3 C-47 !?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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DC3/C47. The Ma’am one was one of my favorite all time fs aircraft.
DHC2/3/6, piper super cub with floats and skis.
Cessna 180, 206, 210, 310.
Older C172, with plain bendix/king radios instead of gns.
Old study level jet airliners - 707, 742, 727.
Modern study level airliners.


A-400M would be sweet.


I know they get mentioned a lot but I would pay an absolutely absurd amount of money for an even semi decent 737 & Q400 in this sim. a2a aerostar and pmdg 737 are instant buys for me. I am anxious with naive impatience like a child on Christmas waiting for them - I am also dreamy eyed in the same way, giddy with excitement when I think about the future of the sim. I’m content with waiting for improvements. Also would drool over a trijet like a DC-10 or MD-11 or a lovely 727.

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Basler BT-67
(After DC-3 of course)

This times 9000 :slight_smile:

Initially, I’d like to see the A2A Cherokee and Comanche brought over. After that, I’m not picky at all.

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Quality Wings 787s.

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Oh Thank you for the C-17. The C-5, the A-4J or TA-4J, F-4 Phantom, F-14 Tomcat. Above the DC-8 and 707 also. B727 was fun to fly. But more than any other the C-17 is my favorite. Just never wants to land, you got to almost force it down. Used to be a F-14 for FSX, and that was great fun. But also please just fix the AP issues in all the planes now.