I’d love to see SWS do a proper Cessna Caravan. 208/208B/Cargomaster/EX. Opening doors, visible cargo/pax, all the bells and whistles like they did in the Kodiak.
I own the Blacksquare analog mod, but I feel it’s a temporary solution to scratch the itch. It feels weird to have an analog interior with the EX exterior.
Does anyone remember the good old Mooney Bravo from I think Flight Simulator 2000 Professional?
I would like Black Square to make a (analog of course! With all the iconic engine gauges!) Mooney Bravo or Mooney Ranger M20C or M20R
I would like to fly the Casa C-212aviocar, a little spanish transport plane that is used to do marine patrol, military cargo and is It used also on civil Airlines.
It is a vintage STOL plane from the 70s.
Nowadays CASA is part of Airbus but his big brother the c295 is still produce.
Carenado intends on bringing the Saab 340, Embraer 120, and Cessna 206 to the sim, along with their other products. I’m personally looking forward to their Falcon 50 (and Fokker 50 if we’re staying on the number theme).
Other than that, we need some more eastern european / soviet types, as well as Japanese WW2 aircraft.
I’d definitely be down to fly some klm f50 routes as well, the 120 in fsx the 120 was used a lot to blend in with the Caribbean ai traffic after I loaded up the game with a ton of freeware ai traffic packs