White dot constant for Xbox controller on a pc

  • Tag: “Bug-logged” - The issue reported by the community is logged as a bug in our database. Note: Once logged, the team will be working on a fix for a future update
  • Tag: “Investigating” - The team is aware of an issue and currently investigating
  • Tag “Feedback-logged” - A Community Feedback is logged in our database to verify the bug. Note: If the feedback is verified as a bug, the thread’s tag will be changed to “Bug logged”
  • Tag: “Need-your-help” - Unable to reproduce, need further information
  • Tag “Workaround” - A workaround is available
  • Tag: “Fixed-on-live” - The issue previously reported is now fixed on the current version of the SIM
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Yes, they’re trying to repro the issue :joy:
This is very sad as it would indeed take 20sec to add a toggle.
And I mean a toggle THAT ALSO WORKS IN VR :face_with_hand_over_mouth:



The incessant white dot is such a menace… just did an otherwise really nice and relaxing VFR flight along the SoCal coastline. Whenever I change the view the dot is there :dizzy_face: :man_facepalming:


Just to be clear: this is also an issue on Xbox. Not just a PC issue. It should be fixed for both PC and Xbox.


also to stress again: It even appears on PC when using Mouse Interaction Legacy Mode.
That means, one cannot use the Controller for instrument interactions.

Still the white dot appears when using the right controller thumbstick to look around. It has ZERO purpose under these circumstances.


Yes indeed. This is the main issue. (And why the workarounds are pointless).

I want to look out of the passenger window… The white dot appears. There are no controls on the glass, it is just a window. What is it trying to tell me? That I need to know where the centre of the window is? Grrrrr!


great idea haha

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Here’s a nice screengrab, approaching Leeds, looks like there’s UFO hovering over the runway…:


post on the screenshot challenge

I was having the same problem after sim update 11. But making the cursor and toolbar appear, then pressing up on the d-pad twice and then pressing whatever binding you have setup for your cursor/toolbar once again. Will make the white dot disappear for good until you toggle your cursor/toolbar again. Not a fix, but so quick and easy it’s basically rinse and repeat… And trust me, I was furious before I found this workaround :sweat_smile:

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What do you mean by saying cursor/toolbar?

Toogle the cursor that let’s you interact with the cockpit. The toolbar pops up along with it

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Well I’m getting into the minds of the developers…‘‘We have so much into our minds…helicopters, gliders, world updates, Sim updates, ctds, performance issues, dlss, directx12, extra features to develop, serious bugs to fix,etc etc…we don’t have time now for this…its a small dot to help…its not a bug…its a feature…’’

Well that’s true…they have a lot on their minds…

But…this sim is all about the immersion into flying into a real-like world and feel like the real thing, isn’t it?

If I was flying a real aircraft would I have a white dot in front of me to show me where the centre of my vision is?

I guess not?..
So what happens to my immersion into the feeling of flying?..A bit ruined…

There are simmers and hardcore simmers who have expensive setups and joystics…and there are us who enjoy flying with a much cheaper setup , a Xbox controller either on pc or on Xbox. We are quite a few I think…
So since su5 and after quite a few posts about this dot , don’t you think its about time to take some time to do something and please all these people…your customers?
Just an on or off option…nothing more nothing less…


There is an option in the settings to remove it. I’ll look at it and send you a screenshot


There isn’t.

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I can’t put it back on to show where it should be deactivated

I am not either. It’s been almost a month since the su11 beta

I just wonder if its really not possible to add an option to turn it always off. It looks like an simple task but maybe its harder to develop as i think.

Amazing screenshots, especially the first one! Really sublime. But wait, is that the pesky white dot in the middle?

I dont think we’re that small of a group though, if you combine all Xbox users with the PC users using controllers. As for myself I find a controller much less clunky in my living room setup with a large TV, compared to a clunky HOTAS and pedals setup.


No there isn’t.