White dot visible since (fixed on PC beta

Asobo??? Any Word about this Mess???


agreed, I don’t personally care about the white rectangle – they can fix that later. They absolutely need to look into the mouse not being able to hit the clickspots as intended.

UPDATE: SOLVE see below


Good point. :+1:
And why isn’t the Beta thread closed? It’s over.


I went back to P3D this morning to see if I had a performance issue there and I didn’t. FPS was the steady 30 and no stuttering or mouse issues. I flew around for an hour and lamded with no problems. So I went back to MSFS to check on the situation and everything seems to be back to normal. Frame rates are back to steady 30, even flying low and fast over Miami. No stuttering and no mouse issues. Who knows what’s going on. I was worried that I was having GPU issues, but I guess not. I’m happy with that. I thought maybe Asobo did something over night. Has anyone else gone back to normal?

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can not fly the fbwa320 can not click on anything !! white dot in middle everytime I am going to click on a botton. when is this going to be fixed>>


Any update from Asobo on this topic? Are they going to make a patch or are PC owners supposed to live with this now?


I literally haven’t completed even a single flight in MSFS ever since the release of AAU_02, which is a shame because I would’ve enjoyed trying out the new avionics updates to the 747. Can’t exactly do that though when the whole game is unplayable because my mouse doesn’t work. Just tried the game again today. Issue still persists.


This problem appears to have a more intense effect on some than others. As noted in previous posts I had a day of horrible mouse issues and also severe performance issues. But they cleared up the next day. I occasionally have seen outlined displays and white dots. But it has not been a problem since that bad day. There are thousands of sim pilots on MSFS and this topic has 394 post most of them are the same people posting several times. There must be many others with no problems like this at all. Either that or they don’t have issue with it or want to comment about it.

This only seems to seriously affect a subset of users. I’m on PC with hotas+kb+mouse and although I get the white dot it is transient and vanishes after a couple of seconds. I get the white borders on the displays but they go if I knock the mouse to the corner of the screen so that the displays are not focused.

For me, and probably many others, the white dot is a minor annoyance. Clearly for many it’s much more serious, and it seems that perhaps noisy inputs such as rudder pedals or sticks are contributing factors in a lot of cases.

Nothing to do with rudder, yoke etc. They are to many Customers with this problem. This is only after MS2020 updates. If you think MS24 is going to be any better i am not so sure.


I too have had this issue on and off since the last update. After reading the possible solutions, I tried moving all of my CH controllers through their paces and the mouse arrow started working properly. Yeah, at least I know how to make it work next time it doesn’t.


The others fly with keyboard :laughing:


Does someone from MSFS support read this? Since many days no aswer, any reaction. If not a solution I would expect any feedback🫤

Hello @snowgoose8927,

Yes, we do our best to read everything on this forum. I posted this regarding the white dot bug a few days ago:

We don’t have any further information to share at this time, but we will provide an update as soon as we have one.


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Haven’t noticed your answer 6days ago. Anyway, thanks for info, fingers crossed as the game with that bug on many 3rd party planes is unplayable.

Have the same issue in all aircraft since the update. I’ve been unable to fly since as the mouse cursor is not usable

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For those of you who were experiencing weird/erratic mouse click issues, like I was explaining above… @TheSevenflyer solved it for me. Somehow, my settings got reverted and LENS CORRECTION was set to ON, which I should have remembered – this causes weird click spot issues on my PC & mouse when it’s set to ON.

I turned it OFF and now I can click on any button/knob with ease.


Worth a go, so off to try it. I had to look up what that setting actually does and here’s a good post describing it:

EDIT: The setting was off already for me… :frowning:

Is your issue that your mouse isn’t pointing/clicking easily on buttons (like my issue) or is yours more about the white rectangle?

White dot issue here as well since full release of AAU 2

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