The mouse delay/clicking for me. I get the white dot and the white rectangles and those don’t bother me too much, but on things like the FMC when it fails to register clicks is when it gets painful.
mouse cursor is flickering. whit dot appears when paning. makes gamplay impossible. never had that issue before. please fix!
White dot, white rectangle activated my using the mouse and POV
Wrong post?
i have both the white dot in the middle of the screen and the white box around “glass” screens - only since the last update. Whatever is causing it is also interfering with performance…both usability and frame rates.

For PC users: I think the problem is that the aircraft control axes interfere with the mouse cursor system after the update. Has anyone tried using Axis and Ohs to solve the problem? Like others here, I believe that implementing small deadzones to the aircraft control axes should reduce the issue because it prevents joystick or rudder jittering from affecting the mouse cursor.
Yes indeed. Control axes trigger the bug, which is especially annoying since I only control my hardware through Axis and Ohs. In fact I would most certainly not get the bug at all if I could “hide” the hardware from MSFS … Wondering if there is some software around that could do that ?
Alas there is no such thing as a deadzone for a throttle ; in my setup, the Saitek throttle quadrants are the ones triggering the white dot bug.
However my workaround so far does in fact involve AAO :
- turning off the throttles (with an usb hub with switches) before launching MSFS
- when I’m in the plane, turning the throotles on ; click on the “Keep defaut” when the MSFS “New hardware detected” opens
- launch AAO.
I’m then usually white-dot-free for that flight.
I put to all of the axis (including throttle axis) of my joystick (Saitek X52Pro) a deadzone of 2and for the rudder pedals (Pro Flight) a deadzone of 8 and the flickering mouse is gone and I can click on all the knobs and wheels again.
We simply need an option to disable the White-Dot. Not all these ‘work arounds’.
We shouldn’t even need an option for this. The white dot should come on if and only if you are using something such as a controller to move the cursor. It shouldn’t appear with throttles, flight controls, mouse, etc. The fact that it does shows Asobo have really got the code that handles inputs messed up. Just like apparently they can’t let us fly the plane and move the view using the mouse at the same time. It’s just broken software implementation or design.
Of course it should be a option. I use xbox controller for moving/switching camera views and I would like to be able to toggle it off, even though I have that controller.
Not only is it the annoying white dot, but also white frames around displays.
I use a controller for views as well, but that still shouldn’t activate the white dot unless you switch to cursor mode. It’s just broken at the moment, and adding an “unbreak me” option is hardly ever better than just fixing it to work as it should.
Anyone at all read the topic header?
“Bug logged” & “partially fixed”
Many says we need an option to turn the white dot on or off. But can anybody tell me what’s the purpose of this dot? Why does asobo need it?
Have you tried this “No more white dot” app? "No more white dot" for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
It doesn’t work for me but looks like it works for some. For the mod developer at least
And what’s your point?
I thought I was the only one having performance and frame rate issues. Severe stuttering and frame rates jumping around from 2 to 10. My performace issues have cleared up for the most part though. Still get white dots and outlines once in a while.
Does anyone know if today’s update fixed this problem? I made changes to they deadzones for all of my controllers (per advice on this forum) and the problem seems to be gone. not sure if it was the update from asobo, or the configuration change. Either way, I am good!
Hi @ZK0076865,
The update today was for City Update -Texas and did not include any Sim Updates.
The white dot will be fixed in an upcoming sim update.
In that case, i highly recommended adjusting deadzones from 0 to 2 for all controllers with an axis. Made a world of a difference.
I’m already at 4