So we will not get a hotfix for this? Next SU is months away
That’s why I have 3 flight sims to play with.
Requires a hotfix, next sim update is months away.
I notice that in today’s list of top bugs (issued every Friday) this one doesn’t appear.
All I know is that the dot appears, and it disappears briefly when I move the mouse, then comes back. And it’s a recent thing.
I don’t know why it’s there, and judging by the troubleshooting reported in this thread, I have to live with it until Asobo fixes the problem. Forgive me for ranting, but it’s a very annoying bug. I have nothing else to contribute, because I don’t feel like troubleshooting something that I firmly believe is not a problem with my system.
Nice tipp…thank you !!
I’ve got it too…nice one Asobo
Have you voted? Let’s get this bug as high as possible in the list!
Further votes wouldn’t matter as votes are used to get attention to be logged. This has been logged and a fix coming in next sim update.
However, you may vote if you wish.
There is no much fun by the way.
I’m honestly a bit baffled why this issue is not hot fixed. Every software company, like where I work, has a repo in git or a similar system, and hence has the ability to roll back stuff. So when something goes awry, like what happened here, we roll back, publish the fix, and we’re done. Everybody happy, we go back to the drawing table and do better next time.
What makes me a bit nervous is that Asobo said they couldn’t reproduce it. This often is the precursor for removing it from the list.
I mean, I can’t believe that they didn’t see it. I even saw it, in a flash, on a youtube vid about MSFS… it must really be wide spread.
So they really need to hot fix this issue, not wait until the next su, which might be in the fall or later.
When is that planned? As in, do you mean Sim Update 13 or something else?
The Dev Roadmap goes up to July 2023.
Maybe August, based on the May Dev stream and the 2023 roadmap?
See this post:
Ah, got it. This bit was what I saw before, so was wondering if more recent info e.g. the SU XIII.
but we are targeting a fix for this in a later update.
I’m posting this here because The White Dot Of Annoyance pops up when this happens, but I’m noticing that when I’m attempting to interact with the buttons and dials, my little toolip popup rapidly oscillates between “Hold To Interact” and “Press To Interact” which ultimately results in me being able to do neither. I thought I had The White Dot Of Annoyance turned off through the xbox settings (which should never be an option for me, a PC / Steam user, but I digress) but the dot comes back and the interaction garbage comes back. The mouse cursor also starts flickering, which isn’t AS MUCH of an irritation, but it’s still vexing.
Just got (June 30 at 21.00 Zulu) a mandatory update with the same version Seven hundred something megs.
The issue is not fixed.
I know this post, it has been plugged many times. But honestly it says totally nothing. Slated for a future update can mean anything. I know too that you cannot do anything about this except for communicating what you know, which I totally understand.
Would it be possible to use all the mod- and cm-powers combined to convey the mood of the community on this issue and really press for a hot fix before the summer holiday kicks in? Many simmers will have more time and will want to play undisturbed by a distracting white dot.
Thanks for considering.
Yes, me too. Spoted a white dot.
It started after last update.
Also with the new 787 update the AP ILS APR is making problems.
That’s a very poor response to this bug. The sim - any sim - is all about what you can see and the world it puts you in. So to have a gleaming white dot - in fact it’s bigger than a dot - is such a crass vusual error that ‘coming in the next sim update’ just isn’t good enough. That sounds like months away. If I tried that approach with my clients they would quickly find someone else.
I want to be a white dot - i feel like a white dot!