White dot visible since (fixed on PC beta

You all heard the seedy community manager, stay put guys!

Well now that we know it will be gone, i’ll just spill the bean and say: I forgot about it after a a dozen flights.

But yes i join the calls to send it back where it belonged :slight_smile:

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Can you say if it’ll be a straight up toggle so it can take care of the same issue for those of us using Xbox controllers that have dealt with it for ages?


I’m sorry, but Seedy’s post seemed rather vague to an issue that should never have be introduced.


For AAU2 or a future release, uh, in the future?

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Hello @CooganBear,

There will always be unintended bugs that crop up in new builds. Betas are not meant to be “sneak peeks” or “early access” to the next release; they are intended for testing the release notes to confirm the changes are working as intended and identifying/logging any regressions. We always recommend that anyone not comfortable using a pre-release test build that by its very nature is going to have more bugs and issues than the live version should not choose to opt in to the beta.



I’ve never joined a Beta thinking I’ll get a “sneak peak” at anything. That’s quite condescending to assume so. I join to test and if able to offer helpful feedback.

There is no reason this white dot should have been introduced to everyone. Why this has made it into the Sim, who knows. This thing is causing me stutters when panning around using my hat-switch.
Now how are we supposed to give any valuable feedback, with this ridiculous addition to the Sim?
It’s causing more problems than anything.

I mean this thing is right in your face and nobody from Asobo even noticed or cared to say ‘hey this doesn’t look right’?



Tbh there’s no reason why it should be there in the first place, (it just highlights the centre of the screen), let alone being introduced to everyone in this beta.

We just all need a toggle to turn it off.

I am now worried again as the mention above saying “they are aware of this bug”, is very vague.

Could this mean that our requests for a simple toggle option over the last years are still falling on deaf ears and that it will just be reverted to how it was pre beta?

In which case, most of the folks in this thread will be happy I suppose, while the rest of us will have to live with a bright white dot in the middle of our beautiful scenery.

I bought a 4090 for this. A 4090 to render a bright white dot…


If they use a controller for testing, then indeed not.

I never use a POV switch myself. Either mouse look, tobii or VR. So I wouldn’t have ever come across it either, despite using 3 different ways of looking around.

It’s actually quite condescending to assume they just thought it was fine.

If you use a controller to look around, it represents your click spot

You’re ceratinly entitled to your opinion, as am I.
This is supposed to be an Avionics update, so why they are touching this is beyond me.

If that’s the case, then it would appear that Asobo is catering to the Xbox fans.
That doesn’t quite seem right.

It’s not just limited to controllers, a lot of us don’t have them turned on and we’re still getting the dot whenever we move our yokes, throttles and pedals. If you’ve got some axis jitter the dot locks out and intermittently interrupts the mouse controls.

This basically stops you from interacting with the cockpit so good luck trying to test the actual AAU content…


If this goes into the someday fix pile there is at least a white dot removal mod on flightsim.to.

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I’m guessing the vague future but I can be a pessimist. :slight_smile:

It’s rare regression bugs not related to new features get addressed.

I was shocked the water exclusion polygon fix got patched so fast.

Of course it is. We’ve mentioned this hundreds of times. It’s not needed as it is always the centre of the screen. It’s basically a useless, obtrusive crosshair system, which, unlike most crosshairs, cannot be disabled.

And even for those who feel they need it…

Why do you need to see the centre of your screen (or a click spot) when panning the camera outside the aircraft, looking out of a window for example. There is nothing to click there. Just scenery.

This has also been discussed ad-nauseam, it doesn’t work (for most people) and it is not a traditional mod, it is an exe file that messes with memory, not something you really want to have running on safe machine. Although hats off to the developer for making it.


This white dot crosshair is indeed useless on Xbox and PC as there is another cursor already that can be toggled when using the Xbox controller.

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Can someone with the right rights start a ‘Ditch the darned dot’ poll?!


“Make the aim dot optional” would be better. I’m sure there are some people out there that like having the dot aid them where they are clicking.

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This is exactly what we’ve been asking for, for a looooong time. Just an option to switch it off, (or leave it on). :pray:t3:


We have this topic which seems to be ignored by Asobo for years now. All we can do is add more votes.


The white dot I can just about tolerate although what its for I know not. But I just cant live with the flickering cursor.