Who is hyped for WU6?


Check it out. This morning (still on SU5): GA Traffic (online Live) single engine PGC333 headed to hot ATL - encountered over Long Island Sound.


No Hype, only fear of new bugs.

ive noticed this a few times but it’s far from consistant.

Having had a previous complete factory reset and re build not going through that again , after update 4 , been ok ish after 5 , hit the update and walk away with hope a wing and a prayer !

Eh… every update I lose 2-4 fps so not really excited :frowning: the way this sim is going I’ll need to spend $1,400 on a rig to play it.

Looks like someone deleted their rolling cache and/or has a slow connection

i hope just they will solve the problem of streaming data, i have only low textures and photogrametry since 3 days from now

Possibly more a reflection of how bugged the MS Store is?

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On the last one, I gained a lot of FPS but lost a lot of WOW.


90% of people on Earth live in the Northern Hemisphere, and in flight sim, most people want their home locations to be detailed.


Interesting, didn’t actually know that.

Good luck with that one.


They told they have new photogrammetry data for Germany in a better detail level… let’s hope

We’re supposed to “discover the world.” I don’t understand why they don’t bother with 50% of the planet.

I am sure WU6 will break AT LEAST ONE thing that was working correctly before WU6.


Could not agree more. Not bothered about eye candy if they have not fixed the functionality like ATC not knowing your ALT which were ALL WORKING in SU4 and they have just done more country updates Ill know where this “simulator” is heading.



Why the need for hope? WU6 is for Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Ditto. After a year of superficial additions it’s still useless.

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Hope for some better details, data which is up to date… not only points of interests, which I care little about as I fly airliners

“World Update, aka WU, is mostly a regional upgrade of satellite imagery and elevation data for a country or a few at a time.”
