Who is hyped for WU6?

Do you think there will be aircraft updates that are waiting to be pushed pushed along with WU6 ?

Do we know when it is due for release?

As this is a WU and not a SU are we not being a little optimistic in wanting all the SU5 errors fixed? Beside one of two things that have been mentioned such as the ATC altitude bug this will be purely cosmetic in the DACH region.

In the past always around 3pm UTC.

Normally yes, but for the WU6 they announced an exception.

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good point. Think I may remove my FSDreamTeam Swiss Mesh before update

We never lose hope and I’m hopeful this time again and I want my immersive 3D clouds back ! LMFAO

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WU:6 is gonna be like SU:5.5

Isn’t WU means only content packs arrival, and SU for fixes and changes?

Is the Junkers 52 being released at the same time?

If so, i am doing a cross country with the junkers across Germany, Switzerland and Austria!

This is actually the most hyped I’ve been yet for a WU. I love flying over Switzerland, its probably my favourite place in the world to fly in the sim. Thus far though Switzerland has been incredibly let down with very dodgy low res Bing Satellite imagery. Even with the DEM mods you can get its still pretty rough looking. Can’t wait to see what the new Bing imagery is like coupled with the new DEM data in the sim.

Also looking forward to seeing the new high resolution photogrammetry of Vienna. Plus places like Heligoland to visit. Can’t wait to see it all tonight.

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The best way to get disappointed is to get hypped before.

But i really hope that they will break less than before.

I guess the update process will take ages like always but “we will see” , says the blind man to the deaf man.

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I just hope this update gets rid of the multiple CTD’s I have faced. Everything else is irrelevant when your sat looking at your dashboard again……

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My feelings about WU6? Scared and worried, to be honest. What will they break next?


What time is the update ?

To be honest, I don’t have much hope that elementary errors like the missing wind gusts or the broken antialiasing will be repaired. I suspect even in simupdate 6 it won’t be repaired.

The new graphics for Germany etc. I honestly don’t care about it… just fix all the bugs before …


The Ju-52 comes on 9th September

Where’s the hides head behind hands emoji?

Im nervous, I hope it fixes many things. The tree issue like you said.

One big one I hope they fix is the bleached out sunlight of the world. Everything looks like its bathed in a giant sun-sized intense LED light. The scenery looks washed out.

Everyone remember to disable Community folder and use the game without mods for about 2 or 4 hours to check the performance of the base game. Trouble shooting becomes MUCH easier without gazillions of mods (many of which will need updating).

Here we go :smiley:


The only thing I hope for is fix for my CTDs that I never had before SU5, and stopped me from flying since then. (Got back to XP11 and had fun in the meantime, but need my pretty screenshot generator back!)

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