Why so many negative comments?

I am on the oposite scale respectfuly I want to use my throttle and stick and rudder my RL aproaches and PRACTICE so improve my skill in the REAL deal I cannot do that with a controler as planes do not have them…I don’t want a GTAV flight system lol I want something I can use to transision skill in the real thing…and well its just more fun with petals and a stick


I love the visuals and weather YES YES YES just want they aircraft more detailed and the controler setup working proper .

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HOW because I am not kissing their butt or pointing out what WE the consumer want how much are they paying you?

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Your comment is joke?

No…no.no. this game is not opperationnal. Not to asobo reasons, but Microsoft only.

I work on computer and Network domain, and i Can certify you that this game not work for a very large amont of clients. (50% bad comments)

I have Many certifications over T.I domaine and
The game is maybe wonderful. But we have not Buy a game on order to work to troublshooting Microsoft bugs.

Hey,…Format,…change hardware,…run administrator, …kill process,…delete folders are files,…upgrades Driver…sorry but if nothing work after all actions this imply the installer model is ■■■■■■■■


All that I can say is that I’m Very, Very disappointed!! It doesn’t compare with P3D.
Airports are a mess with lots of missing data and Live Weather is inaccurate.

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same with p3d out of the box???

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I am not saying it wont be I am sure it will and i am excited for that, But its not up to par yet,And I dont appreacate being insulted and called names like a child would on a playground. for bringing up my opinion and issues I have like the improper device ID’s for the x52s

Even if it wasn’t finished, I don’t want to wait any longer! I’d rather pay $240 than wait another day. If something doesn’t work now, be patient.


Um, just a question and please try not to take it personally. I don’t mean this as an insult to you or the whole old-school civilian flightsim community who were basically forced into doing tubeliners for want of decent scenery anywhere but in a few expensive localities. IOW, since the very get-go of civilian flightsims until last Tuesday, there’s been really no option except to get up in the flight levels so you didn’t have to see how ugly the ground of like 99% of the world was. Civvy flightsim aficionados can’t help the world they were born into prior to last Tuesday, so I’m not judging you or the rest of the Old Guard.

BUT… can you even fly without an FMS holding your hand? I’m guessing not because the only folks I’ve seen making this particular complaint are also the ones complaining about the lack of FMS functionality. And seriously, I don’t mean this personally. I myself am a bit miffed the in-game tubeliner automation doesn’t work like in the real world, so I can’t experience a realistic tubeliner lifestyle. Not that I find that very attractive, but I’d at least like to experience it once or twice fairly realistically. Still, I must say, most recent real airliner crashes (that weren’t due to bombs, missiles, etc.) have been due to folks suddenly losing the training wheels provided by the plane’s automation and not knowing how to fly without them. This even goes for the 737 MAX, apparently.

Meanwhile, myself and a host of others, many of them real GA pilots, are having a blast with the VFR and even the GA side of IFR. IOW, “SIMULATE a flight from point A to point B” works PERFECTLY well if you can actually hand-fly, or even if you can only use the less-than-tubeliner level of detail in the GA automation, which itself is not even fully implemented. The lack of even G1000 functionality annoys me, too, because one of my reasons for getting this game was to learn that system. BUT, I can certainly fly without it and when I do, I find the experience both fun and (mostly) realistic.

All that said, I do find problems with the flight model. Sideslips don’t work anywhere near like in real life, and it’s pretty near impossible to spin or snap-roll even the stunt planes. But as far as just doing a hands-on flight from Point A to Point B, using visual references, there’s never been anything like this.

It’s got a ways to go, I think the negativity is based a lot on people not realizing that this is an XBOX game, and not likely to be Sim level for some time to come. It is not Study level by any means, and that is what a lot of people expected.
It can get there, but it will take a lot of community involvement, like it has for these many past years… but I can see the where the negs come from.

Why so many negative comments?…Becouse we are a old simmers pilots.

Becouse we know what a simulator do.
Becouse try this one as a game, not a simulator.
Becouse is not complete game.
Becouse (in a personal way), simmer since 95, more than 10.000 VATSIM hrs and this one is no for me.
no hard feeling mate…just the true.


There are people on Discord servers that I frequent who criticise it without even owning it.

Who knows why, perhaps people are just negative. :man_shrugging:

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i never expected study level. to expect study level in this game is very unreasonable. you have to leave that to the pmdgs and fslabs of the world

I love VFR flying I wish it had more gagues and LESS aoutomation honestly thats why I am upset the controler IDs with the x52’s don’t work They would have been better off saying its beta or no liners yet not advertising it as a full sim. but if you include it and ask a good amount of $$ for something you better deliver. I KNOW it will get better hopfuly but it does not warrant being called names and insulted.


In short, people expected perfection.

Knowing the devs are in it for the long haul, I’m fine with what it is. I’m experiencing the sim world in ways I’d never have imagined. I was in the Lake Pend O’Reille area of Idaho and Montana last month on vacation and it feels like I’m back.

Can’t wait for add-on aircraft.


exactly my first sim was on a radioshack TRS80 computer all wireframe buildings lol


They asked where the negativity was coming from. :wink:

My first flight sim was on an abacus, it was brutal hard, but the VFR was amazing. :wink:


Jesus, you’re so wrong. If this would be a pure Xbox casual arcade game, PMDG would NEVER invest in it. You get it?


My point is , it has to run on an XBOX.