Will MFS PC version from now be bottlenecked by the Console?

I hope we get new sliders in the settings to reflect the new situation with another set of hardware cake into play that has to have optimized settings.

Not being a Developer I still think it shouldn’t be to hard to activate certain settings for PC only, similar to HDR that only gets active when you have the appropriate hardware.

So there can he a preset for console and then low-medium-high-ultra presets for PC.

This way everyone can be satisfied and adjusting the sim to the capability of hardware.

Currently it seems like RAM and VRAM is sort of capped.

Where before SU 5 I used 16 GB RAM and 11 GB VRAM I now have less than 10 GB RAM and 8 GB VRAM.
At the same time LOD was reduced and objects pop in when turning head, shadows and reflections got reduced, etc…

So the hardware would be capable to load more, but the sim doesn’t allow right now - but did before.

I fully support the optimized preset for console but hope for ability to adjust for top ejd hardware without to fiddle with .cfg files.

So this is my main wish for the next sim update, together with stable live-weather and live-traffic.

A minor wish would be to have the “resume” back to the ESC key or the keybinding I chose.
For some reason this got lost with SU5.

And to make this clear: when the CTD really is getting resolved later today, SU 5 will be an overall great update. But those things have to be addressed in SU 6 to have happy high-end PC again, without any disadvantage for anyone else.

No we can’t and yes the press any key to continue screen is also there, BUT it’s followed by a Sync screen where, if you also have the PC version with different settings, you’ll be given a choice of synchronising your PC settings to your Xbox settings or sticking with your Xbox settings as they are.

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Until I can do 4K at 60fps at ultra in Manhattan at low altitude in a complex aircraft during heavy weather, it’s bottlenecked on PC performance.

I bet Bezos and Branson wouldn’t want to pay for the PC that could run all that!

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Sorry, but flying in a big jet low over Manhattan especially in a very bad weather when you can’t see anything sounds like a very bad idea! :grimacing:


To answer that: No, of course not. The Xbox will be limited by its own hardware. Pc users will have more options and modding freedom (who would’ve guessed…) Let asobo do their job, people act like things will remain like they are right now, they won’t. Let’s move on…

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I haven’t tried VR yet - but I’ve heard that as well…

can you explain how to do this please?

That’s also a matter of time… I’ve already visited flightsim.to using the Edge browser on Xbox Series X , downloaded a scenery mod and unzipped it (using a free universal zip app from MS Store) into the Downloads folder also on Xbox. Now, there’s also a folder named App Mods (from memory) but there’s a filename error which prevents the mod from unzipping there right now. It’s only a matter of time though, someone somewhere will find a way…

Not hard from a technical standpoint, but there will almost certainly be a remit to not damage the XBox brand in any way. That is what we are up against.


Yes indeed, MSFS is one of Xbox Game Studio’s ‘play anywhere’ titles, which means that the Xbox will be the main platform, while the PC (or Windows 10/11 device) will be the portable/backup/standby version you play on your gaming laptop while on the move or away from home and your Xbox.


This is a total nonsense… CMON guys… really is this a solution … going beyond ULTRA … call the ambulance please

Sure, I mean, letme know when the so called “superior xbox users”, in the game ‘specifically designed for them and their console’ can run Navigraph maps, little navmap, or other stuff that runs while the game is running… :wink:


Yeah but the problem is with an Xbox you can’t do much. You can’t attach panels or advanced peripherals, no multiple screens, you can’t install third party software or mods. You can’t do any of those things the flightsim hobby is all about.

The whole Xbox thing will likely blow over in a couple of weeks/months when casual players move on to the next game and forget about flight sims. If you can’t grow further in the hobby just flying around on external cam will get boring fast. And Microsoft got their Xbox sales and hopefully will move on making this better for the PC so they can make some more money out of the growing marketplace.

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I think they made the right decision to explore the console market with MSFS. But as somebody pointed out above, this shouldn’t be made at the expense of PC users, who are probably the ones that in the end will buy the DLCs and support the game. 90% of Xbox users will abandon MSFS in a very short time.

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It may also be one of the reasons why we don’t yet have proper multi screen capability yet, including the option to adjust the angle of that view based on our panels position in the cockpit. I really hope that with the XBox version out, and without any great technical changes coming for it, that resource can be diverted back to filling in these gaps on the PC version.

Very unlikely. Asobo had to change the graphics, because it had to run on a standard XBox. Understandable if a bit irritating :slight_smile: Given the last release was pretty much all XBox orientated, I would imagine they will reintroduce better quality graphics again for people with top end graphics cards, but keep the backwards compatibility to the basic XBox.


Not sure who decides what a hobby is about…

Why can’t you accept that there are people happily flying as a hobby in the sim without using VATSIM, LittleNavMap, special peripherals and a dozen of screens?
There are SO many ways to enjoy flight simulation and with XBox release there are now even more of them.


They said similar things about Vinyl vs Compact Disc way back when, look how that turned out.
Sure, vinyl is still around and I have a nephew who pays 5 times what I used to pay for an LP back in the day.
The question is, will there be enough PC gamers in the next 10 years to sustain a gaming PC market?
Microsoft don’t seem to think so, or they wouldn’t have released MSFS on Xbox with a 10 year development contract awarded to Asobo Studios.