Will we see a System in the MSFS 2020 that bring a runway wear like the rubb from the gear at landing and then a automatic clear system for the runways when the runway is to is too worn out? Becasue of i think when to much rubber from the wheels are on the runway it’s difficulter to stop/land the plane? And i would like to see a big improvment of the Airport Ground Textures. And i know the Simulator has bigger problems for now.
Personally, I have the Zinertek. It really helps add some life to airport surfaces vs the pristine, just paved look you get in the stock sim.
I hear the Rex texture pack is quite good as well. Don’t know which is better. I guess that’s a matter of taste. But either would do exactly what you want.
i have zinertek as well but i want the thing that op describes more. That would make the runways different all the time. It could add different amount of rubber everytime we load in to the airport. And they could add different friction to it deppending on how much rubber it is on the runway. Much more realistic than only different textures. Good suggestion in my opinion!
Very good point. The airport ramp, taxiways and runways look like pristine hotel corridor floors. Really need for them to be dirty and worn with lots of marks of rubber, oil, fuel, water stains.
And all of it added on the runway dynamically. Same runway will never look same all the time. And some of it added randomly when we first load in to the airport. Sometimes it will be much sometimes it’s less.
I made quite the study on choosing between Zinertek or Rex and Zinertek really nailed it when I saw comparisons on different websites (this one included).
No offence to Rex (loved your stuff in FSX). But check our for yourselves if you’re considering these great addons.
I hope in the future MSFS has Russian style ramps and taxiways with the slab style construction.
And also the atmospheric abandoned Russian airports with these kinds of textures and vegetation.
Runways don’t really change that much though. Perhaps you’d only notice after a runway has been refreshed or repaved, or perhaps if you hadn’t been to an airport for a year or more.
I agree though, this sim needs to look quite a bit more DIRTY and USED. Everything is new, and IRL it definitely is not.
That’s just a matter of texturing. Hopefully we’ll get some of these soon!
Lots of places in Asia, especially Vietnam, has slab style runways - although a few of them now are being replaced. They make for a bumpy ride that’s for sure.
I like them a lot and I like the weeds and stuff I saw in some airports when I flew around in parts of Asia. I like the rumble bass of the bumps as the plane taxies and you see the wing and engine hanging over like thick grass, weeds and bushes aha. Its hard to explain, a certain atmosphere and feeling of adventure it gives vs a super duper pristine airport.
It would be good though if all the airports get some random dirt/rubber and from there it can build up slowly and then the state get saved until next time we visit the airport again. Only random the first time we visit it. I think that is how the randomly generated buildings work. Because the generated houses looks the same until a new worldupdate are released. I think that is saved on a server or something. Maybe that would require some extreme amount of recoding though, i don’t know. Would be varied that way everywhere we fly. Now it looks almost the same everywhere. Or maybe use blackshark AI to pruduce the asphalt taken from the real maps and generate it based of realworld.
Perhaps it would be more feasible for the AI to determine how much wear is on a runway and do that. I can’t see them making a database of each environment with an ‘age’ variable per item in that environment.
Now for aircraft that is definitely possible, but would need the sim to record a history of you being on snow/dirt/grass etc. Currently they’re all brand new aircraft.