I need some help, i got the winwing PFP3N, when i load in the pmdg 737-800 it reacts to me pressing the buttons on the WinWing FMC but im not getting a display output to the FMC. All the videos i see it seems to be plug and play so i have no idea whats broken
Any ideas?
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same issue here, looking for solutions.
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has anyone find a fix? im having the same issue
@mariochrist @pacmanakapc
Open Simapp pro and go to the Device tab.
Click on MCDU or PFP N3.
Next to Backlight, screen backlight, marker light click Settings and check Synchronize with the game for each of them.
i did all that the screen is still black
In Simapp Pro, there is a settings icon in the top right corner.
After clicking it, you can and should select the paths for
MSFS 2020 store or steam and MSFS 2024 store or seam.
User data path
Install path
Aircraft model path
Third party Aircraft model path
im having issue finding the install path
I’m not going to guess which version of MSFS you have - Steam or MS Store.
When replying, please specify your MSFS version and include a screenshot showing all four paths.
To make sure the install path is correct, open Xbox app and select MSFS 2020. On the right side, next to Play button, click the three dots and choose “Manage”.
Click the “Files” tab and then “Browse”.
Take a screenshot of the new window and include it in your reply.
So Isntall path is:
D:\XboxGames\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Content
That’s not everything you need to check and complete yet
ok what else should i check and can you take a discord call
Go to
In notepad open file named usercfg.opt
Scroll to the last line, copy it and include it in your reply.
InstalledPackagesPath “C:\Users\kenda\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages”
Please close Notepad and MSFS 2020 if it’s running.
Then, enter the correct paths in SimApp pro
User data path:
Install path:
D:\XboxGames\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Content
Third-party Aircraft folder path:
Aircraft model path:
ok ill check and see if this worked
I didn’t tell you to check if it’s working. Once you’ve made the correction in the path, let me know.
I assume that you want PFP 3N to work with the PMDG 737-800?